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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control
Dedication & Thanks
Volume I: Current Political Situation
- Overview
- Introduction
- Revolution in Warfare
- The Other World
- Dictatorship Creation
- The Groups Facilitating the Revolution
- Their Goal is Neo-Feudalism
- Problem-Reaction-Solution
- Volume I Commentary
Volume II: The New War
- The New War
- The New Enemy
- Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties
- The Investigation
- Surveillance Technology and Methods
- Mind-Reading
- Volume II Commentary
Volume III: Weapons of The New War
- Introduction to Nonlethal Weapons
- Psychological Operations
- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons
- High-Powered Microwaves
- High-Powered Lasers
- Sonic Weapons
- Computer Network Operations
- Microwave Hearing
- Silent Subliminals
- Use of Citizen Informants
- Chemical and Biological
- Weather Warfare
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
- Volume III Commentary
Volume IV: The Coverup
- Volume IV Introduction
- Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- Control of the Medical Industry
- Another Look at Schizophrenia
- Political Considerations
- Punitive Psychiatry in Communist Russia
- Coverup Initiatives
- Volume IV Commentary
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of PsyOp
- Small-Scale Wars
- Nongovernmental Organizations
- Human-Computer Intelligence Network
- Electronic Tyranny
- Other Devices Connected to the GIG
- My Experience
- Sources
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[--Updated 01/28/16--]
This is a preliminary report on etheric implants, with an emphasis on the suppressor parasite entity (SPE). Although etheric implants are not discussed in the scientific field, they are well-known to those in the spiritual community.
Terms & definitions are forming in this developing topic. There are different opinions as to what constitutes a tracking & identification device, an implant, a parasite, etc.
Furthermore, there are some parallels between the afflictions caused by etheric implants & directed-energy weapons (DEW).
Maybe in the future the increasing data can be correlated to make these distinctions.
This article is more about questions than answers.
Etheric implants are distorted currents of energy that exude destructive surges, which lower the vibrational frequency of the human or animal host. In human hosts they are often placed near a major chakra in the etheric field.
The etheric body, also known as the subtle or vital body, is the first (lowest) layer in the aura (human energy field). It is in close contact with, & is the blueprint for, the physical body. The etheric body maintains the vitality of the physical body, & connects it with higher energy bodies, within the aura.
There are a multitude of etheric implants that vary in shape, size, & purpose. New ones are often discovered.
Although beneficial implants exist, most are harmful. Such implants are used for the following purposes:
- influence thoughts, emotions, speech, & actions
- vibrational frequency reduction
- evoke disease
- inflict physical pain
- auric energy extraction
- restrain spiritual progress
- control of bodily functions
- stimulate muscular system
- surveillance
- audible voice transmission
Etheric implants use the life-force of the host for sustenance. The implants not only lower your frequency, they extract energy from your aura, that can be harnessed & consumed by malignant entities.
They block energy (alter the frequency) in the exact area of the etheric body where they are placed, & decrease the overall vibrational frequency of the host.
According to some, most people receive a basic set of etheric implants before birth. Scholars on this subject inform us that the lower phase of the incarnation process on Earth has been hijacked by adverse extraterrestrials (ET).
These negative ETs have allegedly placed an scalar grid around the planet, that traps human souls. The basic implants are used to keep large numbers of people servile.
Individuals with certain potential are implanted with additional etheric devices, that are designed to hinder their abilities. Genetics supposedly determines the type of implant such individuals receive, before incarnating, or just after birth.
Until recently, only ETs had the technology to create these. Now, some human organizations are in possession of it.
Etheric implants can also be obtained during the lifetime of a person, in the following ways:
- agreements made consciously or unconsciously with anti-evolutionary entities
- remotely sent via thought-control carrier signals
- communicable transmission
Some ETs have devices that can detect etheric implants. In the human population, the are most reliably detected by psychics using etheric vision.
When members of the spiritual community encountered etheric implants as obstacles to their development, they were initially reluctant to talk about them.
Then, increasingly, they were examined by psychics, who confirmed that devices had been placed in their etheric fields.
This began a process of data gathering. Profiles were formed on the implants most commonly found.
Some believe that the devices which were first noticed in this pioneering group are stifling the spiritual development of rest of the population.
However, the devices are less problematic to those functioning on a low vibrational frequency.
Most people are unaware that their growth is restricted, because they have not developed sufficient control over their minds & bodies to detect the intrusions.
Experts on this topic tell us that you can remove them on your own. The more psychic you are, the easier it is. Simply realizing that you've been implanted is an effective way of minimizing their influence, &/or removing them.
Some claim that gadgets exist which can either remove or render them ineffective. Individuals & organizations offering etheric implant removal services can be found on the internet.
Just as the physical plane has manifold natural lifeforms, so does the astral. Some ETs have the technology to capture such lifeforms.
Parasitic lifeforms on the astral plane have been apprehended & restructured as parasitic-implants.
An example of this is the suppressor parasite entity (SPE).
The SPE is an etheric machine, with artificial intelligence (AI), that is genetically engineered to invade the central nervous system (CNS) of a human host.
The synthesized parasite is designed to drain the host of physical & emotional resources.
The SPE can be sent sent remotely to a specific individual over a thought-control carrier wave. It can also replicate itself & jump onto other humans in close proximity.
The parasite attaches to human hosts singularly, or in clusters. It enters the hosts's body through the gallbladder meridian, outside the corner of the eye. Then, it wraps around the ear, just like the gallbladder meridian.
Psychics have been able to observe these parasites in humans, in either or both temporal areas of the skull. They resemble shaded jellyfish, with tentacles that extend from a single orb, that contains a central processing unit (CPU).
The SPE's tentacles, which wrap around the human brain, stimulate the host's CNS.
Similar to a biological parasite, it grows by feeding off the life-force of the host.
The SPE keeps the host in a low vibrational frequency using grievous thought-loops.
A thought-loop can be described as a circuit of woeful thoughts, with accompanying dreary emotions, such as: anger, fear, shame, apathy, sadness, & guilt.
The characteristic practice of the SPE is to surveil & clone the host's thoughts. The cloned thought-forms are fused with dismal emotions in the creation of thought-loops, that are projected into the host's brain.
In learning mode the SPE silently appraises the host's unique thought pattern. Then, it establishes a speech recognition union between itself & the host's brain.
This is achieved by copying the host's inner-voice & pirating the Wernicke & Broca regions of the brain.
The Wernicke area, located near the auditory cortex in the left temporal lobe, is responsible for speech comprehension, while the Broca area, in the left frontal lobe, facilitates verbal speech production.
The parasite uses these infringed brain areas simultaneously for cloned thought acceptance & verbal speech production.1
First, it sends cloned verbal phrases into the Wernicke area, which the host presumes is their inner-voice. Then, the Broca area is stimulated with the same phrase, that urges the host to speak.
Over a period of time, the parasite trains the host to accept the cloned thought projections & fake inner-voice, as their own.
The deception is usually effective for the following reasons:
- The host is not aware that they are attacked by a parasite that has imitated their voice & thought-pattern.
- The cloned thoughts are composed of negative emotions, as well as many images & sounds, that the host identifies with (i.e., afflictions, circumstances, situations, people, etc.).
- The parasite's verbal commentary, which attends the cloned thoughts, sounds exactly like the host's inner-voice.
- The commentary emerges from the auditory processing part of the brain that is normally reserved for the host's true inner-voice.
SPEs are felt in the physical body as: pain, blockages, soreness, throbbing, stiffness, headaches, & fatigue.
People have reported discovering them as pulses & headaches when they started meditating.
Recurrent mental & emotional symptoms that have been attributed to the implant, include:
- negative emotions
- dizziness
- confusion
- estrangement
- disorientation
Keeping the host in steady physical, mental, & emotional pain is a distraction technique for the SPE's primary purpose, that is to suppress the following:
- discovery & fulfillment of life purpose
- efficient use of mental & psychic abilities
- connection to spiritual teachers & higher-self
- attainment of enlightenment/ascension
- experience of higher emotions
- Are some parasitic-etheric devices equipped with a memory system? If so, after they learn a host's thought pattern, do they store thought-forms & negative emotions in memory? Or, are they stimulating parts of the brain that contain them?
- Can etheric implants be connected to a physical global C4ISR system such as the HCIN?
- There are the basic implants that most people receive, then other kinds which are given to certain individuals. What portion of the targeted individual (TI) community is implanted with the uncommon etheric devices?
- How many of those who have discovered that they've been etherically implanted are TIs that have not yet realized it?
- Can etheric implants cause a constant ringing in the ears?
- If these implants can observe & replicate working memory, can they also scan the brain for information that is not in working memory? Can they probe the unconscious mind?
- Has it been established that etheric implants control dreams? See these status reports: December 2007 & July 2008.
Etheric implants & directed-energy attacks have overlapping symptoms. Some include:
- headaches (high-powered microwave)
- dizziness (high-powered microwave)
- negative emotions (infrasound)
- erasure of short-term memory (high-powered microwave)
- cramps (high-powered laser)
- audible voice (microwave hearing)
- fatigue (high-powered microwave)
The admitted mind-reading achievements, based on research going back a half a century, are probably obsolete compared to what is really available. If etheric implants can do this, maybe they are more efficient.
The exact types of pain that etheric implants cause is still being tabulated. Directed-energy weapons can also cause a wide range of physical pain.
If etheric implants are connected to a surveillance system, they could act as transceivers for the following:
- Monitor & transmit biological functions to a computer for real-time audio/visual display. This might be the surveillance of:
- Sensory Data: This includes anything the host perceives through the 5 senses.
- Cognition (mind-reading): Decipher thinking patterns, introspection, deliberation, conclusion, & decision.
- Biological Systems: Monitor cardiovascular, musculature, respiratory, nervous, urinary & digestive systems.
- Instant detection of reactions to the following attacks: auditory, thought, emotional, & physical.
- Brainwave Frequencies. Detect sleeping patterns, tiredness, alertness, meditation, concentration, & disorientation.
- Implant adjustment based on constant surveillance of the host's biological functions. Possibly, this would be the remote manipulation of the implant's form. Or, for devices with their own memory systems, sending new instructions.
- Communication with the host. This could be the transmission of audible speech, & 2D still & moving images, as well as muscle stimulation, & pain.
- Interactive, remote attack of the host, using a combination of implanted etheric devices & directed-energy weapons, while the host's reactions are displayed in real-time on advanced audio/visual equipment.
What follows are some attack patterns that I've noticed. While some of this can be explained by current surveillance technology & weapons, not all of it can.
Etheric devices are likely contributors. Here, I've made no attempt to explain how the effects were produced. The patterns are listed so others may use them to make an appropriate interpretation.
- I've described that I experience a blunted feeling at the top/front of my head, along with a dizzy-headache, that prevents me from thinking properly. There is also a pulsation just below my solar plexus.+
- When hit with the dizzy-headache, I notice: a constant ringing in my ears; the bombardment of nasty visual & auditory thoughts (thought-loops); various types of physical pain. The physical pain includes a rotation of: the sensation of needles stuck all over my skin & eyeballs; heating of my entire body; dull lingering pain in my solar plexus & abdominal regions.
- A voice that sounds like mine (fake inner-voice) is sent into the auditory processing & verbal speech centers of my brain. For years I was deceived into thinking that it was my voice. Now I can often detect these intrusions. I've noticed that only one voice can occupy this part of my brain at once. When speaking to myself, I am often interrupted by the fake inner-voice. It forcefully barges into this area of my brain, trampling my own inner-speech. Usually the imposition is only a short phrase, after which, I can continue speaking to myself.+
- I'm currently using a combination of agreement cancellation, breathwork, energy movement, concentration, & visualization, to remove the blockages that I'm aware of. When reading & speaking contract cancellations, my eyeballs & throat are burned.+
- Negative thought-loops include audible speech, as well as 2D still & moving pictures, with destructive emotions, that are pelted into my mind.+
- There are multiple voices that some intrusive surveillance device(s) can evoke. One has the characteristics of a psychopath. If the device had a mind & voice of its own, this would be it. This voice makes critical/mocking comments. The device also stimulates a fake inner-voice in the auditory processing center of my brain. Then, using the fake inner-voice, it carries on a conversation with its own psychopathic voice. Here is a common scenario: A negative comment made with the fake inner-voice registers in the auditory processing part of my brain; then, the device uses its own psychopathic voice to criticize the comment. The device(s) can also mimic other people's voices, while 2D still & moving images of those people are projected into my mind.+
- Specific thoughts within a thought-loop are trailed by pulses of negative emotions, that are usually disgust & anger.+
- Here is a frequent attack pattern: The transmission of a negative image or auditory phrase, muscle stimulation, then a pulse of disgust/anger. This attack also seems to be a form of communication. Similar to a physical push, the muscle stimulation appears to be intended to let you know that you are being attacked, & perhaps taunt you.+
- Some technology might be blocking &/or altering messages from my higher-self.+
- Within the span of about a second, some kind of surveillance technology detects my visual & auditory perception. This includes: pictures; objects; written words; spoken words; words spoken by myself verbally or subvocally. The unique stimulus immediately evokes two basic forms of attack: The first is emotional; the other is auditory. With the emotional attack, I experience a pulse of anger or disgust, that impacts the top/front of my head. It can also be a jolt of alarm/fear, that is felt in my abdominal region. The negative emotions quickly dissipate within a couple of seconds. The other attack is a harsh verbal commentary from the fake inner-voice, that emerges from the auditory processing & subvocal speech centers of my brain.+
- I have received useful information in the form of verbal phrases & images, that are sent by some device or entity. Although it often includes solutions to dilemmas, the data is used as part of a physiological/emotional/psychological attack combination. One explanation is that those attacking me, (& maybe the device itself), know when I'm about to discover something. Because of the surveillance technology, they are familiar with: my thought pattern, the direction I'm going, what conclusions I'll reach, & possibly the contents of my subconscious mind. So, they present the information that I'll soon be uncovering before it normally occurs. A slightly different style of the same attack, includes transmitting ideas that I've already had into my conscious mind. Here, the information/answer is already in my subconscious mind, it just hasn't registered consciously. These are concepts that I have comprehended in a crude form, yet have not examined & refined it. In either case, when these "beneficial" messages are sent, there is the standard compound attack of muscle stimulation & bursts of anger/disgust. In addition to these physical & emotional attacks, the idea that they gave me the answer is antagonistically & repeatedly hammered into my mind. This tormenting behavior appears to be an attempt to incite feelings of rage & apathy. Furthermore, interfering with the discovery process in general, is obviously an effort to thwart the growth of self-confidence, that is the natural reward for solving a problem.+
- My short-term memory is often erased seconds after I learn or do something. Then, a reminder is sent in the form of an image or audible voice, that is quickly followed muscle stimulations & negative emotions. A variation of this includes battering my mind with images so that I can't remember what I was doing, then stopping the attack & sending an idea representing the thing I forgot. Again, this followed by muscle stimulation & disgust/anger.
1 Some believe that, rather than one parasitic-device, multiple implants function simultaneously to hijack the inner-voice & verbal speech centers of the brain.
The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide, Robert Bruce, Wernicke Area, Etheric Body, Energy Implants and How to Remove Them
YouTube, Etheric Implants, Henning White Interviews Simon Parkes, May 5, 2015, Suppressor Parasite Entity
YouTube, Etheric Implants, Luke Alvisi, May 6, 2015, Psychic Self-Defense 8: Parasites, Etheric Implant Removal, Broca Area