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Available Books
New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control
Dedication & Thanks
Volume I: Current Political Situation
- Overview
- Introduction
- Revolution in Warfare
- The Other World
- Dictatorship Creation
- The Groups Facilitating the Revolution
- Their Goal is Neo-Feudalism
- Problem-Reaction-Solution
- Volume I Commentary
Volume II: The New War
- The New War
- The New Enemy
- Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties
- The Investigation
- Surveillance Technology and Methods
- Mind-Reading
- Volume II Commentary
Volume III: Weapons of The New War
- Introduction to Nonlethal Weapons
- Psychological Operations
- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons
- High-Powered Microwaves
- High-Powered Lasers
- Sonic Weapons
- Computer Network Operations
- Microwave Hearing
- Silent Subliminals
- Use of Citizen Informants
- Chemical and Biological
- Weather Warfare
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
- Volume III Commentary
Volume IV: The Coverup
- Volume IV Introduction
- Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- Control of the Medical Industry
- Another Look at Schizophrenia
- Political Considerations
- Punitive Psychiatry in Communist Russia
- Coverup Initiatives
- Volume IV Commentary
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of PsyOp
- Small-Scale Wars
- Nongovernmental Organizations
- Human-Computer Intelligence Network
- Electronic Tyranny
- Other Devices Connected to the GIG
- My Experience
- Sources
Other Sites
Computer network operations (CNO), also called network operations (NW Ops, also written NetOps) are information warfare attacks used to deceive, degrade, disrupt, or exploit an adversary’s electronic information infrastructure. CNO is used in conjunction with PsyOp and electronic warfare (EW), which includes the use of directed-energy weapons.
The US Air Force defines them as: “Offensive, defensive, and supporting activities that achieve desired effects across the interconnected network portions of the operational environment. NW Ops are conducted in the cyberspace domain via the combination of hardware, software, data, and human interaction.”
The attacks include the physical destruction of a computer or the corruption of its software (operating system, programs). The Defense Science Board, an advisory committee to the DOD, mentioned that some attacks could be achieved through remote access, which would allow the covert usurpation of an enemy’s computer.
In addition to individual computers, communications systems can be attacked such as radio nets, wireless communications networks, satellite links, tactical digital information links, telemetry, digital track files, telecommunications, and other systems. NetOp attacks may include spoofing, which NATO says is used as a NLW to mislead an adversary using faked or altered information.1
The CFR also advocated the substitution (spoofing) of information during computer attacks. “US and coalition forces,” announced the US Air Force, “use cyberspace to not only enable their operations but also conduct direct operations against adversaries.”2
Web spoofing allows an attacker to create a copy of the worldwide web. Access to the copy goes through the attacker’s PC. The false copy looks just like the real web, but the attacker controls this false one. The attacker can view, record, and alter all data traveling in either direction. This means account numbers, passwords, etc. traveling either way from online forms can be read or modified.
To spoof the entire web it’s not necessary for an attacker to store it entirely. Instead, when a page is requested from the target that does not reside on the attacker’s copy of the web, the attacker’s PC can obtain the actual page, and then forward it to the target’s browser. This is called a man in the middle attack whereby the attacker’s PC is virtually placed between the real web and the target PC.
It basically works in the following way: The target clicks on a link which points to the attacker’s server. The attacker’s server requests the authentic page from the real web server. The real server provides the authentic page to the attacker’s server. Then, using some automated program, the attacker’s server re-writes the page and forwards it to the target.
During this automated process, the actual data, (this means text, graphics, audio and video files, etc) can be substituted, added, or removed. In addition, all of the links on this spoofed page are changed to point to the attacker’s server. This keeps the target trapped in the attacker’s web. Offensive material can easily be inserted to antagonize the targeted person.
To begin the attack the perpetrator can put a link to the false WWW on a website that they know the target visits. Or they can send the target an email with a link to the false web. They may also be able to get their false web indexed on a search engine. These attacks can be launched using an unwitting person’s PC as a proxy which would conceal the location of the perpetrators.
Most of the clues that would alert a target that their web has been spoofed can be concealed. One is the status line located at the bottom of most browsers, which provides the address of a web site that’s in the process of loading. Normally, if a user clicks on a site, the status line reveals the actual site being loaded, regardless of the label on the hyperlink that was clicked. Also, the URL location line at the top of most browsers where sites can be typed in, will display the current site.
Another method to detect spoofing is to look at the actual page code to see if the links are in fact pointing to where they’re supposed to. This too can be spoofed using a JavaScript to re-write the target’s browser menu, which would point to the authentic code if it were accessed. Disabling JavaScript, Active X, and Java will not provide complete protection. Secure connections don’t help either because the user’s browser is accessing the page that it thinks it is. It’s just following the link in the spoofed page’s code. So, to the browser it is a secure connection. Unfortunately, it’s a secure connection to the attacker’s server.
The Air Force mentioned that an enemy’s internet could be spoofed to conceal one of its weather attacks. “Spoofing options,” they noted, “create virtual weather in the enemy’s sensory and information systems, making it more likely for them to make decisions producing results of our choosing rather than theirs.”
Internet spoofing and the covert intrusion of an enemy’s computer system, is done to deceive and cause confusion, which results in errors in enemy decisionmaking. The RAND Corporation revealed that the internet portion of the battlespace will be used to manipulate the enemy.
Other NLW attacks which may be used during CNO include the covert insertion of viruses, logic bombs, and worms which remain hidden. These programs can cause malfunctions and/or report back specific information.3
1 NATO mentioned spoofing in a general context. This means that not just an enemy's internet connection can be spoofed, but other media as well.
2 In early 2006 it was discovered that the NSA was using AT&T's data centers to intercept the internet and telephone traffic of millions of Americans in order to identify potential terrorists. To accomplish this, data mining equipment was installed at its San Francisco site which re-routed traffic to government facilities. The San Francisco site happened to be connected with other backbone service providers. So, this allowed the NSA full access not only to the AT&T switching center in San Francisco, but of other backbone service providers in the US and other countries. Although the NSA claimed the surveillance was limited to foreign communications, it was discovered to be a massive tapping of countless citizens. Another NSA data mining operation was discovered at AT&T's Bridgeton, Missouri facility, which is the backbone for all domestic and international AT&T internet traffic. The equipment at this facility was installed in a highly secure room, which included a biometrics security system (retinal and fingerprint scans) requiring top-secret security clearance. Although it was allegedly only used for surveillance purposes, Salon Magazine reported that it could also have been used for classified projects and other unknown government operations. When contacted by Salon and Cnet, spokespeople for AT&T stated that they could not comment for reasons of national security. See the following sources: San Francisco Chronicle, Government Wants Case Tossed to Avoid Telling State Secret, June 24, 2006, Bob Egelko; Cnet, AT&T Sued Over NSA Spy Program, February 1, 2006, Declan McCullagh; Wired, Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room, April 07, 2006, Ryan Singel; Salon Magazine, Is the NSA Spying on US Internet Traffic, June 21, 2006, Kim Zetter.
3 These attacks span the internet, hardware, and software (operating system and application) levels. They've occurred on multiple computers I've used, including personal ones, as well as public ones in libraries and other establishments. They include crashes, peripherals failing or acting strangely, corrupted documents, missing files, and characters which I did not type appearing in documents. A usual scenario includes me clicking in an area of a document which results in the highlighting of group of words that form a threatening or insulting phrase. There are many, many variations of this, including an entire section of a document becoming highlighted and deleted after I click in the document window. When using local programs, peripherals completely ignore commands. For instance, the mouse cursor moves in the wrong direction, and buttons and menus don't respond when they're clicked. These are typically synchronized with directed-energy attacks, presumably so the DOD can let me know it was them in an attempt to aggravate me. These attacks are persistent. They continue regardless of the hardware or software platforms. Application and operating system reinstallations don't fix them. I fixed computers for most of a 10-year period and these issues follow no computer logic that I'm aware of. CNO and EW are synchronized with each other and activities that occur in the environment. They frequently occur at the exact time that I'm typing or reading a particular phrase, obviously to emphasize the message, which is usually threatening or insulting. Spoofed internet sites are standard procedure. Every single time I go online I'm attacked and blocked. The DOD's regular satanic and pedophilia themes are thoroughly transmitted through this channel. Another theme they like to project includes them attributing themselves to God.