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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control
Dedication & Thanks
Volume I: Current Political Situation
- Overview
- Introduction
- Revolution in Warfare
- The Other World
- Dictatorship Creation
- The Groups Facilitating the Revolution
- Their Goal is Neo-Feudalism
- Problem-Reaction-Solution
- Volume I Commentary
Volume II: The New War
- The New War
- The New Enemy
- Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties
- The Investigation
- Surveillance Technology and Methods
- Mind-Reading
- Volume II Commentary
Volume III: Weapons of The New War
- Introduction to Nonlethal Weapons
- Psychological Operations
- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons
- High-Powered Microwaves
- High-Powered Lasers
- Sonic Weapons
- Computer Network Operations
- Microwave Hearing
- Silent Subliminals
- Use of Citizen Informants
- Chemical and Biological
- Weather Warfare
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
- Volume III Commentary
Volume IV: The Coverup
- Volume IV Introduction
- Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- Control of the Medical Industry
- Another Look at Schizophrenia
- Political Considerations
- Punitive Psychiatry in Communist Russia
- Coverup Initiatives
- Volume IV Commentary
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of PsyOp
- Small-Scale Wars
- Nongovernmental Organizations
- Human-Computer Intelligence Network
- Electronic Tyranny
- Other Devices Connected to the GIG
- My Experience
- Sources
Other Sites
[February 2014 Note: Because this online version of the book is being updated, the referenced paragraphs in the book & sourced material may not always match.]
The new weapons and tactics: War And Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the 21st Century, Alvin and Heidi Toffler, (Little Brown Books, 1993)
throughout history warfare has developed: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
There are two types of RMAs: In Athena’s Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, (RAND Corporation, 1997); War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler; Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
Another type, which some suggest: The E-Bomb: How America’s New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars will be Fought, Doug Beason, PhD, (Da Capo Press, 2005); Ibid (Toffler)
Warfare is said by some: Ibid
using a spear on horseback: Effects Based Operations, Edward A. Smith; The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel; Ibid (Toffler)
the industrial revolution: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
invention of ICBMs: Ibid
two great military revolutions: War And Anti-War, Toffler
Revolutions, generally speaking: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
A true military revolution occurs only: War And Anti-War, Toffler
It is the biggest in our planet’s history: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
abolishment of the nation-state: War And Anti-War, Toffler; Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
are said to be at the center of this revolution: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel; United States Air Force, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Directed Energy Weapons: Do We Have a Game Plan? (Monograph, AY 03-04), Major Timothy J. Lincoln
Heidi has been: Biography of Alvin And Heidi Toffler,
In the early 1980s Alvin’s book: War And Anti-War, Toffler
According to Alvin Toffler’s wave theory: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler, (William Morrow & Company, Inc., 1980)
rise of a new civilization: Ibid
The First Wave occurred: War And Anti-War, Toffler
Prior to the First Wave: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
the Second Wave has already revolutionized: Ibid
The Third Wave began: War And Anti-War, Toffler; Ibid
It has been suggested that the industrialized: War And Anti-War, Toffler
By conquering these lands: Ibid
The Second Wave is instructive: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
Fundamental changes: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The “Soft Kill” Fallacy: The Idea of “Non-Lethal Weapons” is Politically Attractive and Purposively Misleading, September 1, 1994, Steven Aftergood
It includes autonomous robots: War And Anti-War, Toffler; US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang
It also consists of sophisticated: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
In this new type of warfare: War And Anti-War, Toffler; US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang; In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
complex covert wars of long-duration: Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, February 2006
These small units: Marine Corps Gazette, The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation, October 1989, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale (USA), Captain John F. Schmitt (USMC), Colonel Joseph W. Sutton (USA), Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson (USMCR); Military Response to Fourth Generation Warfare in Afghanistan, May 5, 2002, Greg Wilcox, Gary I. Wilson
completely new arsenal of weapons: Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, Zbigniew Brzezinski, (Penguin Books, 1970)
Some of this technology: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
observed that a revolution in military: Omega Research Foundation, Report for the European Parliament, An Appraisal Of The Technologies Of Political Control, September 1998
The technology of political control includes: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice, (First Edition Penguin Books, 1977)
was to be blended into the existing political conditions: Ibid
Interestingly, in their influential article: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
Psychopathy is a character deficiency: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley, (C.V. Mosby Co., 1941, 1982); Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, Dr. Robert D. Hare, (Simon and Schuster Inc, 1993)
It is present in about 4%: The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us, Martha Stout, PhD, (Broadway Books, 2005)
Other terms that have: Ibid
Those who believe the deficiency: The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain, James Blair, Karina Blair, Derek Mitchell, (Blackwell Publishing, 2005); Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths go to Work, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD, (Harper Collins Publishers, 2006)
It is important to note: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
A conscience has been described: Conscience,; Conscience,
It can be viewed as a result: Ibid
The exact cause of psychopathy: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare; Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD; The Psychopath, James Blair, Karina Blair, Derek Mitchell
It is usually untreatable: People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, Dr. M. Scott Peck, (Touchstone, January 1998); Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
There are social rules: Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You, Albert J. Bernstein, PhD, (McGraw-Hill, 2001)
having an empty hole: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
these individuals do not have certain information: Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski, (Red Pill Press, 2006)
Beginning in infancy: Ibid
Upon this irregular substratum: Ibid
These events cause us to perform: Ibid
High-level emotions: Ibid
The combination of emotions: Conscience,; Conscience,; Positive Disintegration,; Ibid
due to the emotional deficiency: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
completely aware of being different: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
They all exhibit antisocial or aggressive: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Ibid
their lives are reduced to an endless game of attempted: Ibid (Stout)
Psychopaths view the world much differently: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Psychopaths see themselves as superior: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD; Ibid
They understand that they live in a separate world: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
Because they do not have access to certain: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD; Ibid
In addition to seeing themselves as superior: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Ibid (Lobaczewski)
They know the difference between right and wrong: Ibid
Psychopaths construct their separate worldview: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
A conscience allows us to determine: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Conscience,; Conscience,
exist in a primarily cognitive world: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare; Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley; The Psychopath, James Blair, Karina Blair, Derek Mitchell
Psychopaths do experience primitive emotions: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD; The Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment, Dr. J. Reid Meloy, (Jason Aronson Inc., 1988)
they are fully aware that most people have them: Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
Measured by standardized tests: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
On average they are not as goal: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
function fine as lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare; Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
Although they may attain positions: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; The Psychopath’s Brain, Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
Psychopaths have tremendous egos: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare; Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
The ego has been described: Ego, Id,,_ego,_and_super-ego#Ego; Ego,
Psychopaths exhibit egoism: Egotism,; Egoism,
Psychopaths have a need for complete power: Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare; Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
All exhibit overt or covert: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
They believe they are entitled: Ibid
They have an ability to rationalize: In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People, George K. Simon, Jr., PhD, (A.J. Christopher & Co., First Printing 1996, 2008); The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
Psychopaths exhibit poor behavior controls: North Carolina Wesleyan College, Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy,; California Institute of Technology, Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Profile of the Sociopath,
They are consistently irresponsible: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley; Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare
Psychopaths are deceitful and manipulative: Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You, Albert J. Bernstein, PhD; Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
Their ability to lie with absolute impunity: Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
When most people lie: Emotional Vampires, Albert J. Bernstein, PhD; In Sheep’s Clothing, George K. Simon, Jr., PhD
they will lie when they stand nothing to gain of apparent value: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley; Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
Psychopaths require considerable excitement: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
Psychopaths learn to recognize each other: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski; Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
They have a special type of insight: Ibid
Their impression management skills: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley
They are usually entertaining: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD; Ibid
excellent communication skills: Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
the messages are delivered in a confident manner: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Ibid
some of the less intelligent ones: Ibid (Babiak, Hare)
their attacks are usually concealed: Mask of Sanity, Dr. Hervey Milton Cleckley; Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski; The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
social chameleons and invisible human predators: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
Their special knowledge, however, loses: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
suffer from a type of unconscious inferiority complex: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
hyperactive need to achieve power: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
In his book, People of the Lie: People of the Lie, Dr. M. Scott Peck
Motivated by these internal anxieties: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Realizing the immaturity of these antisocial: Emotional Vampires, Albert J. Bernstein, PhD
Most psychopaths don’t technically break the law: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski; Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
They are typically not held accountable: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
Psychopaths need frequent amusement: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy; The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
Many psychopaths focus on a single person: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
ego maintenance: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
Drs. Paul Babiak and Robert Hare provide: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
existential vengeance: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
Upon this impression, they create a fictitious: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
Because psychopaths view people as objects: Ibid
Some specific traits exhibited: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
Dr. Meloy, who describes psychopaths: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
In addition, psychopaths will preemptively attack: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
purification process for the psychopath: The Psychopathic Mind, Dr. J. Reid Meloy
Most people who are attacked by these characters: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Although psychopaths are able to keep up their: Snakes in Suits, Paul Babiak, PhD, Robert D. Hare, PhD
it requires much mental energy for them: Ibid
Psychopaths exist in their own world: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
The common worldview of the normal person: Ibid
A worldview is a kind of world perception: World View,
While instincts and other influences: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
It is a synthesis of the societal concepts of various: Ibid
Our civilization was insufficiently resistant to evil: Ibid
single most meaningful characteristic: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
Because a conscience and high-level emotions: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski; Psychology Today Magazine, This Charming Psychopath: How to Spot Social Predators Before They Attack, May/June 1999, Robert Hare
Researchers have mentioned that throughout: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
We now have information which we lacked: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
In any society during any time period: Ibid
If they have access to tremendous wealth: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD; Ibidv
They are prepared to fight, suffer, and die: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
An overthrow is the rapid seizure: The Anti-Coup, Gene Sharp, Bruce Jenkins
With an infiltration, the conspirators have: Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts
At first, the group only occupies: The Anti-Coup, Gene Sharp, Bruce Jenkins; Ibid
The usurpers usually like to maintain order: Ibid (Sharp, Jenkins)
During the takeover, people: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski; Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts
Gradually, all of the offices of government: Ibid (Roberts)
At some point after the organization: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
The attributes of a psychopathic state: Ibid
One beneficial characteristic of a free society: From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation, Gene Sharp
NGOs have great political: Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts; Ibid
A combination of seemingly beneficial ideas: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
An ideology is a set of ideas regarding goals: Ideology,
The ideology used by the group: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski; The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
All leadership positions in a pathocracy: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
The regime seeks complete submission: Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts
This too is made possible by the ideology: The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD
Indoctrination through mind-control: Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts
To recruit other psychopaths: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Because the pathocracy is forever threatened: Ibid
An external war allows the psychopaths: Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts; Ibid
As the regime solidifies: Ibid (Lobaczewski)
Terror is a standard trait: Civilian Resistance as a National Defense, Adam Roberts
moral and psychological disease: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
In February of 1891 a group of wealthy: Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time, Professor Carroll Quigley, (The Macmillan Company, 1966)
Members of this group would: The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley, (New York: Books in Focus, 1981); Ibid
The funding for this group: Ibid (Tragedy and Hope)
The purpose of the group was: A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, William Engdahl, (Pluto Press, October 2004)
A portion of Rhodes’ fortune: New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies, William T. Still, (Huntington House Publishers, January 1990); The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley
They were constantly harping on lessons: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
They learned the dangers: A Century of War, William Engdahl
It was decided that military occupations: Ibid
They also decided it would be best: The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley
From 1884 to about 1915 this group: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
The informal name given to the American: Ibid
The Eastern Establishment: Ibid
The Paris Peace Conference: League of Nations,; Paris Peace Conference,,_1919
A treaty known as the Treaty of Versailles: New World Order, William T. Still
An important consideration here: Ibid
Also at these meetings were American: A Century of War, William Engdahl; The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley
Round Table members such as Lord Milner: Ibid (Quigley)
Lord Milner signed the: Ibid
a method for the British and American elite to seize: New World Order, William T. Still; A Century of War, William Engdahl
Beginning in 1919 the Round Table: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
This meeting was attended: A Century of War, William Engdahl: Ibid
The name for the front: The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley; Ibid (Quigley)
They were formed around the existing: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, James Perloff, (Western Islands, November 1988)
The founding president: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
Some other early members: The Shadows of Power, James Perloff; The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot, (Western Islands, June 1977); With No Apologies: The Personal and Political Memoirs of United States Senator Barry M. Goldwater, Senator Barry Goldwater, (Berkley, 1980)
The CFR exerted control over public opinion: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
It is made up of international bankers: Who’s Who Of The Elite: Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, & Trilateral Commission, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr., (RIE, January 2000)
CFR members have included executives: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen, ('76 Press, 1st edition, June 1976)
The CFR basically describes itself: Who’s Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
Past funding for the CFR: Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids, Jim Marrs, (Harper Paperbacks, April 2001); Foundations: Their Power And Influence, Rene Wormser, (Covenent House Books, June 1993)
When the core members of the CFR decide: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen, (Concord Press, 1971)
It has been the source of some: The Shadows of Power, James Perloff
A September 1922 issue of its magazine: New World Order, William T. Still
Researchers have concluded that despite the appearance: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton, (Bloomfield Books December 1976); The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
The CFR has been described by the Reece Committee: Foundations, Rene Wormser
the CFR is a front for the Round Table: The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley
A congressional investigation: Foundations, Rene Wormser
It was initially created: Ibid
Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis: Ibid
Another attempt to investigate: Ibid
They should be investigated: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot; Ibid
One more attempt to investigate tax-exempt foundations: Ibid (Wormser)
The committee also had an interest: How the World Really Works, Alan B. Jones, (ABJ Press, 1996)
The committee discovered the following: Foundations, Rene Wormser
The committee’s research director Norman Dodd: New World Order, William T. Still
Dodd was also able to examine: Ibid
that the Ford Foundation was using its funds: Ibid
Unfortunately the committee was unable: Foundations, Rene Wormser
However, they did try to warn the public: Ibid
Congress learned that these wealthy interests: Ibid
witnesses were being harassed, placed under surveillance: How the World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
a communist world community: The Open Conspiracy, H.G. Wells, (1928)
Professor Quigley mentioned: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
The Bolshevik Revolution: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton; None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen; The Shadows of Power, James Perloff
After the communists took power: Ibid (Perloff; Allen)
At the end of WWI the US Federal Reserve: America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, Professor Antony C. Sutton, (Trine Day, April 2004); Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton; New World Order, William T. Still
In the late 1960s Rockefeller: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen; With No Apologies, Senator Barry M. Goldwater
Wall Street continued to fund Communist Russia: The Shadows of Power, James Perloff
Communist Russia was built primarily: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen; With No Apologies, Senator Barry M. Goldwater
Germany went into a recession: A Century of War, William Engdahl
The Dawes Plan, a solution for: Ibid
The British support for the Hitler Project: Ibid
On January 4, 1933 Adolph Hitler met: vNone Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen: Ibid
Also at the meeting were John Foster Dulles: Ibid
John worked for J.P. Morgan: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
Norman visited Berlin in May of 1934 to arrange: A Century of War, William Engdahl
The Nazi war machine was then built: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
The financial interests that built Nazi Germany: Ibid
More US companies that were involved: The New Hampshire Gazette, Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed, Documents in National Archives Prove, October, 10, 2003, John Buchanan; The Guardian, How Bush's Grandfather Helped Hitler's Rise to Power, September 25 2004, Ben Aris, Duncan Campbell
Max Warburg and his brother Paul Warburg: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton; The Shadows of Power, James Perloff; Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs
International Business Machines (IBM): The Guardian, IBM Dealt Directly with Holocaust Organisers, March, 29, 2002; The Village Voice, How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland, March 27, 2002
Nazi Germany’s two largest tank producers: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony C. Sutton
The building of Nazi Germany by Wall Street: Ibid
Fascist Italy was also funded by Wall Street: A Century of War, William Engdahl
In 1926 Italy’s finance minister: Ibid
During his military career: Maverick Marine: General Smedley D. Butler and the Contradictions of American Military History, Hans Schmidt, (The University Press of Kentucky, July 1998)
For his service he was awarded: Ibid
General Butler went public in 1934: The Plot to Seize the White House: The Shocking True Story of the Conspiracy to Overthrow FDR, Jules Archer, (Hawthorn Books, 1973)
The coup was to be funded: Ibid
By this time Wall Street: A Century of War, William Engdahl
The plot was investigated: The Plot to Seize the White House, Jules Archer
Historically, violence has been the primary: Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century, Alvin Toffler, (Bantam, November 1991)
A slavemaster or feudal lord: Ibid
It is now possible to control: New World Order, William T. Still
Karl Marx outlined a centralized credit system: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen; Ibid
According to Professor Quigley, the goal of this network: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
They frequently donated to colleges: Ibid
They often sought to control the money: Ibid
By the 1920s control over most countries: New World Order, William T. Still; A Century of War, William Engdahl
Also, by this time Russia: Ibid (Still)
Presidents such as Andrew Jackson: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen; The Shadows of Power, James Perloff
In January of 1835: Andrew Jackson,
President James Garfield warned: James Garfield,
Lincoln was also opposed: New World Order, William T. Still
One notable figure who contributed: The Shadows of Power, James Perloff
The Federal Reserve Act was drafted: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Other attendees were representatives: Ibid
In June of 1932 Congressman Louis McFadden: The Shadows of Power, James Perloff
Prior to that, in December of 1913, Congressman: Ibid
The Federal Reserve should be abolished: End The Fed, Ron Paul, (Grand Central Publishing, 2009)
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental: United Nations,; United Nations Conference on International Organization,
Also connected to the UN: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The UN was formed after a conference: United Nations,; UNICO,
Also at this meeting were 47 CFR: The Shadows of Power, James Perloff; New World Order, William T. Still; The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
As we’ve observed, these individuals: Ibid (Perloff)
the Anglo-American Establishment decided: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
Other astute researchers on this subject: How the World Really Works, Alan B. Jones
The UN Charter, which the CFR: The Invisible Government, Dan Smoot
The Communist Party USA: New World Order, William T. Still
communism would be used as a consolidation tool: New World Order, H.G. Wells, (1941)
In the form of the Trilateral Commission: A Century of War, William Engdahl
According to former Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater: With No Apologies, Senator Barry M. Goldwater
Carter then installed other Trilateralists: A Century of War, William Engdahl
Ronald Regan was not a member: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker, (American Free Press, 2005); Bohemian Grove: Cult Of Conspiracy, Mike Hanson, (iUniverse, 2004)
George W. Bush was also a Trilateral Commission: America’s Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton; Ibid
The Bilderberg Group, founded in 1954: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker; Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
The group is composed of European nobility: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson; Ibid (Tucker)
There are about 100 members: America’s Secret Establishment, Professor Antony C. Sutton; Ibid (Tucker; Hanson)
Some past attendees include: Ibid (Tucker)
Their meetings are said to be financed: None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gary Allen
Some include representatives from: Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.; Ibid
Since the years of Dwight Eisenhower: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker
accustomed to selecting and “owning” the president: Ibid
William Clinton attended: Bohemian Grove, Mike Hanson; Ibid
Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: Global Research, Barack O’Bilderberg: Picking the President, June 9, 2008, Andrew Gavin Marshall; WorldNetDaily, Speculation about Obama, Clinton Attending Bilderberger Meeting, June 07, 2008, Alyssa Farah
At Bilderberg meetings major policies: The Bilderberg Diary, James P. Tucker; Who's Who Of The Elite, Robert Gaylon Ross Sr.
Researchers who have studied this group: Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light, Texe Marrs, (Rivercrest Publishing, September 2004); Ibid
Toffler’s Third Wave theory: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
This global civilization: Ibid
H.G. Wells too agreed: New World Order, H.G. Wells
Professor Quigley also agreed: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
Just as nationalism represented an entire nation: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
It is an evolutionary necessity: Ibid
These individuals recognized that whenever: Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion, David Barton, (Wallbuilder Press, 2002)
It was also designed to prevent the growth: The United States Constitution: What is Says, What it Means, (Oxford University Press, 2005)
cannot be properly understood without: Original Intent, David Barton
Abraham Lincoln said it was: United States Declaration of Independence,
governments are constructed to serve the people: Declaration of Independence,
For years the Americans pursued: Ibid
The history of the present King of Great Britain: Ibid
So, the US Constitution was created to prevent: The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul, (Grand Central Publishing, 2008)
The First Amendment allows people to peacefully: Plan to Restore Constitutional Order, July 27, 2008,
If their petitions for redress are ignored: Declaration of Independence,
There is no doubt that America: Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the 21st Century, Zbigniew Brzezinski, (Touchstone, December 1995)
national constitutional convention was necessary: Between Two Ages, Zbigniew Brzezinski
the division of power has traditionally caused programs: Ibid
divided authority could be: New Challenges, New Tools for Defense Decisionmaking, RAND Corporation, 2003
Toffler says the US Constitution was: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
According to Toffler, the primary enemies: Ibid
the super struggle: Ibid
Wells similarly wrote that if constitutions: New World Order, H.G. Wells; The Open Conspiracy, H.G. Wells
The forces of nationalism: US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Information Operations and Asymmetric Warfare…Are We Ready?, April 09, 2002, LTC LaWarren V. Patterson
conspiracy theorists believe that the Trilateral Commission: Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First Century Warfare, Colonel John B. Alexander, (St. Martin’s Press, 1999)
the structure of earlier empires: The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, Zbigniew Brzezinski, (Basic Books, 1997)
A vassal is a term: Vassal,
In part 1A, The American Heritage: The American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition, (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006)
A member of a servile feudal class: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition (Merriam Webster Incorporated, 2003)
a person in a condition of servitude: Oxford English Dictionary, Sixth Edition, (Oxford University Press, 2007)
[that] terminology is not altogether: The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Nothing less than to create a world: Tragedy and Hope, Professor Carroll Quigley
The lobbyists provide these elected officials: War On The Middle Class: How the Government, Big Business, and Special Interest Groups Are Waging War on the American Dream, Lou Dobbs, (Penquin Books, Ltd., 2006)
The pharmaceutical industry: Ibid
In the late 1960s: Ibid
From 1998 to 2004 these corporate: Ibid
Millions of lobbying money: Ibid
Corporations also influence congress: Ibid
The proposal of a thought-based law: The Baltimore Sun, Here Come the Thought Police, November 19, 2007, Ralph E. Shaffer, R. William Robinson
As part of an effort to limit free speech on the internet: Violent Islamist Extremism, The Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat, United States Senate, Committee on Homeland Security, and Governmental Affairs, May 8, 2008, Joseph Lieberman, Susan Collins
On April 24, 1996 the Omnibus Counter-Terrorism Bill: The Spotlight, Politicians Push Agenda As Rubble Settles, Spotlight on Congress, May 15, 1995; Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996,
Congress passed the USA Patriot Act: Washington You’re Fired (the film), William Lewis
Regardless, in summer of 2005 Congress again: Ibid
The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878: John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), Public Law No: 109-364,; Ibid
The Military Commission Act of 2006: American Free Press, Martial Law Made Easy, Issue #46, November 13, 2006, James P. Tucker Jr.; Ibid (Lewis)
Congressmen are also profiting: American Free Press, 151 Congressmen Derive Financial Profit From War, Issue 18, May 5, 2008, Ralph Forbes; Global Research, War Profits Taint the Greedy Hands of More Than 25% of Members of the US House and Senate!, May 7, 2008, Richard Skaff
In the early 1990s the US Congress: Defense News, Use of Nonlethal Weapons May Alter Military Strategy, November 19, 1990, Barbara Amouyal; University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), The Development of “Non-Lethal” Weapons During the 1990’s, March 2007, Neil Davison
They worked with the DOD to test: Defense Horizons, Nonlethal Capabilities: Realizing the Opportunities, March, 2002, Emil. R. Bedard; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council, (The National Academies Press, 2003); National Defense Authorization Act of 1996, Public Law 104–106, Nonlethal Weapons Study, Section 219, February 10 1996,
They continue to support the development: Capitol Hill Press Releases, Domenici & Wilson Step Up Effort To Center Directed Energy Work At Kirtland AFB, March 17, 2000; Inside the Army, Multi-National Corps-Iraq Requests 14 Project Sheriff Vehicles, May 30, 2005; Washington Post Staff Writer, US Plans to Test Space-Based Laser To Intercept Missiles, July 18, 2001, Vernon Loeb; Space Daily, Senate Adds Millions for ASAT, Space Laser, May 18, 2000, Frank Sietzen, Jr.,
this group has been able to hide itself: The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley
Money alone is not enough: The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen
In the early 1980s resolutions: Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs
In 1983 Congressman McDonald died during a curious: Ibid
In his farewell speech: Eisenhower Farewell Address, January 17, 1961,
No country that values its safety: The Anglo-American Establishment, Professor Carroll Quigley
In New York City on April 27: President John F. Kennedy, The President and the Press: Address Before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961,
to cause this global revolution: New World Order, H.G. Wells
crises will be strategically placed: The Third Wave, Alvin Toffler
By seducing or terrorizing the population: Powershift, Alvin Toffler
a false flag operation: False Flag,
On the night of July 19: PBS Station, The Great Fire of Rome,
At an earlier date, Nero had: Ibid
Because the people held Nero responsible: Great Fire of Rome,; Ibid
Although the fire was blamed: The History Place, The Reichstag Burns,
One month later: False Flag,; Enabling Act,
It eliminated the Reichstag’s participation: Ibid
Operation Northwoods was a 1962: Baltimore Sun, US Terror Plan Called Cuba Invasion Pretext, April 24, 2001, Scott Shane, Tom Bowman; Harper's Magazine, The Truth Is Out There, July, 2001
America’s top military leaders: ABC News, US Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba, May 1, 2001, David Ruppe
The plan included sinking: Ibid
The proposal was given to Kennedy: Operation Northwoods,;
ordered all documents pertaining: Baltimore Sun, US Terror Plan Called Cuba Invasion Pretext, April 24, 2001, Scott Shane, Tom Bowman
The plan was mistakenly discovered: Operation Northwoods,;
General Lemnitzer was denied: Lyman Lemnitzer,; Supreme Allied Commander, Wiki/Supreme_Allied_Commander; Ibid
the largest anti-globalization protest in US history: WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999,
The chaos demonstrated: Black Bloc,; Free Speech Zone,
Free speech zones are areas: Ibid
It was reported by multiple media outlets: BBC News, The Battle of Seattle, A City Under Civil Emergency, December 2, 1999, Paul Reynolds; The Associated Press, Seattle Officials Declare No-Protest Zone Around World Trade Talks, December 1, 1999; PBS, National Guard Helps Restore Order, December 1, 1999
black bloc showed up and moved through the peaceful crowd: BBC News, Seattle Police Tactics Under Scrutiny, December 2, 1999; Ibid (BBC)
After a significant amount of vandalism: Ibid (BBC, Seattle Police)
The immediate result was a decision: The Associated Press, Federal Court Upholds WTO No-Protest Zone, October 31, 2001
the black bloc is a group of provocateurs: Prison Planet, Canadian Police Caught Attempting To Stage Riots, August 24, 2007, Paul Joseph Watson
This group has been used to justify: UK Guardian, Italian Police ‘Framed G8 Protesters,’ June 22, 2002
Agents provocateurs, in general: Toronto Star, Police Accused of Using Provocateurs at Summit, August 21, 2007; The Globe and Mail (Canada), Police Planted Provocateurs, Protesters Say, August 23, 2007, Joan Bryden; CBC News, Quebec Police Admit They Went Undercover at Montebello Protest, August 23, 2007
Since the WTO meeting in 1999: A National Lawyers Guild Report on Government Violations of First Amendment Rights in the United States, The Assault on Free Speech, Public Assembly, and Dissent, Heidi Boghosian, 2004
Although these zones have been used sparingly: CBS News, Silencing Voices Of Dissent, December 4, 2003; San Francisco Gate, Quarantining Dissent, How the Secret Service Protects Bush from Free Speech, January 4, 2004, James Bovard; Free Speech Zone,
In the beginning of September: Russian Apartment Bombings,
The suspicious events surrounding: Ibid
During one attempted bombing: UK Telegraph, Secret at the Heart of Putin's Rise to Power, March 13, 2004, Julius Strauss
the entire operation had been just a training drill: Ibid
An investigation of the bombings: Ibid
A former Russian military: False Flag,
A tycoon named Boris Berezovsky also suggested: BBC News, Russian Tycoon Blames Moscow for Blasts, March 6, 2002
He is positive that the FSB: The Guardian, Former Ally Links Putin to Moscow Blasts, March 6, 2002, Jonathan Steele, Ian Traynor
As reported by the BBC in March: BBC News, Russian Tycoon Blames Moscow for Blasts, March 6, 2002
FSB officer named Alexander Litvinenko: Russian Apartment Bombings,
Putin, the former head of the FSB: The Guardian, Former Ally Links Putin to Moscow Blasts, March 6, 2002, Jonathan Steele, Ian Traynor; UK Telegraph, Secret at the Heart of Putin's Rise to Power, March 13, 2004, Julius Strauss
Other Incidents which are believed to have: False Flag,; Gulf of Tonkin Incident,; San Antonio Express-News (Texas), Tonkin Incident Might Not Have Occurred, August 3, 2002, Bob Richter
The Oklahoma City Bombing which occurred: WorldNetDaily, Oklahoma City's Lost Information, Early Accounts Differ From Today's 'Official' Explanation Of Bombing, April 23, 2001, Jon Dougherty
Several mainstream news sources: Ibid
The FBI increased the size of the bomb: Ibid
An independent investigation was made difficult: Bomb Damage Analysis Of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, July 30, 1995, Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.)
technically impossible: WorldNetDaily, Oklahoma City's Lost Information, Early Accounts Differ From Today's 'Official' Explanation Of Bombing, April 23, 2001, Jon Dougherty
was definitely not the result on an ANFO bomb: The Spotlight, Feds ‘Fib' On Oklahoma City Bomb Says Ex-High Level FBI Official, May 15, 1995, Mike Blair
General Benton K. Partin has a lifetime of explosives: Bomb Damage Analysis Of Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, July 30, 1995, Brigadier Gen. USAF (Ret.)
Sam Gronning, a licensed professional blaster: Testimony of Sam Gronning,
Professor of physics at the University of Oregon: Testimony of Dr. Frederick Hansen,
Dr. Ernest B. Paxson, a US Army explosives: Testimony of Dr. Ernest B. Paxson, Ibid (unexplained-mysteries)
Samuel Cohen, a physicist and creator: Testimony of Samuel Cohen, Ibid (unexplained-mysteries)
Also worth mentioning is that multiple: The Oklahoma City Bombing and The Politics of Terror,
at least two explosions: WorldNetDaily, FBI Refused 22 Eyewitness Testimonies, May 16, 2001, Jon Dougherty
The Oklahoma Daily Gazette obtained hotel receipts: WorldNetDaily, Hotel Receipt Shows Top Terror Man Showed Up 9 Hours Before Blast, January 19, 2002, Jon Dougherty
exploited the outrage of the public: The Spotlight, Politicians Push Agenda as Rubble Settles, Spotlight on Congress, May 15, 1995
The bill received much support in Congress: Antiterrorism and Effective Death_Penalty Act of 1996,
Such domestic antiterrorist bills: WorldNetDaily, Oklahoma City's Lost Information, Early Accounts Differ From Today's 'Official' Explanation of Bombing, April 23, 2001, Jon Dougherty
In addition to the Twin Towers collapsing: 9/11 Fact Card,; The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, David Ray Griffin, (Olive Branch Press, November 2004)
former Senator Gary Hart announced: Global Research, War and the New World Order, August 29, 2007, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld mentioned: The 9/11 Commission Report, David Ray Griffin
National Security Strategy of the United States of America: Ibid
Also, during both the first World Trade Center: New York Times, Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast, October 28, 1993, Ralph Blumenthal; WorldNetDaily, The FBI and the Mad Bombers, December 09, 1999, Joseph Farah
The most sensible conclusion: Ibid (WorldNetDaily)
The funding and/or planning for both the first WTC: Ibid
In what The Boston Globe describes: The Boston Globe (Associated Press), Agency Planned Exercise on Sept. 11 Built Around a Plane Crashing Into a Building, Aug 21, 2002, John J. Lumpkin
Adding to the coincidence: Toronto Star, Northern Guardian, The Scene at NORAD on Sept. 11, December 9, 2001, Scott Simmie; Ibid
Who benefits most from terrorist activity?: WorldNetDaily, The FBI and the Mad Bombers, December 09, 1999, Joseph Farah
this can be accomplished by terrorizing people: Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International Banking, G. Edward Griffin
The fact that the United States has not faced a recent: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
But the pursuit of power: The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Part of this RMA includes a change in competing: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
The US and its allies will now be waging: Quadrennial Defense Review Report, Department of Defense, February 2006; Department of Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Program, 2007 Annual Report
In the future, few rational opponents: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Due to the conventional military dominance: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
These wars are interagency, international operations: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008; Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008; Naval War College, Newport R.I., Logistics in Support of Operations Other than War, David A. Larson, May 19, 1997
The organizations that are involved: Ibid
They are working with the civilian population: Ibid
The private sector is also involved: Ibid
Because of the advancements in communication: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
Synchronization is a type of unified action: MOOTW,
It is an ancient military tactic: Understanding Information Age Warfare, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2001, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Richard E. Hayes, David A. Signori
The US Army explains unified action: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
Synchronization is an international: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008; Ibid
The idea is that launching multiple attacks: Ibid (JP 3-57)
It consists of a vertical and horizontal sharing: Understanding Information Age Warfare, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2001, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Richard E. Hayes, David A. Signori; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The MNF uses automated computerized methods: Ibid
In fact, as the speed of decisionmaking: Ibid (DOD)
The battlefield for this new: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
The battles take place among: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Asymmetry and US Military strategy: Definition, Background, And Strategic Concepts, January 2001, Steven Metz, Douglas V. Johnson; US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit; Ibid
The physical architecture of the battlespace: MITRE Corporation, From Netted Sensors to Swarming, October 24, 2005, Dr. Raja Suresh
Defense of the Homeland involves: Department of Defense, Strategy for Homeland and Civil Support, June 2005
military and civilian organizations will be coordinated: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
Although civilians have been involved: Ibid
The operational environment will expand: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
enemy will increasingly seek protection: Ibid
Military campaigns have been typically: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
The word communications was added: US Air Force, Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Military Operations Other Than War, October 5, 1996
Command is the formulation of intent: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance: Ibid
C4ISR has multiple interacting components: Understanding Information Age Warfare, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2001, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Richard E. Hayes, David A. Signori
Most C4ISR centers are equipped: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
In the late 1960s, the police in the US: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
Riot control rooms which: Ibid
By 1969 the Directorate for Civil Disturbance Planning: Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, Staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Army Surveillance of Civilians, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972
It was constructed based on: Ibid
Similar centers were created in the late 1960s: Ibid
The BSSR mentioned that the police: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
The C4ISR centers that are used: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Operations Other Than War, Joint Doctrine, J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate; NATO, Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC), Doctrine (AJP-9), June 2003; Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008
The deployed civil-military units: Ibid
Daily meetings take place: Ibid (JP 3-57)
The CMOC also coordinates: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Operations Other Than War, Joint Doctrine, J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate; US Army, Civil Affairs Operations (FM 3-05.40, FM 41-10), September 2006; Ibid
The DOD’s change to NCW: Network Centric Warfare: Coalition Operations in the Age of US Military Primacy, Paul T. Mitchell, (International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2006); Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
The Global Information Grid (GIG): MITRE Corporation Fact Sheet, DOD C3I FFRDC
The GIG has been called the DOD’s: US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Information Operations and Asymmetric Warfare…Are We Ready?, April 09, 2002, LTC LaWarren V. Patterson; Global Security, Global Information Grid,; United States Government Accountability Office, Report to Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats, and Capabilities, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, The Global Information Grid and Challenges Facing Its Implementation, GAO-04-858, July 2004; Department of Defense, Global Information Grid Architectural Vision, Version 1.0, June 2007
Its information management: Global Information Grid,; Ibid (DOD)
Authorized people can: Ibid
It allows for community collaboration: Department of Defense, Office of Force Transformation, The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare, January 5, 2005; Ibid (DOD)
The exceptional situational awareness: Global Security, Global Information Grid,; Network Centric Warfare: Coalition Operations in the Age of US Military Primacy, Paul T. Mitchell, (International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2006); Joint Publication 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare, January 25, 2007
The GIGs uses existing commercial: US Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Department of National Security and Strategy, Volume I: Theory of War and Strategy, Chapter 21, Network Centric Warfare, June 2008; Ibid (Global Security)
The GIG will eventually integrate: The Global Information Grid and Challenges Facing Its Implementation, GAO-04-858, July 2004
The GIG is also connected to communications: Global Information Grid,
According to some sources: Department of Defense, Global Information Grid Architectural Vision, Version 1.0, June 2007; US Army War College Guide To National Security Issues, June 2008
Each service has its own tactical: Ibid (Army War College Guide)
As part of the transformation to NCW the military: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Abstract, Volume 1, Issue 1 March 2005, Mario Gerla; Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and the IETF, Joseph P. Macker M. Scott Corson; Mobile Ad Hoc Network,
A MANET does not: Ibid (Mobile Computing)
These mobile nodes form: Ibid
MANETs are rugged, secure: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities, March 27, 2003, Dr. Tony Tether
To transfer data, a MANET uses: MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network),
The physical devices used: Ibid
A particular device which: Military & Aerospace Electronics, Software-defined radio and JTRS, John McHale, December 2004
JTRS is a vital part of NCW: Cots Journal, Cognitive Radio Shows Great Promise, October 2004, Dr. Bruce Fette; Congressional Research Service, CRS Report for Congress, The Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) and the Army’s Future Combat System (FCS), November 17, 2005, Andrew Feickert; Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Joint Tactical Radio System, Ground Mobile Radios (JTRS GMR), October 2008
JTRS were designed in the mid 1990s: The MITRE Corporation, Software Radio Technology Challenges and Opportunities, First European Workshop on Software Radios, May 29, 1997, Joseph Mitola III; Ibid (CRS)
They allow for the wireless transmission of data: Military & Aerospace Electronics, Software-defined radio and JTRS, John McHale, December 2004; Global Security, Global Information Grid,; Ibid (CRS)
Because the regular physical components: Cots Journal, Cognitive Radio Shows Great Promise, October 2004, Dr. Bruce Fette; Global Security, Joint Tactical Radio System,; Ibid (Global Security)
Another type of JTRS is the cognitive radio: Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, Cognitive Radio: An Integrated Agent Architecture for Software Defined Radio, May 8, 2000, Joseph Mitola III; Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Computer Networks Research Laboratory, WiMax Networks & Cognitive Radio Research Group
DARPA has been involved in the creation: Applied Research of Telcordia Technologies Inc., Seminar at Nile University, Cognitive Radio For Teaming, April 15, 2008
Like JTRS, a CR is a computer: Virginia Tech College of Engineering, Ensuring Security for Cognitive Radio Networks is The Goal of Career Research, March 18, 2008, Liz Crumbley; Bogazici University, Bebek, Istanbul, Computer Networks Research Laboratory, WiMax Networks & Cognitive Radio Research Group
The CR is an intelligent device: Ibid (Bogazici University)
And a CR is not just aware of its location: Virginia Tech College of Engineering, Ensuring Security for Cognitive Radio Networks is The Goal of Career Research, March 18, 2008, Liz Crumbley; Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, Cognitive Radio: An Integrated Agent Architecture for Software Defined Radio, May 8, 2000, Joseph Mitola III
Using its sensors, it continually: Ibid
Like other digital radios the CR: Applied Research of Telcordia Technologies Inc., Seminar at Nile University, Cognitive Radio for Teaming, April 15, 2008; GizMag, DARPA's Surface Navigation Concept―Without GPS, April 19, 2007; Geospatial Solutions, Cognitive Radio Design for a Military Platform, January 29, 2008, Donald Wilkins; Scientific American Magazine, Cognitive Radio, February 20, 2006, Steven Ashley
The Warfighter Information Network-Tactical: Global Security, Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T),; Warfighter Information Network–Tactical,
WIN-T facilitates real-time organization: WIN-T-Warfighter's Information Network–Tactical,; Ibid (Global Security)
It was designed for joint operations: Warfighter Information Network–Tactical,; Ibid (Global Security)
It was built by General Dynamics: Federation of American Scientists, Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T),
LandWarNet is another tactical communications: The United States Army, Concept of Operations, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-5-600, LandWarNet, 2015, February 2008
LandWarNet uses JTRS to create: Ibid
It also allows the commander: Ibid
NGOs, the interagency, and other decisionmakers: Ibid
ForceNet is a reliable: Global Security, FORCEnet,; What is FORCEnet?,
It uses a visual representation: Ibid
With ForceNet, warfighters: Ibid
The Command and Control Constellation (C2 Constellation): Global Security,; Lockheed Martin Press Release, First Demonstration of Air Force C2 Constellation Architecture Showcases Net-Centric Capabilities, September 29th, 2004,
Warfighters connected to C2 Constellation: Ibid
This new war is being waged against: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
According to the DOD and other sources: Department of Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Program, 2007 Annual Report; Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
These threats to US national security: Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rethinking National Security Requirements And The Need For Non-Lethal Weapons Options, John B. Alexander, PhD
Regarding these new enemies: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The US Army’s Strategic Studies Institute revealed: Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts, June 15, 1998, Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Steven Metz
[We] must also focus on non-traditional threats: US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Defending the Homeland, April 09, 2002, Lieutenant Colonel Benigno Bern Ruiz
This new enemy includes groups and individuals: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein; Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, February 2006
We’re not in a war against nations or big armies: Defense Daily, Pentagon Office Pushes Tactical Laser Demo For Iraq, February 8, 2005, Sharon Weinberger
The asymmetrical threats currently: Iosphere, Man-Hunting, Nexus Topography, Dark Networks, and Small Worlds, Winter 2006, Chief Warrant Officer 3 (Retired), John R. Dodson
The enemies are seldom states: Toffler Associates, DIA Workforce of the Future: Creating the Future of the Defense Intelligence Agency, May 15, 2003
this war will be waged against confirmed enemies: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
New asymmetric threats have emerged: Department of Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Program, 2007 Annual Report
Today’s threats: Applied Energetics (Ionatron, Inc.), Government/Military Products and Technology,
An adversary is a party acknowledged: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
The US Army’s 2008 Unconventional Warfare: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The Army says the irregular enemies include: Ibid
Non-state actors (NSAs) are those who operate outside: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Non-State Actors in Conflict,; Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Security Governance and Post-conflict Peacebuilding, Excerpt from Chapter 3, Alan Bryden, Heiner Hänggi, (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2005); James Madison University, Mine Action Information Center, Non-State Actors and Their Significance, Margaret Busé; Non-state Actor/Entity,
Other types of NSAs are dissident: Ibid
The RAND Corporation further describes: Networks and Netwars: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, (RAND Corporation, 2003)
entities that have the primary function: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
In another RAND publication: Toward a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, Deborah G. Barger, (RAND Corporation, 2005)
an organized movement aimed: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007
An insurgency is a revolutionary war: Association of the United States Army, The Land Warfare Papers, Defining Asymmetric Warfare, September 2006, David L. Buffaloe
According to the DOD’s Dictionary of Military: DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Joint Publication 1-02, April 12, 2001
Insurgencies usually occur when a population is oppressed: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
Some insurgents attempt to organize the population: Ibid
RAND explains the resistance structure: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Individuals in these organizations: Ibid
Other US government sources describe similar: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
The methods of warfare employed: Department of Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Program, 2007 Annual Report
According to the US Army, this is accomplished: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
nonviolent groups in the past to resist tyranny: Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century, Peter Ackerman, Christopher Kruegler, (Praeger Paperback, December 1993)
These information wars, the Army tells: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
the US will most likely face regional threats: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
The new enemies are those using information attacks: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
The most pressing threats of the new security: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
Likewise, the CFR had this to say: Council On Foreign Relations, Task Force Report, Nonlethal Weapons And Capabilities, 2005, Graham T. Allison, Paul X. Kelley, Richard L. Garwin
a dispersed resistance movement that is concealed: Ibid
As globalization increases world integration: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The enemies of integration: Toffler Associates, DIA Workforce of the Future: Creating the Future of the Defense Intelligence Agency, May 15, 2003
The security forces, therefore, will: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
According to the US military: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds; Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008; Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Airpower Journal, Information Warfare, Spring 1995, Prof George J. Stein
The enemies use their position within a state’s military: Ibid
In various publications, the act: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Information attacks, according an article: Airpower Journal, A Theory of Information Warfare: Preparing For 2020, Spring 1995, Colonel Richard Szafranski, USAF
Information Operations (IO) have also: Air and Space Power Journal, Chronicles Online Journal, What is Information Warfare?, November 2, 1999, Col Andrew Borden, USAF (Ret.)
The DOD describes IO as: DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, Joint Publication 1-02, April 12, 2001
Information Warfare is any action: Air and Space Power Journal, Chronicles Online Journal, What is Information Warfare?, November 2, 1999, Col Andrew Borden, USAF (Ret.)
The new war is one fought for political: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
Its battles are fought amongst the people: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
What makes this new type of warfare: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
Information warfare techniques: Joint Force Quarterly, Reconsidering Asymmetric Warfare, December 2004, Steven J. Lambakis
war of ideas and perception: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
that infects people with a unit of information: The Information Revolution and National Security, Thomas E. Copeland, (Strategic Studies Institute, 2000)
During a discussion called Strategic Communications: Strategic Communications: The Information Battlefield, Address to the Combat Studies Institute Symposium, Fort Leavenworth, KS, September 12, 2007, Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell
The target of information warfare: Airpower Journal, Information Warfare, Spring 1995, Prof George J. Stein
The credibility and perceived legitimacy: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
Future enemies will be striking: Asymmetry and US Military strategy: Definition, Background, And Strategic Concepts, January 2001, Steven Metz, Douglas V. Johnson
The DOD’s Network Centric Warfare report further: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
The USA Patriot Act of 2001 describes: USA Patriot Act,
The RAND–MIPT Terrorism Incident Database: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart
The USA Patriot Act focuses on American citizens: The Revolution: A Manifesto, Ron Paul
The act increases the ability: USA Patriot Act,
It legalizes searches through: Ibid
Brian Michael Jenkins linked terrorists to those: Unconquerable Nation: Knowing Our Enemy, Strengthening Ourselves, Brian Michael Jenkins, (RAND, 2006)
The book Terrorism in Asymmetrical Conflict: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Terrorism in Asymmetrical Conflict: Ideological and Structural Aspects, Ekaterina Stepanova
Similarly, in its Militant Extremists: Council on Foreign Relations, Militant Extremists in the United States, April 21, 2008, Holly Fletcher
USA Today reported in November of 2004: USA TODAY, Domestic Terrorism: New Trouble at Home, November 14, 2004, Larry Copeland
The global terror movement is broadening in scope: United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Posture Statement, 2007
RAND’s 1999 book, Countering the New Terrorism: Countering the New Terrorism, Ian O. Lesser, Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, Michele Zanini, Brian Michael Jenkins, (RAND Corporation, 1999)
This is the battle of ideas: The White House, Strategy for Winning the War on Terror,
The report, Radicalization in the West: NYPD Intelligence Division, Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat, August 15, 2007, Mitchell D. Silber, Arvin Bhatt
The process includes: Ibid
The next phase is indoctrination: Ibid
Thought processes should: Ibid
Where once we would have: Ibid
Its purpose is to deal with domestic terrorists: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007,
The bill had 15 co-sponsors: Ibid
To draft the bill, Harman worked: The Center for Constitutional Rights, Factsheet: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
Two weeks before Harman: Ibid
In Section 899A, the Act defines: The Library of Congress, Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955), 110th CONGRESS, 1st Session,
It describes ideologically-based: Ibid
That means that no force need actually: The Baltimore Sun, Here Come the Thought Police, November 19, 2007, Ralph E. Shaffer, R. William Robinson
Also notice the phrase: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition (Merriam Webster Incorporated, 2003)
intellectual power or vigor: The American Heritage Dictionary, Fourth Edition, (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006)
This was acknowledged by the Center for Constitutional: The Center for Constitutional Rights, Factsheet: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
HR1955 defines radicalization: The Library of Congress, Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955), 110th CONGRESS, 1st Session,
Section 899D recommends: Ibid
It really sets the stage for further: The Indypendent, Kucinich on HR 1955, December 2, 2007, Jessica Lee,
On August 7, 2007, the Senate version of the bill: The Baltimore Sun, Here Come the Thought Police, November 19, 2007, Ralph E. Shaffer, R. William Robinson; ACLU Skeptical of Senate Report on Homegrown Terrorism, April 8, 2008,; New York Times, Joe Lieberman, Would-Be Censor, May 25, 2008
more interested in keeping the internet up: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
the director of the FBI, Robert S. Mueller: Violent Islamist Extremism, The Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat, United States Senate, Committee on Homeland Security, and Governmental Affairs, May 8, 2008, Joseph Lieberman, Susan Collins
The USSOCOM, SIPRI, and NYPD Intelligence Division publications: United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Posture Statement, 2007; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Terrorism in Asymmetrical Conflict: Ideological and Structural Aspects, Ekaterina Stepanova, (Oxford University Press, 2008); NYPD Intelligence Division, Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat, August 15, 2007, Mitchell D. Silber, Arvin Bhatt
HR1955 similarly portrays the internet: The Library of Congress, Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (HR1955), 110th CONGRESS, 1st Session,
The White House’s Strategy for Winning the War on Terror: The White House, Strategy for Winning the War on Terror,
On November 6, 2007 C-Span broadcasted: House Subcommittee Presentation Equates 9/11 Truth With Terrorism, November 13, 2007, Steve Watson, Paul Watson,
These falsehoods and conspiracy theories: Ibid
The United States Senate Committee on Homeland: Violent Islamist Extremism, The Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat, United States Senate, Committee on Homeland Security, and Governmental Affairs, May 8, 2008, Joseph Lieberman, Susan Collins
The internet also functions as a virtual extremist: Ibid
Testifying at the US Senate, Committee on Homeland Security: Ibid
possible encounters with conspiracy theorists: Missouri Information Analysis Center, Missouri State Highway Patrol, MIAC Strategic Report, February 20, 2009
The report focuses on identifying people: Ibid
It is similar to the Phoenix FBI: Phoenix FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force; Virginia Terrorism Manual, Terrorism & Security Awareness Orientation for State Employees
The indicators outlined in the MIAC: Missouri Information Analysis Center, Missouri State Highway Patrol, MIAC Strategic Report, February 20, 2009
You are the enemy: Ibid
In order to combat the extremists: Countering the New Terrorism, Ian O. Lesser, Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, Michele Zanini, Brian Michael Jenkins, (RAND Corporation, 1999)
aggressively targeting potential domestic terrorists: The Nation, Spying on the Protesters, September 19, 2005, John Friedman
Likewise, articles by MSNBC:, Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?, December 14, 2005, Lisa Myers, Douglas Pasternak, Rich Gardella; Bill of Rights Defense Committee, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), Examples of JTTF Activities,; Democracy Now, Pentagon Caught Spying on US Anti-War and Anti-Nuclear Activists, December 15, 2005; ABC News, Associated Press, ACLU: Military Skirting Law to Spy, April 2, 2008, Larry Neumeister
Constitutional free-speech protections: Reuters, Bush-Era Memos Saw Rights Limits in US Terror War, March 3, 2009, Randall Mikkelsen
an aggressive expansion by the military: New York Times Company, Military Expands Intelligence Role in US, January 14, 2007, Eric Lichtblau, Mark Mazzetti
The FBI hasn’t just monitored: Colorado Springs Independent, Unusual Suspects: FBI Targeted Political Protesters in ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Cases, December 8, 2005, Terje Langeland
The Drake University chapter: Bill of Rights Defense Committee, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), Examples of JTTF Activities,
In 2004, The Fresno California Police: Ibid
The California National Guard conducted: The Nation, Spying on the Protesters, September 19, 2005, John Friedman
People in Missouri who were planning: Ibid
antiwar and defense contractor protesters in Maryland: The Washington Post, More Groups Than Thought Monitored in Police Spying, January 4, 2009, Lisa Rein, Josh White
free speech may create permissive conditions: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
The US military has stepped up intelligence collection:, Is the Pentagon spying on Americans?, December 14, 2005, Lisa Myers, Douglas Pasternak, Rich Gardella
Newly leaked Pentagon documents: Democracy Now, Pentagon Caught Spying on US Anti-War and Anti-Nuclear Activists, December 15, 2005
In 2006 Congress passed the Military: San Francisco Chronicle, Rule by fear or rule by law?, February 4, 2008, Lewis Seiler, Dan Hamburg
Steven Metz and James Kievit mentioned: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
To destroy the new enemy, an irregular approach: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith; Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, February 2006
A protracted method: Ibid
For such a foe: Ibid
The specific methods which are used: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit; Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein; The Land Warfare Papers, Defining Asymmetric Warfare, September 2006, David L. Buffaloe; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Ibid
enemies have been able to avoid attacks: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
These new enemies depend on the public: Strategic Communications: The Information Battlefield, Address to the Combat Studies Institute Symposium, Fort Leavenworth, KS, September 12, 2007, Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell
hunted down, isolated, attacked, denied critical services: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
We have formally acknowledged: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
eliminating all safe havens: The White House, Strategy for Winning the War on Terror,
We will direct every resource: US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Defending the Homeland, April 09, 2002, Lieutenant Colonel Benigno Bern Ruiz
to detect and eliminate the underlying causes of extremist: United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Posture Statement, 2007
terrorists who live among the civilian population: National Defense, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, March 1 2002, John B. Alexander
Tactically, the United States must find: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
will be used for executions: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994
secrecy must be used to preserve the effectiveness: Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener
In his 1970 book Between Two Ages: Between Two Ages, Zbigniew Brzezinski
The investigation can be the result: The Age of Surveillance: The Aims and Methods of America’s Political Intelligence System, Frank J. Donner, (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1980)
After an investigation has been launched: Ibid
the intelligence process, which includes: Ibid
The information gathered includes: Ibid
It also includes interviews with: Ibid
A variety of harassment techniques: Ibid
Investigations of this kind: Ibid
Instead, it is a justification: Ibid
The military’s surveillance of civilians: Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, Military Surveillance of Civilian Politics: A Report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, 92nd Congress, 1st Session, August 15, 1973
During WWI civilians who were suspected: Ibid
In 1939, the FBI along with the Military: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
One organization that had been placed: Ibid
College campuses became the focal point: Ibid
the FBI recruited informants on campuses: Ibid
Also beginning in the 1950s: Ibid
The CIA would regularly recruit as informants: Ibid
Students and faculty were placed under active surveillance: Ibid
In the late 1960s a military bureaucracy: Ibid
USAINTC had hundreds of offices: Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, Staff of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Army Surveillance of Civilians, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1972
The records kept by CONARC: Ibid
According to the 1973 Senate report: Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, Military Surveillance of Civilian Politics: A Report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, 92nd Congress, 1st Session, August 15, 1973
However, despite the attention: Ibid
From 1956 to at least 1971: COINTELPRO,
It consisted of a series of projects: Ibid
However, it appears that labeling individuals: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
The program is known to have expanded: COINTELPRO,
The methods, which included psychological warfare: Intelligence Activities and the Rights Of Americans, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations, Book II, April 26, 1976,
These were devastating methods used to destroy: Ibid
The government used high-tech surveillance equipment: COINTELPRO,
After people were placed under surveillance: War at Home: Covert Action Against US Activists and What We Can Do About It, Brian Glick, (South End Press, July 1999)
Psychological warfare was used: Ibid
The FBI worked with the police to harass: Ibid
The FBI and local police departments: Ibid
an “army of informers” deployed across the country: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
If COINTELPRO had been a short-lived: Intelligence Activities and the Rights Of Americans, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations, Book II, April 26, 1976
Executive Order 12333 signed into law: War at Home, Brian Glick
The BSSR warned that the various democratic: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
For instance, a May 2003 report: DIA Workforce of the Future: Creating the Future of the Defense Intelligence Agency, May 15, 2003
Adversaries that know that they are persistently being watched: Toward a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs, Deborah G. Barger, (RAND Corporation, 2005)
aggressive and continuous surveillance: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
The DSB commented in its 2004 task force: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
persistent surveillance and vastly: Department of Defense, Quadrennial Defense Review Report, February 2006
Surveillance technology has been described: Omega Research Foundation, Report for the European Parliament, An Appraisal Of The Technologies Of Political Control, September 1998
Satellites, millimeter waves, radar: Winning The War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies, And Concepts For The Post-911 World, Col. John B. Alexander, US Army (RET.), (St. Martin’s Press, 2003)
Different frequencies of EM: US Air Force, Air Command And Staff College, Maxwell AFB, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025: An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
Sensors are devices used for surveillance: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith; In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
A network of a variety of sensors: Ibid
At any level of the battlespace: MITRE Corporation, From Netted Sensors to Swarming, October 24, 2005, Dr. Raja Suresh
Sensors can scan for radio frequency: Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney, (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2008); Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Third International Conference, FAC 2007, Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007); Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to our High-tech World, David Hambling, (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2005); The Geeks of War: The Secretive Labs and Brilliant Minds Behind Tomorrow’s Warfare Technology, John Edwards (AMACOM, 2005)
Sensors exist that can monitor: Ibid
A network of multimodal: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; DIA Workforce of the Future: Creating the Future of the Defense Intelligence Agency, May 15, 2003; Ibid (Hambling)
Sensors known as smart dust: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998; Ibid (Hambling)
Sensors can be deployed on satellites: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; DIA Workforce of the Future: Creating the Future of the Defense Intelligence Agency, May 15, 2003
Fixed sensors which: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation; Department of Defense, Office of Force Transformation, The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare, January 5, 2005; Ibid (DSB)
The DOD has done a vast: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
Sensors continue to become smaller: War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler
Millimeter waves (MMW): Weapons Grade, David Hambling; National Defense, Non-Lethal Weapon Readied for Battlefield, January 1 2006, Stew Magnuson
For instance, a device can be tuned: Ibid
The objects which interact with a MMW: Winning The War, Col. John B. Alexander; Ibid (National Defense)
Acoustic systems also exist: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
Ground penetrating radar (GPR): Weapons Grade, David Hambling
Satellites can be used for surveillance: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
Lasers can be used for high-precision: Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Lasers In Space: Technological Options For Enhancing US Military Capabilities, November 1997, Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF; Air Command And Staff College, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Laser Options For National Missile Defense, April 1998, Steven G. Leonard, Major, USAF
As a future capability, the Air Force: US Air Force, Air Command And Staff College, Maxwell AFB, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025: An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
DARPA has been working on similar: DARPATech 2004 Symposium, Assured Urban Operations Presentation, Anaheim, California, March 9, 2004
A multi-purpose platform: An Overview of the HAARP Program,
Since 1973 DARPA has been: Los Angeles Times, Mind Reading Machine Tells Secrets of the Brain, Sci-Fi Comes True, March 29, 1976
They developed a system: Ibid
In 1974 another very basic mind-reading: Time Magazine, Mind-Reading Computer, July 1, 1974
Another method to address this: Ibid
Since then, DARPA has sponsored: The Geeks of War, John Edwards; Popular Science, Mind Over Machine, February 1, 2004, Carl Zimmer
The Human Computer Interaction: LiveScience Magazine, Computer to Read Minds, October 2, 2007, Lamont Wood
Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University: Forbes, This is Your Brain On Shopping, January 5, 2007, Elisabeth Eaves
The Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge: University of Cambridge (UK), Mind-Reading Machines, Peter Robinson
Other academic institutions that have: ABC News, Mind-Reading Computer Picks Your Card, March 6, 2008;, Military Wants to Study Mind-Reading, August 15, 2008; New Scientist, Mind-Reading Machine Knows What You See, April 25, 2005
Microsoft has studied mind-reading: New Scientist, Microsoft Mind Reading, October 15, 2007, Justin Mullins
Honda Motors and Advanced Telecommunications: Web Japan, Science & Technology, The Mind-Reading Robot, July 11, 2006
Scientists discovered that the neural: Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense, Dr. Jonathan D. Moreno, (The Dana Foundation, 2006); Popular Science, Mind Over Machine, February 1, 2004, Carl Zimmer
They now understand that it’s not necessary: Ibid
There are basically two types of measurements: Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney, (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2008); Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Third International Conference, FAC 2007, Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007)
Both of these methods are almost: Ibid
Electroencephalography (EEG) provides a direct: Electroencephalography,; Ibid
Wireless EEG which uses non-invasive: Los Angeles Times, Mind Reading Machine Tells Secrets of the Brain, Sci-Fi Comes True, March 29, 1976
However, in 2008 Discovery News reported: Discovery Channel, Discovery News, Mind-Reading Game Headset to Hit Market, March 7, 2008, Eric Bland
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures: Science News For Kids, Mind-reading Machine, March 26, 2008, Jennifer Cutraro; Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
The fMRI provides an indirect: Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney; Technology Review, Mind Reading with Functional MRI, March 5, 2008, Emily Singer
Functional near-infrared imaging (fNIR): LiveScience Magazine, Computer to Read Minds, October 2, 2007, Lamont Wood; Ibid (Schmorrow, Stanney)
fNIR can provide an almost: Ibid
Event-related optical signal (EROS): Event-Related Optical Signal,; Ibid (Schmorrow, Stanney)
The new realization is that every thought: Newsweek International, Mind Reading is Here, February 4, 2008, Sharon Begley
Just like you can find one person in a million: US News and World Report, Reading Your Mind and Injecting Smart Thoughts, January 3, 2000, Douglas Pasternak
Both words and images can be detected: Popular Science, Mind Over Machine, February 1, 2004, Carl Zimmer; Computerworld Magazine, Scientists Build Mind-Reading Computer, February 6, 2008, Carrie-Ann Skinner; UK Telegraph, Mind-Reading Technique Developed in US, February 20, 2009; The Hindustan Times, Now, a Mind Reading Device that Could Predict What You're Looking at, March 6, 2008; Scientific American Mind, Neuroscientists Take Important Step toward Mind Reading, May 29, 2008, Christopher Intagliata
It is possible to read someone’s mind: New Scientist, Mind-Reading Machine Knows What You See, April 25, 2005
They announced that the technology: Physorg, Dreams May no Longer be Secret with Japan Computer Screen, December 11, 2008
Vanderbilt University in Nashville: UK Telegraph, Mind-Reading Technique Developed in US, February 20, 2009
University of California at Berkeley accomplished mind-reading: ABC News, Mind-Reading Computer Picks Your Card, March 6, 2008
In addition to deciphering these brain patterns: Scientific American Mind, Neuroscientists Take Important Step toward Mind Reading, May 29, 2008, Christopher Intagliata; Ibid
The scientists announced: The Hindustan Times, Now, a Mind Reading Device that Could Predict What You're Looking at, March 6, 2008
out of 1 billion pictures, the computer: ABC News, Mind-Reading Computer Picks Your Card, March 6, 2008
Images which are not consciously seen: New Scientist, Mind-Reading Machine Knows What You See, April 25, 2005; The Daily Mail (London, England), Mind-Reading Machine that Could Flush Out Fibs, April 30, 2005
Like a fingerprint, each person: US News and World Report, Reading Your Mind and Injecting Smart Thoughts, January 3, 2000, Douglas Pasternak
In the case of EEG: Discovery Channel, Discovery News, Mind-Reading Game Headset to Hit Market, March 7, 2008, Eric Bland
Using fMRI, scientists at Carnegie Mellon: Newsweek International, Mind Reading is Here, February 4, 2008, Sharon Begley
Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley: Press and Journal, The Aberdeen (UK), Reading the Mind May be Possible, March 6, 2008
Likewise, the brain patterns associated with specific: The Hindustan Times, A Mind Reading Thinking Cap Has Arrived!, March 10, 2006
A mind-reading machine capable: Computerworld Magazine, Scientists Build Mind-Reading Computer, February 6, 2008, Carrie-Ann Skinner
These building blocks could be used: Ibid
translate a person’s working verbal memory: Popular Science, Mind Over Machine, February 1, 2004, Carl Zimmer
fMRI can be used to determine: US News and World Report, Reading Your Mind and Injecting Smart Thoughts, January 3, 2000, Douglas Pasternak
And because these patterns are similar: The Hindustan Times, A Mind Reading Thinking Cap Has Arrived!, March 10, 2006
In March of 2008 both Technology Review: ABC News, Mind-Reading Computer Picks Your Card, March 6, 2008; Technology Review, Mind Reading with Functional MRI, March 5, 2008, Emily Singer
Emotions from love to hate: LiveScience Magazine, Computer to Read Minds, October 2, 2007, Lamont Wood; US News and World Report, Reading Your Mind and Injecting Smart Thoughts, January 3, 2000, Douglas Pasternak
Brain states such as honesty: Mind Wars, Dr. Jonathan D. Moreno
Patterns associated with decisions: Forbes, This is Your Brain On Shopping, January 5, 2007, Elisabeth Eaves
Neuroimaging can also detect decisions: The Mercury (South Africa), Scientists One Step Closer to Reading Minds, March 6, 2007
Neuroimaging can be used to determine: ABC News, Mind-Reading Computer Picks Your Card, March 6, 2008; Science News For Kids, Mind-reading Machine, March 26, 2008, Jennifer Cutraro
Brain patterns associated with specific physical: Popular Science, Mind Over Machine, February 1, 2004, Carl Zimmer; Slate Magazine, The Arrival of Mind-Reading Machines, March 20, 2007, William Saletan; Web Japan, Science & Technology, The Mind-Reading Robot, July 11, 2006; The Mercury (South Africa), Scientists One Step Closer to Reading Minds, March 6, 2007
A type of mind-reading is possible with cameras: CNET News, MIT Group Develops 'Mind-Reading' Device, April 4, 2006, Candace Lombardi
When an emotional state is detected: Ibid
Around this time, the Computer Laboratory: University of Cambridge (UK), Mind-Reading Machines, Peter Robinson
Mapping human brain functions is now routine: US News and World Report, Reading Your Mind and Injecting Smart Thoughts, January 3, 2000, Douglas Pasternak
The proposed uses for mind-reading: New Scientist, Mind-Reading Machine Knows What You See, April 25, 2005;, Military Wants to Study Mind-Reading, August 15, 2008; CNET News, MIT Group Develops 'Mind-Reading' Device, April 4, 2006, Candace Lombardi; Computerworld Magazine, Scientists Build Mind-Reading Computer, February 6, 2008, Carrie-Ann Skinner; The Daily Mail (London, England), Mind-Reading Machine that Could Flush Out Fibs, April 30, 2005; University of Cambridge (UK), Mind-Reading Machines, Peter Robinson; Slate Magazine, The Arrival of Mind-Reading Machines, March 20, 2007, William Saletan; Komo News, Brain Fingerprinting Could be Breakthrough in Law Enforcement, October 10, 2008; Ibid
However, other uses that have been suggested: Ibid (CNN; Komo)
Dr. John Alexander mentioned that the recent: Winning The War, Col. John B. Alexander
Dr. Norseen has sent R&D plans to the pentagon: US News and World Report, Reading Your Mind and Injecting Smart Thoughts, January 3, 2000, Douglas Pasternak
used to interrogate the enemy:, Military Wants to Study Mind-Reading, August 15, 2008
a new forensic technology: Law Enforcement Technology, What You Don't Know Can't Hurt You, September 1, 2005, Sam Simon; Komo News, Brain Fingerprinting Could be Breakthrough in Law Enforcement, October 10, 2008
Non-lethal weapons (NLW) have also been: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
They are used to incapacitate: Department of the Army, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73, Concept for Nonlethal Capabilities in Army Operations, December 1, 1996; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
NLW are not required to have: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
weapons that are explicitly designed and primarily: Georgetown Journal of International Law, Tangled Up in Khaki and Blue: Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons in Recent Confrontations, April 1, 2005, David A Koplow
described by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Ibid
NLW cover a wide range of many technologies: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley; Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999; Daily Breeze (Los Angeles Newspaper), Pentagon is Searching for Non-Lethal Weapons, March 24, 2002, Seth Hettena; Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF
Many of these weapons can be accurately: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
The people who operate these weapons: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
These weapons can be organized by function: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley; Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF
For this introduction they’ll be listed by technology: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998; Ibid (USAF, Potential Strategic Blessings)
NLW are to be used in combination: Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999; National Defense, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, March 1 2002, John B. Alexander
In both their 2004 Non-Lethal Weapons: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 7, May 2005, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
The NRC described that the synergistic: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
According to the US military: Daily Breeze (Los Angeles Newspaper), Pentagon is Searching for Non-Lethal Weapons, March 24, 2002, Seth Hettena; University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
Psychological operations (PsyOp) are a planned process: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning, Janos Radvany, (Praeger, 1990)
Psychological operations are planned operations: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
A TA is defined by the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003
PsyOp is used across the entire spectrum of conflict: Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning, Janos Radvany; Joint Warfighting Center, Irregular Warfare Special Study, August 4, 2006; War on the Mind: The Military Uses and Abuses of Psychology, Peter Watson, (Basic Books Inc., 1978); Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003; Department of the Army, Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1), MCRP 3-40.6A, December 2003
Planning for PsyOp is the same: Ibid
Furthermore, the Council on Foreign Relations: Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999
directed at the physiological or psychological: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
A book published in 2000: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein
have it listed as a type of information operation: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
IO consists of five core capabilities: Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, February 13, 2006
They include: psychological operations (PsyOp): Ibid
Of the five, PsyOp, MILDEC: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The term psychological warfare: Science of Coercion: Communication Research and Psychological Warfare, Christopher Simpson, (Oxford University Press, 1994)
Military deception (MILDEC) seeks: Joint Publication 3-13.4, Military Deception, July 13, 2006; US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003
It does this to the point of managing: Ibid
Neocortical warfare is RAND’s version of PsyOp: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
the effects based operation (EBO): Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
Furthermore, terms used in the UK: War on the Mind, Peter Watson
PsyOp has been used since ancient times: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning, Janos Radvany; Science of Coercion, Christopher Simpson
Psychological manipulation of opposing forces: Ibid
More recently, it has been used by totalitarian regimes: Psychological Warfare,; Ibid (Radvany; Simpson)
Organizations which had a significant influence: Ibid (Simpson)
PsyOp is a core part of civil-military operations (CMO): Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, February 13, 2006; Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004
The controlling faction of these PsyOp/CMO: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Operations Other Than War, J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate,; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003; The Information Revolution and National Security, Thomas E. Copeland
In the US this means FEMA: Ibid
These operations are run from: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008
The host nation (HN) provides the military: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; The Information Revolution and National Security, Thomas E. Copeland
A product is an action, event, or media: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Department of the Army, Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1), MCRP 3-40.6A, December 2003
a line of communication known as a theme: Ibid
Audio products include radio broadcasts: Associated Press, Navy, Marines Urged to Give Nonlethal Weapon Development Top Priority, November 5, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid; Ibid (US Army)
Visual products include items: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Ibid (US Army)
They include: matches, lighters, soap: Ibid
Other visual products are: Medscape General Medicine, Psychiatry & Mental Health, PSYOPS: Psychological Operations, February 24, 2003, Ronnie S. Stangler, MD; US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006; Ibid
PsyOP audiovisual products use sight: Ibid (US Army; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
To help create professional quality audiovisual: Ibid
In PsyOp the battlespace is sometimes: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, February 13, 2006; US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
a psychological operations group (POG): Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008
The POG consists of military: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004
The Fourth Psychological Operations Group (4th POG): Global Security, 4th POG,; War on the Mind, Peter Watson; Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning, Janos Radvany
It has intelligence sections that gather: Ibid
The 4th POG provides support such as propaganda: Ibid
It has mobile radio monitoring stations: Ibid
It also has tactical teams: Ibid
The United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM): United States Special Operations Command,
SOCOM has multiple units: Ibid
SOCOM conducts PsyOp: Ibid
The PsyOp Task Force (POTF): Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The Tactical PsyOp Detachment (TPD): Ibid
A Tactical PsyOp Team (TPT): Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Ibid
A Tactical Product Development Detachment: Ibid (Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
Prior to PsyOp activities, a PsyOp Assessment Team: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The equipment used by PsyOp units: War on the Mind, Peter Watson; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Department of the Army, Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1), MCRP 3-40.6A, December 2003
Production may be done by the 4th POG: Ibid
PsyOp units locate and establish contracts: Department of the Army, Field Manual Headquarters, Peace Operations (FM 100-23), December 30, 1994; Ibid (US Army; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
The units also determine the location of radio: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003; Medscape General Medicine, Psychiatry & Mental Health, PSYOPS: Psychological Operations, February 24, 2003, Ronnie S. Stangler, MD; Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5.3, Psychological Operations, August 27, 1999; Air and Space Power Journal, Leveraging Technology for PSYOP Beyond 2010, April 6, 2004, Maj Douglas W. Jaquish, USAF; Ibid (US Army; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
In addition to transmitting PsyOp: Ibid (Air and Space Power Journal)
The Council on Foreign Relations: Council On Foreign Relations, Task Force Report, Nonlethal Weapons And Capabilities, 2005, Graham T. Allison, Paul X. Kelley, Richard L. Garwin; Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener; Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999
Also worth mentioning is digital morphing: Washington Post, When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing, Febuary 1, 1999, William M. Arkin; CBS News, Some of What You See Isn't There, January 12, 2000, Alex Kuczynski
In addition, morphing allows for graphics: Ibid
The DSB recognized the usefulness: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
PsyOp units use a C4ISR system: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5.3, Psychological Operations, August 27, 1999
Units are connected to the intelligence cycle: Ibid
In addition, the C4ISR system allows: Ibid (USAF)
Each AO has a senior PsyOp officer: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
The TA’s reaction: Ibid (JP 3-53)
TA analysis is necessary to plan: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, by Lt Colonel, David J. Dean, USAF; War on the Mind, Peter Watson; Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning, Janos Radvany
Experts in the behavioral sciences: Ibid
Factors that are considered include: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003; British War Office, Staff Officers Guide to Psychological Operations, 1962,; Ibid (Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
Communication with a TA usually: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Ibid (Canadian Forces Doctrine Board; JP 3-53)
A theme can be thought of as a series: Ibid
PsyOp personnel use the principles of marketing: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006; Department of the Army, Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1), MCRP 3-40.6A, December 2003; Ibid (Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
There are several categories of themes: Ibid (US Army)
Legitimacy themes: War on the Mind, Peter Watson; Ibid
Inevitability themes rely on the fear: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Ibid (US Army)
Any recent tragedies suffered: Ibid
Other types of messages that exploit: British War Office, Staff Officers Guide to Psychological Operations, 1962,
The military also establishes contact: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Department of the Army, Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1), MCRP 3-40.6A, December 2003
Both require that the people involved: Ibid
There are multiple references: Ibid (US Army)
Only the limitations of the supported unit: Ibid
agents of action (also called actors): Ibid
Key communicators are individuals (including civilians): Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Ibid
PsyActs can take place during rallies: Ibid (Canadian Forces Doctrine Board)
This is a type of live theater performance: Ibid
Those who design PsyOp campaigns: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
After a person has been profiled: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003
Products are distributed to the TA: Ibid
Part of PsyOp production involves: Ibid
After learning an individual’s representational system: The Structure of Magic: A Book About Language and Therapy, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, (Science and Behavior Books, June 1975); The Structure of Magic II: A Book About Communication and Change, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, (Science and Behavior Books, August 1975)
Knowing what the adversary values: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
In order to change the behavior of a TA: The Information Revolution and National Security, Thomas E. Copeland
To accomplish this, the entire system: Joint Publication 3-13.4, Military Deception, July 13, 2006
almost complete control can be established: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Behavior modification also requires that the TA’s: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003
To modify the behavior of the TA: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
Through maximizing all media assets: Department of the Army, Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, FM 3-05.301 (FM 33-1-1), MCRP 3-40.6A, December 2003
powerfully disseminated directly to the targeted audiences: Department of Defense, Information Operations Roadmap, October 30, 2003
no possible channel of communication can be ignored: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
Isolating people from their support structure: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
They also seek to establish: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003
The types of support: Ibid
denying the enemy basic human needs: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
Removing food and water: Ibid
The US military has specifically stated: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
by conducting a rumor campaign: Canadian Forces Doctrine Board, Joint Psychological Operations (B-GJ-005-313/FP-001), January 15, 2004
The R2 also sharpens the story: Ibid
PsyOp attacks are synchronized with core: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, February 13, 2006
The innovative combination of electronic weapons platforms: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
EW is used to isolate, disrupt, and influence: Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, February 13, 2006; Joint Publication 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare, January 25, 2007
CNO are used to attack, deny: Ibid (JP 3-13 IO)
The battlespace includes the internet: Department of Defense, Information Operations Roadmap, October 30, 2003; Air Force Doctrine Document 2-5.3, Psychological Operations, August 27, 1999
Some IW activities, such as terrorism: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
frightening the population into inactivity: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
the ultimate goal of PsyOp is to modify: Department of the Army, Decisive Force: The Army in Theater Operations (FM 100-7); US Air Force, Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Military Operations Other Than War, October 5, 1996
To accomplish this, a relentless campaign: Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning, Janos Radvany
Attrition is the product of gradual: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
The triggers contained in these themes: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Publication 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations, September 2003
A psychologist looking at our efforts: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
Messages and themes must be clearly understood: United States Army Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, Deterring and Responding to Asymmetrical Threats, May 22, 2003, Major John W. Reynolds
An anchor is created when an emotional state: Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People, Joseph O’Connor and John Seymour, (Thorsons Publishers, 1993)
Once the anchor has been established: Ibid
NLP has been used by personal-growth: NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner, (Harper Paperbacks, 1996); Ibid
An intelligence and security unit: The Warrior’s Edge, Colonel John B. Alexander, Janet Morris, Major Richard Groller, (Avon Books, 1992)
The RAND Corporation has suggested that NLP: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Pain is inflicted until the victim: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
The BSSR described how the application: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
It was also used by the KGB: Ibid
DE is an umbrella term covering technologies: Joint Publication 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare, January 25, 2007
Microwaves and lasers are both part: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
Toward the low end of the spectrum: Electromagnetic Spectrum,
Because lasers have a shorter wavelength: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
A high-powered microwave (HPM) and microwave oven: Ibid
This feature makes them rheostatic: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
An example of this is the Active Denial: National Defense, High-Tech Weapons Mix Targets Urban Hazards, June 1 2006, Stew Magnuson
The second is the electromagnetic bomb: Journal of California Law Enforcement, Radio Frequency Weapons: Issues and Potentials, January 1, 2002, Robert J. Bunker; Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007
Lasers consist of two basic groups: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley
DEWs are subject to diffraction: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
Diffraction can be used to the advantage: Ibid
DEWs offer the following capabilities: Journal of California Law Enforcement, Radio Frequency Weapons: Issues and Potentials, January 1, 2002, Robert J. Bunker; National Defense, High-Tech Weapons Mix Targets Urban Hazards, June 1 2006, Stew Magnuson; US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley; Chicago Sun-Times, Military May Use Light, Radio Beams To Fight, July 10, 2005, Brian Bergstein; The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
In addition, they are scalable: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; Ibid (Chicago Sun-Times)
Some can pass through most: Ibid (Chicago Sun-Times)
And their use is virtually: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
These weapons are mounted: War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler
Other platforms evidently exist: Journal of California Law Enforcement, Radio Frequency Weapons: Issues and Potentials, January 1, 2002, Robert J. Bunker
The advantage of directed energy: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
Much research on FTP/FC: Global Security, Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Fire Control Program,
Wide-area (broad) sensors: Ibid
Different sensors are used during the multiple phases: Ibid
Then the next target is selected: Federation of American Scientists, Ballistic Missile Defense Budget Activity, Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing and Fire Control Technology, February 1994,
In its 1984 directed energy plan: Global Security, Acquisition, Tracking, Pointing, and Fire Control Program,
High-powered Microwaves (HPM) include two: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
They have a variety of applications: United States Air Force, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Directed Energy Weapons: Do We Have a Game Plan? (Monograph, AY 03-04), Major Timothy J. Lincoln
Many of the details: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart
A maser is similar to a laser: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
The ADT is a type of maser: USA Today, Military Embrace Of 'Non-Lethal' Energy Weapons Sparks Debate, August 2, 2004, Michael P. Regan
The ADT’s development: Wired, Say Hello to the Goodbye Weapon, December 05, 2006, David Hambling
The wave emitted from: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
The ADS is a counter-personnel, non-lethal: JNLWP, ADS Fact Sheet
In addition, there are both hardware: Ibid
It is powered by a 100 kW ultra-high: Design News, Military Beams Over New Non-Lethal Weapon, May 12, 2008, John Dodge
The device is cooled with: Ibid
The power level of the ADS is adjustable: National Public Radio (NPR), All Things Considered, Non-Lethal Weapon Emits Invisible Rays of Pain, October 29 2007, Robert Siegel (Host)
Its focal point can be adjusted too: Ibid
They include a heating: National Defense, Non-Lethal Weapon Readied for Battlefield, January 1 2006, Stew Magnuson; Journal of California Law Enforcement, Radio Frequency Weapons: Issues and Potentials, January 1, 2002, Robert J. Bunker
It can also produce resonance: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
The ADS passes through: National Defense, Non-Lethal Weapon Readied for Battlefield, January 1 2006, Stew Magnuson
for neutralizing individuals: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
With its long range and rapid: Council On Foreign Relations, Task Force Report, Nonlethal Weapons And Capabilities, 2005, Graham T. Allison, Paul X. Kelley, Richard L. Garwin
a person suffered an injury: New Scientist, Details of US Microwave-Weapon Tests Revealed, July 22, 2005, David Hambling
flesh-frying killer: ABC News, Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks, New Report Shows Potential for Death, October 10, 2008, David Hambling
traceless form of urban political control: The Guardian, Targeting the Pain Business, October 5, 2006, Steve Wright, Charles Arthur
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ): University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 7, May 2005, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
mobile ADT units to police forces: New Scientist, Police Toy With 'Less Lethal' Weapons, May 2005, David Hambling
And National Defense News reported: National Defense, Non-Lethal Weapon Readied for Battlefield, January 1 2006, Stew Magnuson
The NIJ’s interest in these smaller weapons: ABC News, Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks, New Report Shows Potential for Death, October 10, 2008, David Hambling
The ADS2, also called System 2: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 8, March 2006, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
ADS1 was the prototype version of this weapon: National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law
The ADS2 has improvements: United Press International, Raytheon Delivers ADS2 to USAF, September 11, 2007
Project Sheriff, also called Full Spectrum Effects Platform: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 8, March 2006, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer; New Scientist, Details of US Microwave-Weapon Tests Revealed, July 22, 2005, David Hambling
The unit contains a suite of lethal: National Defense, High-Tech Weapons Mix Targets Urban Hazards, June 1 2006, Stew Magnuson
The FSEP is also equipped with a lethal: Ibid
it automatically swivels: Ibid
The Silent Guardian, built by Raytheon: The Guardian, Targeting the Pain Business, October 5, 2006, Steve Wright, Charles Arthur; Popular Mechanics, Tech Watch: Forecasting Pain, December 2006, David Hambling
It can switch from standby: Raytheon Company, Silent Guardian Protection System Fact Sheet,; ABC News, Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks, New Report Shows Potential for Death, October 10, 2008, David Hambling
Allegedly it will be used for checkpoint security: The Guardian, Targeting the Pain Business, October 5, 2006, Steve Wright, Charles Arthur
precise targeting of specific individuals: Raytheon Company, Silent Guardian Protection System Fact Sheet,
In addition to the auto-tracking feature: ABC News, Army Orders Pain Ray Trucks, New Report Shows Potential for Death, October 10, 2008, David Hambling; Popular Mechanics, Tech Watch: Forecasting Pain, December 2006, David Hambling
The infrared sensors: The Guardian, Targeting the Pain Business, October 5, 2006, Steve Wright, Charles Arthur
Vigilant Eagle is a ground-based: Microwave Journal, Defense News, Raytheon to Demonstrate Aircraft Protection System, December 2006
Its intended use is to detect: The Guardian, Targeting the Pain Business, October 5, 2006, Steve Wright, Charles Arthur; Wired (Associated Press), Beam It Right There, Scotty, July 10, 2005
The sensor unit includes: Microwave Journal, Defense News, Raytheon to Demonstrate Aircraft Protection System, December 2006
The C2 unit is referred: Space Daily, Vigilant Eagle Incorporates New Technology For Urban Warfare, May 18, 2006,
The large rectangular antenna: Global Security, Vigilant Eagle,; Raytheon Produces Active Denial and Other Directed Energy Solutions,
The electromagnetic pulse (EMP): Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz; Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart
The weapon accomplishes this: International Review of the Red Cross, The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons, November 1, 1990, Louise Doswald-Beck, Gerald C. Cauderay; Ibid
These pulses are similar to a lightening: Ibid (Red Cross)
The specific method by which the pulse: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart
It can also occur with ports: Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz
The precise targeting of electronic devices: Federation of American Scientists, Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, Spring 1997, Vol III, Cadet First Class Joseph M. Suhajda
Next, it can be configured to send a single pulse: United States Air Force, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Directed Energy Weapons: Do We Have a Game Plan? (Monograph, AY 03-04), Major Timothy J. Lincoln
Furthermore, a series of fast pulses: Ibid
It is possible today to generate a very powerful: International Review of the Red Cross, The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons, November 1, 1990, Louise Doswald-Beck, Gerald C. Cauderay
There is allegedly no unshielded device: Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely, Dr. Nick Begich,
destroy any electronic device within its range: Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF
Its intended targets include: Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz; The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
Another proposed use: Journal of California Law Enforcement, Radio Frequency Weapons: Issues and Potentials, January 1, 2002, Robert J. Bunker
They can be mounted on aircraft: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
The ground-based weapons can: Journal of California Law Enforcement, Radio Frequency Weapons: Issues and Potentials, January 1, 2002, Robert J. Bunker
In 1997 the FAS advocated: Federation of American Scientists, Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, Spring 1997, Vol III, Cadet First Class Joseph M. Suhajda
The space-based high-power microwave (HPM) weapon: US Air Force, Air Command And Staff College, Maxwell AFB, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025: An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
Lasers (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation): Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007; Naval War College (Joint Military Operations Department), Transforming How We Fight Through Effects-Based Operations & Non-Lethal Weapons, May 17, 2004, Lieutenant Colonel David B. Hall, USMC; National Defense, Directed Energy Viewed as Transforming, October 1, 2002, Elizabeth G. Book
They have both counter personnel: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley
While laser research dates back to the late 1950s: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart; Maxwell Air Force Base, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts For Space-Based And Ground-Based Laser Weapons, July 1998, William H. Possel, Lt Col, USAF
In the late 1960s Russia: Flug Review, Kosmoplan, Killer Satellites and a Battle Station, December 2000, Gerhard Kowalski
Lasers can be infrared, ultraviolet: Laser,
The two basic modes of operation are pulsed: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
Lasers can be phased: Ibid
Laser weapon platforms: Maxwell Air Force Base, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts For Space-Based And Ground-Based Laser Weapons, July 1998, William H. Possel, Lt Col, USAF; Maxwell Air Force Base, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Airborne and Space-Based Lasers: An Analysis of Technological and Operational Compatibility, June 1999, Kenneth W. Barker, Lt. Colonel, USAF
All of these conditions exist: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD; The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
So, a feature called Adaptive Optics: Ibid (Beason)
The mirror is adjusted so the high-powered: Maxwell Air Force Base, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts For Space-Based And Ground-Based Laser Weapons, July 1998, William H. Possel, Lt Col, USAF; Ibid
Chemical lasers are capable: Chemical Laser,
They include the Chemical Oxygen: Maxwell Air Force Base, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts For Space-Based And Ground-Based Laser Weapons, July 1998, William H. Possel, Lt Col, USAF
The Airborne Laser (ABL): Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007
Because of the corrosive nature of these: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
The Pulsed-Energy Projectile (PEP): Daily Mail, UK, Run Away the Ray-Gun is Coming: We Test US Army's New Secret Weapon, September 18, 2007, Michael Hanlon
It has a tunable effect: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
Some of its effects: In These Times, Non-Lethal Weaponry: The Next Generation, January 1, 2007, Silja Talvi
A single burst can produce: National Defense, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, March 1 2002, John B. Alexander
Mission Research Corporation: Ibid
According to the National Research Council: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
The Center for Technology and National: Defense Horizons (Center for Technology and National Security Policy), Nonlethal Capabilities: Realizing the Opportunities, March, 2002, Emil. R. Bedard
In May 2005, New Scientist reported: New Scientist, Police Toy With 'Less Lethal' Weapons, May 2005, David Hambling
Both the Tactical High-Energy Laser (THEL): The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
The THEL will be used to protect: Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007
It uses a combination of radar: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
In the summer of 2004 the THEL successfully: Business Wire, TRW Uses World's First Laser Weapon to Shoot Down Operational Rocket, June 7, 2000; Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007; Ibid
capable of moving around solid objects: National Defense, Directed-Energy Weapons Promise Low Cost Per Kill, September 1, 2001, Sandra I. Erwin
SkyGuard, developed by Northrop Grumman: SpaceWar, Ray Guns: Northrop Grumman Develops Skyguard Laser Defense System For Local Defense, July 13, 2006,
a wide range of threats: Ibid
The Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) is a product: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
Although it was originally intended: National Defense, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, March 1 2002, John B. Alexander
The platform consists of a laser: National Defense, Directed-Energy Weapons Promise Low Cost Per Kill, September 1, 2001, Sandra I. Erwin; National Defense, Directed Energy: Low Power Weapons on the Rise, February 1, 2008, Breanne Wagner
The ATL has an ultra-precision: United States Air Force, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Directed Energy Weapons: Do We Have a Game Plan? (Monograph, AY 03-04), Major Timothy J. Lincoln
capable of attacking military targets at 15 miles: National Defense, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, March 1 2002, John B. Alexander; Ibid
The Airborne Laser (ABL) is an air-based: Ibid (USAF)
The detection, tracking and acquisition unit: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel; The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
The ABL was originally designed: Journal of Electronic Defense, Directed Energy Warfare: Something for a Star Wars Sequel?, December 1, 1997, Beth Jannery
It was tested: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel
Solid-state lasers (SSL) have an electric gain medium: Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
They have kilowatt power levels: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
Some solid-state pulsed lasers: Ibid
A CW laser can cut through: Ibid
Due to their potentially unlimited magazine capacity: Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007; National Defense, Directed-Energy Weapons Promise Low Cost Per Kill, September 1, 2001, Sandra I. Erwin
Under the section, Joint High Power Man-Portable: Department of Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Program, 2007 Annual Report
a highly portable 100 kilowatt electric laser: The Los Angeles Times, Northrop Advance Brings Era Of The Laser Gun Closer, March 19, 2009, Peter Pae
The High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System: High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System,
Although the gain medium consists of a liquid: New Scientist, US on Course For Shrink-To-Fit Laser, August 2005, David Cohen, Helen Knight
It is to be built by General Atomics: DARPA's 'Star Wars'-Style Laser Cannon, August 30, 2005, Bill Christensen,
DARPA had this to say: High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System (HELLADS), Don Woodbury,
It was intended to be an air-based weapon: New Scientist, US on Course For Shrink-To-Fit Laser, August 2005, David Cohen, Helen Knight
Lockheed Martin says the laser: Press Release, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Friday, May 6, 2005,
The Laser Area Defense System (LADS): LADS Specification Sheet, Laser Area Defense System (LADS), Close-in Protection Against Asymmetric Threats,
LADS can be powered by a commercially: PRNewswire, Raytheon Company, January 9, 2007
According to Raytheon, the control: LADS Specification Sheet, Laser Area Defense System (LADS), Close-in Protection Against Asymmetric Threats,; Ibid
Free Electron Lasers (FEL) are: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
This includes the millimeter wavelength: The Geeks of War, John Edwards
It is expected to produce: Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007
In 2004 the creation a 10 kilowatt FEL: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 6, October 2004, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
The DSB says the FEL is equipped: Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007
The Laser Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC): Applied Energetics (AE), Laser Guided Energy,
AE built this weapon for the US Military: Ibid
DRS built its energy management: Business Wire, DRS Technologies and Ionatron Sign Strategic Agreement for Laser-Induced, May 4, 2006
It is a counter personnel and counter material weapon: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 5, May 2004, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
precision delivery of massive amounts: National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law
And the NATO Human Effects of Non-Lethal: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
It is tunable from lethal to nonlethal: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 8, March 2006, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
disabling of individuals and groups: National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law
In 2002, Time Magazine mentioned: Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman
In the early 1980s research on Space-Based Lasers (SBLs): Federation of American Scientists, Space Based Laser,
The US Air Force and the BMDO: Associated Press, Options For Saving a US City from Missile Attack, May 5, 2001, Calvin Woodward
The program team also consists: Space Daily, Senate Adds Millions for ASAT, Space Laser, May 18, 2000, Frank Sietzen, Jr.,; Space Daily, Space-Based Laser Team Advances Design With Successful Test, January 25, 2001,; Business Wire, Team SBL-IFX Awarded $97 Million for Next Phase of Space-Based Laser Program, November 6, 2000
An SBL allows for missile interception: Federation of American Scientists, Space Based Laser,; Associated Press, Options For Saving a US City from Missile Attack, May 5, 2001, Calvin Woodward; The Ottawa Citizen, US Wants to Build Space Laser in Total Secrecy, Weapon Could be in Use Before it's Made Public, Canadian Military Fears, June 1, 2004, David Pugliese
The lasers will be able to destroy: Ibid
According to the US Air Force, these systems: United States Air Force, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Directed Energy Weapons: Do We Have a Game Plan? (Monograph, AY 03-04), Major Timothy J. Lincoln
Canadian Military warned that the public: The Ottawa Citizen, US Wants to Build Space Laser in Total Secrecy, Weapon Could be in Use Before it's Made Public, Canadian Military Fears, June 1, 2004, David Pugliese
SBLs offer the capability to strike targets: Defense Science Board (DSB), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense For Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (AT&L), Task Force Report: Directed Energy Weapons and Technology Applications, December 2007
The SBL will also be used for ground: Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Lasers In Space: Technological Options For Enhancing US Military Capabilities, November 1997, Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF; United States Air Force, School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Directed Energy Weapons: Do We Have a Game Plan? (Monograph, AY 03-04), Major Timothy J. Lincoln
The SBL will be used in direct, offensive roles: Ibid (USAF, Lasers In Space)
But an SBL isn’t required to send a beam of energy: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel; Maxwell Air Force Base, Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Lasers and Missile Defense: New Concepts For Space-Based And Ground-Based Laser Weapons, July 1998, William H. Possel, Lt Col, USAF; Ibid
With a minimum of three space-based mirrors: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
The mirrors can be either space-based: Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Lasers In Space: Technological Options For Enhancing US Military Capabilities, November 1997, Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
In 1991 the Air Force’s relay mirror: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD; Federation of American Scientists, Space Based Laser,
this approach offers more pointing accuracy: Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Lasers In Space: Technological Options For Enhancing US Military Capabilities, November 1997, Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
In May 1996 the US Air Force suggested: US Air Force, Air Command And Staff College, Maxwell AFB, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025: An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
The solar-powered high-energy laser system: Ibid
The SEOW allows: Ibid
Admitted uses for lasers: The Heritage Foundation, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, April 28, 2006, Alane Kochems, Andrew Gudgel; National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law
They can also burst tires, or crack fuel tanks: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
crack glass in less than a second: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
Air Force was considering using the multimegawatt ABL: Journal of Electronic Defense, Directed Energy Warfare: Something for a Star Wars Sequel?, December 1, 1997, Beth Jannery
Author Doug Beason describes in his book: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
Lasers such as the PEP: National Defense, Non-lethal Weapons to Gain Relevancy in Future Conflicts, March 1 2002, John B. Alexander
advocates using DF and HF lasers on people: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley
direct applicability in the non-lethal counter-personnel area: Ibid
Once an asset has been turned over to the warfighter: The E-Bomb, Doug Beason, PhD
Depending on how they are adjusted: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006
They can temporarily or permanently blind: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
Upon hitting a person, they can produce: Council On Foreign Relations, Task Force Report, Nonlethal Weapons And Capabilities, 2005, Graham T. Allison, Paul X. Kelley, Richard L. Garwin
minor or severe skin burns: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006
The eyes are the most sensitive external organs: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart; Ibid
Lasers can paralyze specific parts of the body: National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law; University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 1, November 1997, Dr. Nick Lewer
These spasms can be clonic: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
At high powers, lasers: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
neutralize targets from tens of miles away: Chicago Sun-Times, Military May Use Light, Radio Beams To Fight, July 10, 2005, Brian Bergstein
Laser technologies, which have application: Naval War College (Joint Military Operations Department), Transforming How We Fight Through Effects-Based Operations & Non-Lethal Weapons, May 17, 2004, Lieutenant Colonel David B. Hall, USMC
A variety of high powered sonic weapons: Omega Foundation, Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies, October 2002, Dr Steve Wright
These weapons produces both psychological: LRAD Datasheets,; Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
Infrasonic generators can cause negative: Global Security, Acoustic Weapons,; National Public Radio (NPR), Malcolm Davies Discusses the Non-Lethal Weapon Used by the Israeli Army to Disperse a Palestinian Crowd Using Sound Waves, June 13, 2005, Melissa Block (Host); Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann
Most of these weapons function between: Radio Waves,
Within the ELF region of the spectrum: UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects, May 2003, Dr. Geoff Leventhall
Ultrasound, begins in the VLF: Ibid
Any sound begins to become physically painful: New Scientist, Pentagon Considers Ear-Blasting Anti-Hijack Gun, November 14, 2001, Ian Sample; The Sydney Morning Herald, Discipline and Punish, June 6, 2002
At about 130 decibels: Threshold of Pain (Hearing),
All of the chemical reactions in the cells: Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance, Nick Begich, (Nick Begich, 2006)
Once resonance has been achieved: Ibid
Both infrasound and ultrasound are capable: UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects, May 2003, Dr. Geoff Leventhall
Some organic and inorganic objects can function: Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur; Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann; Resonance,
Sound can be used to shatter: Ibid
Resonance can be induced electromagnetically: Ibid
Infrasonic and ultrasonic generators: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; Sonic Weapon,; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; Federation of American Scientists, Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, Spring 1997, Vol III, Cadet First Class Joseph M. Suhajda
And by 1973 the Squawk Box: Ibid
In the early 1990s Russia: Ibid
Such a device could also target: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich; International Review of the Red Cross, The Development of New Antipersonnel Weapons, November 1, 1990, Louise Doswald-Beck, Gerald C. Cauderay
Infrasound occurs within the ELF range: UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects, May 2003, Dr. Geoff Leventhall; Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann
So, within this range, if the power level remains: Ibid
Infrasound travels great distances: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
Natural examples of this include: Infrasound,
Infrasound is said to be superior: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
From about 100 to 140 decibels infrasound causes: National Defense Magazine, Acoustic-Energy Research Hits Sour Note, March 2002, Roxana Tiron; UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects, May 2003, Dr. Geoff Leventhall; Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
The effects include: Ibid
Infrasound can also cause feelings of pressure: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006; Infrasound,
High powered, low frequency sound: UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, A Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and its Effects, May 2003, Dr. Geoff Leventhall; Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann; Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur
Infrasound causes a variety of psychological effects: Global Research, 'Invisible Wars' of the Future: E-Bombs, Laser Guns and Acoustic Weapons, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, July 6, 2008; The Sydney Morning Herald, Sounds Like Terror in The Air, September 9, 2003; Ibid (UK Department for Environment; Science and Global Security)
These transmissions: Military Review, The New Mental Battlefield, December 1980, Lt. Col. John B. Alexander
infrasound can produce localized earthquakes: Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann
Sound that occurs beyond human hearing: Ultrasound,
It is said to be less effective: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
Ultrasonic weapons produce a variety of effects: Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Federation of American Scientists, Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, Spring 1997, Vol III, Cadet First Class Joseph M. Suhajda
Aimed at the head, the resonating: Ibid (FAS)
The same ELF modulators: Cabinet Magazine, The Acoustics of War, Winter 2001/02, Issue 5, Daria Vaisman
The Nazis are said to have developed a sonic cannon: Ibid
In the early 1990s Russia had created: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; Global Security, Acoustic Weapons,
The 1997 FAS report described: Federation of American Scientists, Non-Lethal Weapons for Military Operations Other Than War, Spring 1997, Vol III, Cadet First Class Joseph M. Suhajda
Then on July 16, 2002, ABC News announced: ABC News, Sonic Bullets Acoustic Weapon of the Future, July 16, 2002, Judy Muller
The Vortex Launcher: International Online Defense Magazine, PoliceOne News, No Longer Science Fiction: Less Than Lethal & Directed Energy Weapons, February 22, 2005; The Independent on Sunday, Revealed: Police's New Supergun Will Blast Rioters off Their Feet, October 9, 2005, Severin Carrell; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
It can also be used to transmit: Ibid
Most of the current information: Ibid (The Independent)
But in the late 1990s the US Military: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
It has a distance of at least 50 meters: Weapons Grade, David Hambling
The UK, Russia, and Germany: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
This weapon dates back to: Weapons Grade, David Hambling
In addition to the explosion-driven method: Ibid
After the air is generated, it exits: Ibid
A natural example of this a is tornado: Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur
As far as movement is concerned: Weapons Grade, David Hambling
Normally, a burst of air passing: Ibid
The Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control: Contract number M67854-04-C-1013, EPIC (Electromagnetic Personnel Interdiction Control), 2004,; Vestibular System,; The Register, UK, US Navy Research Throws Up Vomit Ray, March 7, 2007, Lewis Page
The Navy declared: Ibid (
The Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD): LRAD Datasheets,; Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
While the exact frequency is unknown: Ibid
The weapon can transmit MP3 sound files: National Defense, High-Tech Weapons Mix Targets Urban Hazards, June 1 2006, Stew Magnuson; Associated Press, Iraq Troops Get High-Tech Sonic Weapon, March 02, 2004; University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer; Ibid (
Directed Stick Radiator: The Sydney Morning Herald, Discipline and Punish, June 6, 2002; LA Weekly, Weapons of Mass Compliance, July 10, 2003, Ben Ehrenreich
The device contains a series: New Scientist, Pentagon Considers Ear-Blasting Anti-Hijack Gun, November 14, 2001, Ian Sample; United States Patent 5940347, Directed Stick Radiator,
The weapon can transmit speech: The Sydney Morning Herald, Discipline and Punish, June 6, 2002; Ibid (New Scientist Magazine)
it will be used for psychological operations: Business Wire, American Technology Announces Non-Lethal Acoustical Weapon Technology for Military and Law Enforcement, October 30, 2001; BBC News, Science Fiction Edges Towards Fact, August 10, 2002, David Jamieson
Universal Guardian Holdings has: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 5, May 2004, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
Computer Network Operations (CNO): US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999
CNO is used in conjunction with PsyOp: Joint Publication 3-13.1, Electronic Warfare, January 25, 2007
Offensive, defensive, and supporting: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007
The attacks include the physical destruction: Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999; Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
usurpation of an enemy’s computer: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
In addition to individual computers: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007
NetOp attacks may include spoofing: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
The CFR also advocated the substitution: Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener
US and coalition forces: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007
Web spoofing allows an attacker: Princeton University, Department of Computer Science, Web Spoofing: An Internet Con Game, February 1997, Edward W. Felten, Dirk Balfanz, Drew Dean, Dan S. Wallach
To spoof the entire web: Ibid
It basically works in the following way: Ibid
Normally, if a user clicks: Ibid
Secure connections don’t help: Ibid
The Air Force mentioned that an enemy’s internet: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
Internet spoofing, and the covert intrusion: Department of the Army, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73, Concept for Nonlethal Capabilities in Army Operations, December 1, 1996; Special Warfare, Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Modern Warfare, January 1, 2001, Bill Gormley
The RAND Corporation revealed that the internet: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Other NLW attacks which may: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998; Wall Street Journal, Nonlethal Arms, New Class of Weapons Could Incapacitate Foe Yet Limit Casualties, January 4, 1993, Thomas B. Ricks; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The “Soft Kill” Fallacy: The Idea of “Non-Lethal Weapons” is Politically Attractive and Purposively Misleading, September 1, 1994, Steven Aftergood
Existing radar units: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Mind-Altering Microwaves, Soviets Studying Invisible Ray, November 22,1976
The sounds, which originate: Ibid
In his 1962 report, Human Auditory: Journal of Applied Physiology, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy (Abstract), Volume 17, 1962, Allan H. Frey; Controlling the Human Mind, Nick Begich
The transmitter used pulse-modulated: Ibid
Then in the mid 1970s, Dr. Sharp helped: Nexus Magazine, Mind Control and the New World Order, February/March 1993, Glenn Krawczyk; Microwave Auditory Effect,
In 1976 it was reported: Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Mind-Altering Microwaves, Soviets Studying Invisible Ray, November 22, 1976
The October 1998 US Patent 4877027: US Patent 4877027―Hearing System, October 31, 1989, Wayne B. Brunkan
The waves consist of frequency: Ibid
Others patents pertaining to microwave hearing: US Patent 4858612―Hearing Device, August 22, 1989, Philip L. Stocklin; US Patent 6587729―Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect, July 1, 2003, James P. O'Loughlin, Diana L. Loree
In July of 2008 New Scientist announced: New Scientist, Microwave Ray Gun Controls Crowds with Noise, July 03, 2008, David Hambling
Wired’s February 2008 story: Wired, Pentagon Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia, February, 18, 2008, Michael Vail
bone conduction (thermal expansion): Motorola Florida Research Laboratories, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Auditory Response to Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy, 2003, J.A. Elder, C.K. Chou; Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), US Army Medical Research Detachment, Microwave Hearing Pathway
Bone conduction works basically: Health Physics, The Radiation Safety Journal, Hearing of Microwave Pulses by Humans and Animals (Abstract), June 2007, James C. Lin; Motorola Florida Research Laboratories, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Auditory Response to Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy, 2003, J.A. Elder, C.K. Chou; Ibid (WRAIR)
This acoustic energy launches: Ibid
Although the increase in tissue temperature: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; Ibid (Motorola)
According to some researchers: Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann; Ibid (Motorola)
Microwave hearing is a well-established phenomenon: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
Dr. Robert Becker, author of multiple: Controlling the Human Mind, Nick Begich
It would be pure terror: Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely, Dr. Nick Begich,
The use of this technology: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006
Subliminal mind-control is considered a NLW: Harpers Magazine, When Killing Just Won't Do, February 2003; Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998; Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; US Army War College Quarterly, From Parameters, The Mind Has No Firewall, Spring 1998, Timothy L. Thomas
defense scientists all over the planet: India Daily, New Advanced Mind Control Techniques Gives a New Flavor to Modern Warfare, May 20, 2005
The Russian government perfected: Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind-control Technology, January 11-17, 1993, Barbara Opall
It consisted of powerful subliminal messages: US Army War College Quarterly, From Parameters, The Mind Has No Firewall, Spring 1998, Timothy L. Thomas; Ibid
Because the messages were transmitted: Ibid
In order for subliminals to be successful: US Patent 5159703―Silent Subliminal Presentation System, October 27, 1992, Dr. Oliver Lowery; Our Technology,
This is important because with regular subliminals: Ibid
The Psychor Center: Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind-control Technology, January 11-17, 1993, Barbara Opall
In the early 1990s the US began: Ibid
During this time, Dr. Janet Morris: US Army War College Quarterly, From Parameters, The Mind Has No Firewall, Spring 1998, Timothy L. Thomas; Ibid
Then, in October of 1992, US Patent 5159703: US Patent 5159703―Silent Subliminal Presentation System, October 27, 1992, Dr. Oliver Lowery
Its industry names include: Ultra High Frequency (UHF),
Because Silent Sound is transmitted above: US Patent 5159703―Silent Subliminal Presentation System, October 27, 1992, Dr. Oliver Lowery
Furthermore, the frequency, which is: Ibid
These messages can be transmitted: Nexus Magazine, Military Use of Mind Control Weapons, October/November 1998, Volume 5, Issue 6, Judy Wall; Ibid
The Whole Brain Learning Institute: Ultra High Frequency (UHF),
Their products use Silent Sound: Ibid
Their staff includes behaviorists: Our Technology,
During the first Gulf War: Nexus Magazine, Military Use of Mind Control Weapons, October/November 1998, Volume 5, Issue 6, Judy Wall; ITV News Bureau, Ltd., High Tech Psychological Warfare Arrives In The Middle East, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, March 23, 1991,
There, they transmitted a high-powered: Ibid
Although completely silent to the human ear: Ibid
uses the exact Russian term: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
Similarly, the Naval Law Review’s: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
While your conscious mind is engaged in other activities:
Conflicts in belief systems: Controlling the Human Mind, Nick Begich
The unique factor is that the recipient: Military Review, The New Mental Battlefield, December 1980, Lt. Col. John B. Alexander
Dr. Janet Morris indicated: Defense News, US Explores Russian Mind-control Technology, January 11-17, 1993, Barbara Opall
As far as it has become possible: Ibid
Chemical and Biological Weapons
Weather Warfare
Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
Informants are private citizens who unofficially: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
They are also used to infiltrate: Ibid
Informants have been used: Ibid
Networks of citizen informants are used: Understanding the Solzhenitsyn Affair: Dissent and its Control in the USSR, (Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 1974), Ray S. Cline
The East German dictatorship: Man Without a Face, Markus Wolf, (PublicAffairs, 1999); The People’s State: East German Society from Hitler to Honecker, Mary Fulbrook, (Yale University Press, 2005)
If full and part time informants are considered: Stasi: The East German Secret Police, John O. Koehler, (Westview Press, 2000)
Targeted people were group stalked: Stasiland: True Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall, Anna Funder, (Granta Books, 2003)
The MfS also ran its own version: Man Without a Face, Markus Wolf; Ibid
Networks of citizens have been used in other countries: BBC News, Czech Collaborators to be Named, March 6, 3003; BBC News, Czech Communists Guilty Of Harassment, February 12, 2002; Czech Republic, Timothy G. Borden,; StB,; New York Times, Polish Assembly Votes to Release Files on Communist Collaborators, May 29, 1992; BBC News, New Polish Archbishop in Spy Row, January 5, 2007; Minitry of Public Security,; Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa,; State Protection Authority,; People's Republic of Hungary,
The International and State Defense Police: PIDE,
When the British Crown proposed the Sedition Act: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
civil affairs in the US as far back as 1917: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
After the war and into the 1920s: Ibid
One of these groups was the American: New York Times, German Intrigue is Still Kept Up, November 22, 1918
Its unpaid members disrupted political protests: American Protective League,
Because it functioned silently and secretly: New York Times, What America Did, June 29, 1919
One included the Anti-Yellow Dog League: American Protective League,; The American Protective League,
US Attorney General Thomas Gregory praised: New York Times, Topics of the Times, Peace Does Not Change Their Minds, November 23, 1918; New York Times, German Intrigue is Still Kept Up, November 22, 1918
After the war the Attorney General: Ibid (NYT, Topics of the Times)
By the end of the war: Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, Military Surveillance of Civilian Politics: A Report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, 92nd Congress, 1st Session, August 15, 1973
Toward the end of the 1920s this network: The Age of Surveillance, Frank J. Donner
described as a political subculture: Ibid
The Boston Globe reported: The Boston Globe, Building a Nation of Snoops, May 14, 2003, Carl Takei
Similar reports appeared: The American Civil Liberties Union, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex: How the American Government Is Conscripting Businesses and Individuals in the Construction of a Surveillance Society, August 2004, Jay Stanley; The New American, TIPping Off Big Brother, October 7, 2002, Steve Bonta; Washington Times, Planned Volunteer-Informant Corps Elicits ‘1984’ Fears, July 15, 2002, Ellen Sorokin
Another major component of this new war is the swarm: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
It has been used in the air, on land: Swarming & the Future of Conflict, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, (RAND Corporation, 2000)
The Mongols under Genghis Khan: Swarming (Military),
Since then, it’s been used by the Zulu tribes: Swarming & the Future of Conflict, John Arquilla, David Ronfeld
Swarming occurs throughout the animal kingdom: Ibid
Swarming is used across the entire spectrum: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
A node can be an aircraft, vehicle, ship: Global Security, Global Information Grid,; US Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Department of National Security and Strategy, Volume I: Theory of War and Strategy, Chapter 21, Network Centric Warfare, June 2008; Ibid
Until the pulse occurs: Ibid (RAND)
Each node can receive instructions: Swarming (Military),
The MITRE and RAND Corporations: Swarming & the Future of Conflict, John Arquilla, David Ronfeld; The MITRE Corporation, Learning from Nature: Applying Biomimetic Approaches to Military Tactics and Concepts, May 24, 2005, Lashon Booker
RAND proclaimed that the swarm: Ibid (Arquilla, Ronfeld)
new generation of information systems: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
The MITRE Corporation has worked on the creation: The MITRE Corporation, Learning from Nature: Applying Biomimetic Approaches to Military Tactics and Concepts, May 24, 2005, Lashon Booker
Since each agent has only a local view: Ibid
The DOD has used them to control swarms: Ibid
are used on people to render: Telegraph Herald (Dubuque, Associated Press), Non-Lethal Methods: Military Considers Using Valium in Crowd-Control Situations, September 26, 2002; Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; US Army War College Quarterly, From Parameters, The Mind Has No Firewall, Spring 1998, Timothy L. Thomas
They cause a variety of effects: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chemical And Biochemical Non-Lethal Weapons, Policy Paper 23, November 2008, Ronald G. Sutherland
Broad categories of calmatives: Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory, The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-lethal Technique, October 3, 2000
They include drugs which: Ibid
The chemical’s impact on the central: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart; US Army War College Quarterly, From Parameters, The Mind Has No Firewall, Spring 1998, Timothy L. Thomas
Other types of incapacitants: US Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB (OH), Harassing, Annoying, and "Bad Guy" Identifying Chemicals, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1994; Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
In the variety of situations: Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory, The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-lethal Technique, October 3, 2000
US Newswire reported: US Newswire, Pentagon Confirms Report of Planned Gay Conversion Chemical Weapon, January 14, 2005
Chemicals, explained, the NRC: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
various military and law enforcement scenarios: US Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center (MD), Antipersonnel Chemical Immobilizers: Synthetic Opiods, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), April 1994
Calmatives are essentially drugs too dangerous: Asia Times, Next Up: Non-Lethal Chemicals That Kill, April 1, 2003, David Isenberg
Time Magazine acknowledged that the US: Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman
PSU advised that that they should: Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory, The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-lethal Technique, October 3, 2000
inflict intense pain, alter bodily functions: The Record (Bergen County, NJ), The Threat of Non-Lethal Weapons, December 8, 2002, Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Mark L. Wheelis
The chemicals are available in solid: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer; Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart
The most common methods: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley
The form, method of delivery, and type of chemical: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
Long-distance weapon platforms: Ibid
Another proposed platform: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
The Vortex Gun: Weapons Grade, David Hambling
Other possible dispersion methods: Omega Foundation, Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies, October 2002, Dr Steve Wright; United Press International, US: 'Non-Lethal' Weapons Being Developed, October 31, 2002, Pamela Hess
easily be delivered into a room: Weapons of Mass Casualties and Terrorism Response Handbook, Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Dr. Charles Stewart
Metz and Kievit told of a scenario: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
PSU also advocates covert: Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory, The Advantages and Limitations of Calmatives for Use as a Non-lethal Technique, October 3, 2000
The US military will be using biological weapons: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
nonfatal diseases targeted: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
changing the genetic structure of targeted individuals: US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang; The Village Voice, Biological Weapons Might Not Be Color Blind, January 26, 1999, James Ridgeway
a variety of other capabilities: Georgetown Journal of International Law, Tangled Up in Khaki and Blue: Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons in Recent Confrontations, April 1, 2005, David A Koplow
Biological weapons can be sprayed: PBS, Frontline, Plague War, Interview with Dr. Christopher Davis, October 1998,; Omega Foundation, Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies, October 2002, Dr Steve Wright; The Sunday Times, UK, Israel Planning Ethnic Bomb as Saddam Caves In, November 15, 1998, Uzi Mahnaimi, Marie Colvin
There are apparently biogenetic: US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang
When these weapons are designed: PBS, Frontline, Plague War, Interview with Dr. Christopher Davis, October 1998,
In the late 1970s Soviet scientists apparently: War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler
not just against an ethnic group, but a family as well: The Village Voice, Biological Weapons Might Not Be Color Blind, January 26, 1999, James Ridgeway
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission: BBC, World: Africa, Apartheid Government Sought Germs To Kill Blacks, June 12, 1998; BBC, World: Africa, Apartheid Era Anthrax Plan Revealed, June 11, 1998; The Sunday Times, UK, Israel Planning Ethnic Bomb as Saddam Caves In, November 15, 1998, Uzi Mahnaimi, Marie Colvin
The former director of a chemical: Ibid
In November of 1998, Wired and the Sunday Times: Wired, Israel's Ethnic Weapon?, November 16, 1998; Ibid (Times)
The development for the virus: Ibid
denounced such stories as a hoax: Ethnic Bioweapon,
such a weapon is currently unattainable: Salon News, Debunking the Ethno-Bomb, December 2, 1998, Jeff Stein
Bill Richardson, a deputy assistant: Ibid
It’s theoretically possible: Ibid
However, such a database now exists: Department of Energy, Human Genome Project,; Human Genome Project,
Most research was conducted by universities: Ibid
Despite the positive intentions: US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang
It makes possible, not just attacks against ethnic groups: Ibid
Many other newly developed biotechnologies: Ibid
Nearly all major advances, in whatever: International Committee of the Red Cross, Preventing the Use of Biological and Chemical Weapons, October 6, 2005
Genomics allows for the precision injury: US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang
Using gene manipulation as a biotechnological: Ibid
The act of changing genetic code: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
difficult to detect, very portable: US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang
Gene alteration can be accomplished: PBS, Frontline, Plague War, Interview with Dr. Christopher Davis, October 1998,; Ibid
Because the gene has been altered: Ibid
Only after obvious wounding occurs: Ibid (Review)
The same technological revolution: The Record (Bergen County, NJ), The Threat of Non-Lethal Weapons, December 8, 2002, Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Mark L. Wheelis
These biological weapons are the result: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
As a result of breakthroughs in the Human Genome: Omega Foundation, Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies, October 2002, Dr Steve Wright
There are international bans on biological: The Christian Science Monitor, US Moves into Emerging Bioweapon Era, November 4 2002, Brad Knickerbocker; Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Georgetown Journal of International Law, Tangled Up in Khaki and Blue: Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons in Recent Confrontations, April 1, 2005, David A Koplow
Multiple researchers have arrived at the conclusion: The Record (Bergen County, NJ), The Threat of Non-Lethal Weapons, December 8, 2002, Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, Mark L. Wheelis; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chemical And Biochemical Non-Lethal Weapons, Policy Paper 23, November 2008, Ronald G. Sutherland; The Sunshine Project, News Release, The Destabilizing Danger of "Non-Lethal" Chemical and Biological Weapons in the War on Terrorism, September 19, 2001
these weapons must be rejected for the highly destructive: Ibid (Sunshine Project)
will be used to deteriorate enemy infrastructure: Naval Research Laboratory, Enhanced Degradation of Military Material, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1998; Defense Horizons, Nonlethal Capabilities: Realizing the Opportunities, March, 2002, Emil. R. Bedard; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The "Soft Kill" Solution (Non-Lethal Weapons), March 1, 1994, Linda Rothstein; National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law
The destruction of these materials: Ibid
The degradation and eventual destruction: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
In a 1994 paper, Lubricant and Grease: Sandia National Laboratory (NM), Lubricant and Grease Additives for Immobilizing Machinery, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1994
ways to poison lubricants: Associated Press Writer, Non-Lethal Weapons Under Study, May 10, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid
Viscosifiers can also be placed in fuel tanks: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
Additionally, engines can be disabled: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
Supercaustics, also called supercorrosives: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
They include acids known as embrittlements: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
Metal embrittlement are liquid chemicals: Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF
They can be delivered in an aerosol: Georgetown Journal of International Law, Tangled Up in Khaki and Blue: Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons in Recent Confrontations, April 1, 2005, David A Koplow
Depolymisers are liquid chemical compounds: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
Microorganisms (microbs) are another: Naval Research Laboratory, Enhanced Degradation of Military Material, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1998; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chemical And Biochemical Non-Lethal Weapons, Policy Paper 23, November 2008, Ronald G. Sutherland; Microorganism,
Intended uses for supercaustics include: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, The "Soft Kill" Solution (Non-Lethal Weapons), March 1, 1994, Linda Rothstein; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF; Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
There are also airborne materials: Associated Press Writer, Non-Lethal Weapons Under Study, May 10, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid
NRC says that these weapons: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
In addition to viscosifiers: Department of the Army, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73, Concept for Nonlethal Capabilities in Army Operations, December 1, 1996; National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law; Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
The engine remains disabled: USA Today, Military Embrace Of 'Non-Lethal' Energy Weapons Sparks Debate, August 2, 2004, Michael P. Regan; The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Associated Press), Navy, Marines Urged to Develop Non-Lethal Weapons, November 5, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid; The Futurist, Nonlethal Weapons: When Deadly Force is Not Enough, October 1, 1999, John B. Alexander; Ibid (National Defense)
Lasers too will be used: Defense Horizons, Nonlethal Capabilities: Realizing the Opportunities, March, 2002, Emil. R. Bedard
According to the NRC: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
Antitraction agents, also called polymers: Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman; Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, Center for Strategy and Technology, Non-Lethal Technologies: Implications for Military Strategy, March 1998, Colonel Joseph Siniscalchi, USAF; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
The Marines have a polymer-based spray: Daily Breeze (Los Angeles Newspaper), Pentagon is Searching for Non-Lethal Weapons, March 24, 2002, Seth Hettena
Some types are reportedly 10 times: National Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Find Their Niche in Urban Combat, March 1, 2004, Geoff S. Fein
Airborne delivery systems: Wall Street Journal, Nonlethal Arms, New Class of Weapons Could Incapacitate Foe Yet Limit Casualties, January 4, 1993, Thomas B. Ricks
Sandia National Laboratories and the Emulsion: Associated Press Writer, Non-Lethal Weapons Under Study, May 10, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid; University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 4, December 2003, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
Research was being conducted: Ibid
Reported target surfaces for these agents: Wall Street Journal, Nonlethal Arms, New Class of Weapons Could Incapacitate Foe Yet Limit Casualties, January 4, 1993, Thomas B. Ricks; Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman; National Defense, Non-Lethal Weapons Find Their Niche in Urban Combat, March 1, 2004, Geoff S. Fein
Dirt roads can also be made: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
Chemical compounds known as defoliants: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; Ibid
used as NLWs to poison a target’s food: US Army, Military Review, Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology, July-August 2005, Guo Ji-wei, Xue-sen Yang
The goal of attacking the enemy: Naval Research Laboratory, Enhanced Degradation of Military Material, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1998
In their 1994 paper, Biofouling and Biocorrosion: Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), Biofouling and Biocorrosion, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1994
platforms to deliver these weapons: Associated Press Writer, Non-Lethal Weapons Under Study, May 10, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid
could be spread surreptitiously onto enemy equipment: Georgetown Journal of International Law, Tangled Up in Khaki and Blue: Lethal and Non-Lethal Weapons in Recent Confrontations, April 1, 2005, David A Koplow
freezedried antimaterial biological weapons: Future War, Colonel John B. Alexander
In 1998 the Biotechnology Branch of the Radiofrequency: Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, Anti-material Biocatalysts & Sensors, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1998
The application of this technology is limitless: Ibid
Malodorants (stink bombs) are non-toxic: Monell Chemical Senses Center (PA), Establishment of Odor Response Profiles: Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Influences, Report to US Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center (CBDCOM), February 4, 1999; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
The use of malodorants goes back: US Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Odorous Substances, July 1997
As early as 1966 DARPA: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 7, May 2005, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer; Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman; Los Angeles Times, Foul Odors Tantalize in Quest for Non-Lethal Weapons, November 28, 2002, Aaron Zitner; War on the Mind, Peter Watson
A variety of delivery methods: Associated Press Writer, Non-Lethal Weapons Under Study, May 10, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Weapons Grade, David Hambling
The delayed release of malodorants: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chemical And Biochemical Non-Lethal Weapons, Policy Paper 23, November 2008, Ronald G. Sutherland; US Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Odorous Substances, July 1997; Micro-Encapsulation,
The Boston Globe hinted that: The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry
The odor typically lasts: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 6, October 2004, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
Enzymes can be taken by operators: Science Applications International Corporation, San Deigo, Prepared for USMC, Joint Non-lethal Directorate, Situational Control by Olfactory Stimuli, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1998
Some of the more common ones: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chemical And Biochemical Non-Lethal Weapons, Policy Paper 23, November 2008, Ronald G. Sutherland; Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman; Omega Foundation, Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies, October 2002, Dr Steve Wright; The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry
Combinations can be used: Los Angeles Times, Foul Odors Tantalize in Quest for Non-Lethal Weapons, November 28, 2002, Aaron Zitner
a large odor atlas is available: US Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Odorous Substances, July 1997
The olfactory nerves are responsible: Monell Chemical Senses Center (PA), Establishment of Odor Response Profiles: Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Influences, Report to US Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center (CBDCOM), February 4, 1999
Therefore, an olfactory response: Science Applications International Corporation, San Deigo, Prepared for USMC, Joint Non-lethal Directorate, Situational Control by Olfactory Stimuli, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1998
Research on odor and memory suggests: Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe; Monell Chemical Senses Center (PA), Establishment of Odor Response Profiles: Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Influences, Report to US Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center (CBDCOM), February 4, 1999
serve as powerful agents of behavior modification: Ibid (Monell)
The effects of malodorants: Ibid
They can influence people to leave an area: Associated Press Writer, Non-Lethal Weapons Under Study, May 10, 2002, Randolph E. Schmid
The eyes may tear, the stomach: Los Angeles Times, Foul Odors Tantalize in Quest for Non-Lethal Weapons, November 28, 2002, Aaron Zitner
For potent formulas, the usual responses: Science Applications International Corporation, San Deigo, Prepared for USMC, Joint Non-lethal Directorate, Situational Control by Olfactory Stimuli, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1998
Mathematical formulas: The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry
used to warn, annoy, disgust: Future Sub-Lethal, Incapacitating & Paralysing Technologies, October 2002, Dr Steve Wright
Specific applications include peacekeeping: Government Product News, Non-lethal Weapons Offer More Counter-Terrorism Options, November 1, 2003; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry; Los Angeles Times, Foul Odors Tantalize in Quest for Non-Lethal Weapons, November 28, 2002, Aaron Zitner; Time Magazine, Beyond the Rubber Bullet, July 21, 2002, Lev Grossman; Science Applications International Corporation, San Deigo, Prepared for USMC, Joint Non-lethal Directorate, Situational Control by Olfactory Stimuli, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1998
disrupt demonstrations and other types of undesirable behavior: Monell Chemical Senses Center (PA), Establishment of Odor Response Profiles: Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Influences, Report to US Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center (CBDCOM), February 4, 1999
they’ll be used for attitude adjustment: Science Applications International Corporation, San Deigo, Prepared for USMC, Joint Non-lethal Directorate, Situational Control by Olfactory Stimuli, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1998
Sensory profiles on ethnic and racial groups: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
The genetic differences between these groups: US Army Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center (MD), Antipersonnel Chemical Immobilizers: Synthetic Opiods, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), April 1994
Studies have also been conducted: Science Applications International Corporation, San Deigo, Prepared for USMC, Joint Non-lethal Directorate, Situational Control by Olfactory Stimuli, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1998; Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Chemical And Biochemical Non-Lethal Weapons, Policy Paper 23, November 2008, Ronald G. Sutherland
Because of these studies, operators: Monell Chemical Senses Center (PA), Establishment of Odor Response Profiles: Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Influences, Report to US Army Chemical Research, Development and Engineering Center (CBDCOM), February 4, 1999
In his 1931 book: The Scientific Outlook, Bertrand Russell, (George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1931)
Charles Galton Darwin: The Next Million Years, Charles Galton Darwin (Rupert Hart-Davis 1952); Charles Galton Darwin,
Weather modification is now possible: The Wall Street Journal, Malaysia to Battle Smog With Cyclones, November 13, 1997, Chen May Yee
Attempts to modify the weather: Project Stormfury,
Project Cumulus, carried out: The Guardian, RAF Rainmakers Caused 1952 Flood, August 30, 2001, John Vidal, Helen Weinstein
In the 1950s the US Forest Service: The University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Weather Modification: A Water Resource Strategy to be Researched, Tested Before Tried, Spring 1992, Volume 6, Joe Gelt; Angels Don’t Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich
Then, under Project Stormfury: Project Stormfury,; Project Stormfury,
Weather modification involves: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996; US Air Force, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025, An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
Multiple countries, including the United States: The Wall Street Journal, Malaysia to Battle Smog With Cyclones, November 13, 1997, Chen May Yee
The state-run Oklahoma Weather: Oklahoma Weather Modification Program,
China, Russia, and Mexico: Business Week Online, Rainmaking Has Its True Believers―And Skeptics, October 24, 2005
Weather Modification Incorporated of Fargo: Weather Modification Incorporated,
Elate Intelligent Technologies Incorporated: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich
According to US military reports: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996; US Air Force, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025, An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
During the Vietnam War: United States Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Weather Modification, March 20, 1974; New York Times (Popular Mechanics), Weather Wars: Pentagon Plans Weather as a Weapon, February 1, 1997, Jim Wilson
advocated the covert use of weather attacks: Between Two Ages, Zbigniew Brzezinski
The United Nations Weather Weapons: United Nations Weather Weapons Treaty, Convention On The Prohibition Of Military Or Any Other Hostile Use Of Environmental Modification Techniques, Proposed at Geneva Convention, May 18, 1977
UN’s weather modification treaty which prohibits: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
Regarding the deception: Ibid
weather modification could be used as a NLW: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
A 1994 US Air Force JNLWD: US Air Force, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, Weather Modification Using Carbon Black, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), 1994
weapon of mass destruction: Winning The War, Col. John B. Alexander
used to destroy a nation’s economy: US Navy, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, Nonlethal Warfare Proposal, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), April 1994
The creation of fog: Enabling Technologies and Design of Nonlethal Weapons, Glenn T. Shwaery, John G. Blitch, Carlton Land, (The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2006)
According to the US Air Force, equipment exists: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
artificial lightning had been accomplished: Weapons Grade, David Hambling
using such lasers for lightning attacks: New York Times (Popular Mechanics), Weather Wars: Pentagon Plans Weather as a Weapon, February 1, 1997, Jim Wilson
The US Air Force itself referenced: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
The Tofflers suggested that lasers: War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler
most powerful multi-purpose weapons: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich
HAARP is a world-class facility: An Overview of the HAARP Program,; High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,; HAARP: Research and Applications, A Joint Program of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, November 5, 1998
It works by heating the ionosphere: Ground-Based Star Wars, Disaster Or Pure Research?, Dr. Nick Begich, Jeane Manning,; Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich; E Magazine, The Air Force is Preparing to Militarize the Ionosphere—with Electrifying Results, January 1, 1997, Tracey C. Rembert
The primary component of HAARP: HAARP Fact Sheet, What Is HAARP?,; Wireless News, BAE Systems Completes Facility for Ionospheric Physics Research, June 28, 2007
The entire IRI: Ibid
Every dipole has: The HAARP IRI as Described in the EIS,; Ibid
Each contains 12, 10 kW transmitters: Ibid
The energy generated by the IRI is combined: Ground-Based Star Wars, Disaster Or Pure Research?, Dr. Nick Begich, Jeane Manning,; Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich
It has a variety of diagnostic instruments: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP),
They include ELF and VLF receivers: Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Navy Office of Naval Research, Joint Services Program Plans and Activities, HAARP Executive Summary, HF Active Auroral Research Program; HAARP Fact Sheet, What Is HAARP?,
HAARP was created in three phases: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,
The next was the Filled Developmental Prototype: Ibid
The best scientists in ionosphere research: An Overview of the HAARP Program,
The facility, including computer systems: Ground-Based Star Wars, Disaster Or Pure Research?, Dr. Nick Begich, Jeane Manning,; Wireless News, BAE Systems Completes Facility for Ionospheric Physics Research, June 28, 2007
It was approved by congress: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP),; US Fed News Service, Including US State News, Congress Passes 2008 Defense Spending Bill, November 9, 2007
Research for HAARP began in 1992: The Washington Post, Pentagon Fights Secret Scenario Speculation Over Alaska Antennas, April 17, 1995, John Mintz; Global Research, Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s Experiments With Climatic Warfare, December 7, 2007, Professor Michel Chossudovsky
APTI, along with the HAARP patents: Ibid
Other institutions that helped to create: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,
HAARP is managed: Ground-Based Star Wars, Disaster Or Pure Research?, Dr. Nick Begich, Jeane Manning,; HAARP Fact Sheet,; Purpose and Objectives of the HAARP Program,
HAARP can produce continuous wave (CW): HAARP: Research and Applications, A Joint Program of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, November 5, 1998; Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich
In low-frequency conversion mode: Wireless News, BAE Systems Completes Facility for Ionospheric Physics Research, June 28, 2007
The ELF waves which it produces: Wired, New Document Reveals Military Mystery's Powers, December 10, 2007, David Hambling; HAARP: Research and Applications, A Joint Program of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, November 5, 1998
HAARP is also capable of transferring massive: E Magazine, The Air Force is Preparing to Militarize the Ionosphere—with Electrifying Results, January 1, 1997, Tracey C. Rembert; Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Navy Office of Naval Research, Joint Services Program Plans and Activities, HAARP Executive Summary, HF Active Auroral Research Program; Ground-Based Star Wars, Disaster Or Pure Research?, Dr. Nick Begich, Jeane Manning,
They’re created by focusing energy: Ibid (HAARP Executive Summary; Begich, Manning)
According to the US Air Force: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
By creating virtual mirrors in the ionosphere: Wired, New Document Reveals Military Mystery's Powers, December 10, 2007, David Hambling
HAARP is basically a multi-purpose tool: An Overview of the HAARP Program,
The program’s purpose is to provide: Purpose and Objectives of the HAARP Program,
enhance the performance of C4ISR: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich; Ibid
Dr. Bernard Eastland, the physicist: The Washington Post, Pentagon Fights Secret Scenario Speculation Over Alaska Antennas, April 17, 1995, John Mintz
The military denies that HAARP: Ibid
Furthermore, Manning and Dr. Begich provide: Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich
Dr. Nikola Tesla, the famous: My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla, (Hart Brothers, 1982); The Tesla Papers: Nikola Tesla on Free Energy & Wireless Transmission of Power, David Hatcher Childress, (Adventures Unlimited Press, December 2000); The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: HAARP—Chemtrails and Secret of Alternative 4, Tim Swartz, (Global Communications, October 2000)
Dr. Tesla had plans for an aircraft: Ibid
capable of destroying a fleet of 10,000 airplanes: New York Times, Tesla, at 78, Bares New Death Beam, July 11, 1934
It describes a ground-based, multi-purpose: US Patent 4686605, Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere, August 11, 1987, Bernard J. Eastland,
Eastland’s weapon can disrupt or even modify: Ibid
Dr. Tesla’s invention consisted of large, land-based: New York Times, Tesla, at 78, Bares New Death Beam, July 11, 1934; New York Sun, Tesla Describes His Beam of Destructive Energy, July 10, 1934
used to create a series of AIMs in the ionosphere: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
According to the Air Force, the same technology: Ibid
Similarly, Eastland’s patent describes how mirrors: US Patent 4686605, Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere, August 11, 1987, Bernard J. Eastland,
stratosphere to light the sky: New York Herald Tribune, Tesla Predicts Ships Powered By Shore Beam, June 5, 1935
This seems similar to the Navy/Air Force’s 1998: HAARP: Research and Applications, A Joint Program of the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, November 5, 1998
According to Eastland’s patent, the guidance: US Patent 4686605, Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere, August 11, 1987, Bernard J. Eastland,
This would have significant military implications: Ibid
The Air Force has expressed an interest: US Air Force, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025, An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996
In July 1934, the New York Sun wrote that Dr. Tesla: New York Sun, Tesla Describes His Beam of Destructive Energy, July 10, 1934
Anything with which the ray came in contact: Ibid
Another characteristic connecting Eastland’s weapon: US Patent 5038664, Method for Producing a Shell of Relativistic Particles at an Altitude Above the Earths Surface, August 13, 1991, Bernard J. Eastland
It works in the following way: Ibid
According to E Magazine, Pravda, Wired: E Magazine, The Air Force is Preparing to Militarize the Ionosphere—with Electrifying Results, January 1, 1997, Tracey C. Rembert; Pravda, USA and Russia Supposedly Develop Secret Meteorological Weapons, September 30, 2005; Wired, New Document Reveals Military Mystery's Powers, December 10, 2007, David Hambling; Wired, Russian Journal: HAARP Could Capsize Planet, January 8, 2008, Sharon Weinberger; Global Research, Washington's New World Order Weapons Have the Ability to Trigger Climate Change, January 4, 2002, Professor Michael Chossudovsky; Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely, Dr. Nick Begich,
It is allegedly capable of destroying: Ibid
although HAARP is presented to the public: Ibid (Global Research)
complete dominance of global communications: Air Force, Department of Defense, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996
This will be accomplished using high-powered: Ibid
Wired announced in January 2008: Wired, Russian Journal: HAARP Could Capsize Planet, January 8, 2008, Sharon Weinberger
In it’s Acoustic Weapons Prospective: Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann
sophisticated ecological weaponry: War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen: Federation of American Scientists, Cohen Address, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Weapons of Mass Destruction and US Strategy, April 28, 1997
According to Brzezinski, weather warfare: Between Two Ages, Zbigniew Brzezinski
so accurate it could paralyze or kill anyone: New York Times, Tesla's New Device Like Bolts of Thor, December 8, 1915, Nikola Tesla
In addition to HAARP’s destructive capabilities: Ground-Based Star Wars, Disaster Or Pure Research?, Dr. Nick Begich, Jeane Manning,; Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich; E Magazine, The Air Force is Preparing to Militarize the Ionosphere—with Electrifying Results, January 1, 1997, Tracey C. Rembert
entraining the human brain: Ibid (Begich, Manning)
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio: Space Preservation Act of 2001, HR 2977, 107th Congress, 1st Session, October 2, 2001,
An analysis of statements emanating: Global Research, Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s Experiments With Climatic Warfare, December 7, 2007, Professor Michael Chossudovsky
Audible sound has been used: Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz; Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe; Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur
Sound, from one source or another: Ibid (Controlled Offensive Behavior)
The Scottish military is said: Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz; Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur; Ibid
More recently, in December: US Air Force, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Non-Lethal Weapons: Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield, August 2003, Lieutenant Colonel Erik L. Nutley
The FBI used loud aggravating: Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz
The British have used loud sounds: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
Noise is used as an irritating NLW: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998; Daily Breeze (Los Angeles Newspaper), Pentagon is Searching for Non-Lethal Weapons, March 24, 2002, Seth Hettena; National Defense Magazine, Defense Dept. Pursuing Next-Generation Nonlethal Weapons, February 2,009, David B. Law
“aggravating” noise: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
an entire town could be rendered uninhabitable: Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener
Various methods of producing aggravating: Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur; An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998; Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe
Audible noise, occurring between: Department of the Army, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73, Concept for Nonlethal Capabilities in Army Operations, December 1, 1996; Ibid (Sound and Vibration Magazine)
The repeated use of loud noise: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
The biological effects: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006; Ibid
Loud noise is dangerous: Sound and Vibration Magazine, Acoustic Noise as a Non-Lethal Weapon, October, 2004, Roman Vinokur
Chronic exposure to even low-level: Archives of Environmental Health, Chronic Effects of Workplace Noise on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate, July 1, 2002, Claire C. Caruso; Environmental Health Perspectives, How Earplugs Can Help Your Heart: Health Effects of Noise Pollution, March 1, 2002, Bob Weinhold; Newsletter-People's Medical Society, Now Hear This (Detrimental Effects of Noise), April 1, 1999; Nutrition Health Review, The increase in Noise Pollution: What Are the Health Effects?, September, 22, 1996, Arlene, L. Bronzaft
A burst of sudden noise: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
Sudden noise at about 140 decibels: Department of Defense, US Army, Bioeffects of Selected Non-lethal Weapons, Addendum to the Nonlethal Technologies Worldwide Study (NGIC-I 147-101-98), 1998, FOI Request to Donald Friedman, December 13, 2006
an actual or psychological weapon: Journal of Electronic Defense, Killing Them Softly, August 1, 1993, Don Herskovitz
Three-dimensional images that look like real: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker; Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; CNN, Holographic Television to Become Reality, July 10, 2008
Holograms can be projected: US Air Force, Air Command And Staff College, Maxwell AFB, An Operational Analysis for Air Force 2025: An Application of Value-Focused Thinking to Future Air and Space Capabilities, May 1996; The New Hampshire, UNH is Hub of Pentagon's 'Non-Lethal' Weapons Research Program, April 25, 2008, Derek Price; The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry; Wall Street Journal, Nonlethal Arms, New Class of Weapons Could Incapacitate Foe Yet Limit Casualties, January 4, 1993, Thomas B. Ricks; Government Product News, Non-lethal Weapons Offer More Counter-Terrorism Options, November 1, 2003; Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts, June 15, 1998, Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Steven Metz
Holograms are also to be projected into rooms: University of Bradford, UK, Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (BNLWRP), Research Report Number 5, May 2004, Neil Davison, Dr. Nick Lewer
sophisticated PsyOp to be used on the civilian: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004
to scare a target individual to death: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
The Air Force has also considered using satellites: Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Lasers In Space: Technological Options For Enhancing US Military Capabilities, November 1997, Mark E. Rogers, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF
A Show of Force Operation: Show of Force,
A show of force is an operation: Department of the Army, Field Manual FM 3-0, June 14, 2001
The BSSR describes a SOFO: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
Although SOFO are military in nature: Show of Force,; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Operations Other Than War, Joint Doctrine, J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate; US Air Force, Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Military Operations Other Than War, October 5, 1996
They may occur during times of peace: Ibid
SOFO are conducted for a few primary reasons: Department of the Army, Field Manual FM 3-0, June 14, 2001; Department of The Army, Field Manual 3-21.91, November 26, 2002
SOFO may be used by the military: Show of Force,; Air Force Doctrine Document 2-10, Homeland Operations, Air Force Support to the National Strategy for Homeland Security, March 21, 2006
usually involving routine overhead flights: US Air Force, Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Military Operations Other Than War, October 5, 1996
The US Army too mentioned that aircraft: Department of the Army, Decisive Force: The Army in Theater Operations (FM 100-7)
air patrols over specific locations: Air Force Doctrine Document 2-10, Homeland Operations, Air Force Support to the National Strategy for Homeland Security, March 21, 2006
A primary component of this: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
NLW will be used with surveillance: Department of the Army, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73, Concept for Nonlethal Capabilities in Army Operations, December 1, 1996
to deny an enemy or adversary: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
Basically any city, state, or country: US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Information Operations and Asymmetric Warfare…Are We Ready?, April 09, 2002, LTC LaWarren V. Patterson; Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts, June 15, 1998, Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Steven Metz
Multinational capabilities, Says the US Army: Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
To achieve this, US law enforcement: Ibid
At a military history symposium: The Information Battlefield, Address to the Combat Studies Institute Symposium, Fort Leavenworth, KS, September 12, 2007, Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell
General Caldwell’s solution is the same: Ibid
Psychological isolation can be accomplished: Naval Law Review, A Primer on the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Lieutenant Colonel James C. Duncan, 1998
The RAND Corporation calls this: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
In the spring 1998 issue of the US Army War: US Army War College Quarterly, From Parameters, The Mind Has No Firewall, Spring 1998, Timothy L. Thomas
There have been multiple references: Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener; Los Alamos National Laboratory, Rethinking National Security Requirements And The Need For Non-Lethal Weapons Options, John B. Alexander, PhD; Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
It was suggested by Lord Bertrand Arthur Russell: The Scientific Outlook, Bertrand Russell; The Impact of Science on Society (Simon & Shuster, 1951), Bertrand Russell
The blatant use of both bribery: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
Destroying people financially has been: Defense Science Board, Future Strategic Strike Forces, February 2004; Department of the Army, Field Manual Operations 3-0, February 27, 2008
can apply economic and financial incentives: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The disruption of the enemy’s credit system: Council on Foreign Relations, Non-Lethal Technologies: Progress and Prospects, October 27, 1999
Genetically altered insects: Federation of American Scientists, Cohen Address, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, Weapons of Mass Destruction and US Strategy, April 28, 1997; War And Anti-War, Alvin and Heidi Toffler
Chemicals which attract: US Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB (OH), Harassing, Annoying, and "Bad Guy" Identifying Chemicals, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1994
Chemicals called pheromones: Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, July 1997, Dr. Robert J. Bunker
These pheromones: US Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB (OH), Harassing, Annoying, and "Bad Guy" Identifying Chemicals, (FOI obtained by Sunshine Project), June 1994
Some of these chemicals can allegedly: Ibid
trying to sleep or work: Future War, Colonel John B. Alexander
animals can be used for surveillance: War on the Mind, Peter Watson
In 1944 he discovered that pigeons: Ibid
The Israelis took an interest: Ibid
The US Navy has used whales: The Boston Globe, Non-Lethal Weapons: Sci-fi Meets Pentagon, November 20, 2000, Ellen Barry; Ibid
Dogs have regularly been used: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006; Ibid (Watson)
Radio waves can also be used: The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, Robert O. Becker, MD, Gary Selden, (William Morrow & Company, 1985)
DARPA contracted the JASON Group: JASON Group, The MITRE Corporation, Small Scale Propulsion: Fly on the Wall, Cockroach in the Corner, Rat in the Basement, Bird in the Sky, (JSR-97-135), September 18, 1997
Creating tiny robots in the form: Ibid
Instead, DARPA suggests using living creatures: Ibid
The creatures, says DARPA: Ibid
scientists at Tsuka University: Ibid
In 2002 it was reported by the UK Guardian: UK Guardian, Live Rats Driven by Remote Control, May 2 2002, James Meek; National Geographic News, Scientists Drive Rats By Remote Control, May 1, 2002, Ben Harder
The control that they were able to establish: Ibid
The rodents are to be used for rescue: Ibid
Barriers have been used by military: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
The NRC says: Ibid (NRC)
The US Army suggests that physical obstacles: Department of the Army, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-73, Concept for Nonlethal Capabilities in Army Operations, December 1, 1996
are used to deter, prevent, or discourage: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, (NATO), Research And Technology Organisation (RTO), The Human Effects of Non-Lethal Technologies (TR-HFM-073), August 2006
Schizophrenia is a mixture of signs: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fourth Edition (DSM-IV-TR), (American Psychiatric Association, 2000); National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery: What You Need to Know About this Medical Illness, August 2008
Its chronic, long-lasting symptoms: Ibid
The symptoms, treatment, and course of schizophrenia: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich, (The Guilford Press, 2006), Ibid (DSM-IV-TR)
These disorders are called schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Ibid
Closely associated with schizophrenia: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Bipolar Disorder, NIH Publication 08-3679, 2008; Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers, E. Fuller Torrey, MD, (Harper Collins Publishers, 2006)
Also, about 50%: Ibid
Schizophrenia can be found in about 1%: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery: What You Need to Know About this Medical Illness, August 2008; Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason, (Columbia University Press, 2002); National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007; Ibid (Torrey)
The life expectancy of schizophrenics: DSM-IV-TR
While both groups are at: Ibid
Most people with it are not violent: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD; Ibid
Other than people with a history: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
Schizophrenia can be developed: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Ibid
Although the name schizophrenia: Schizophrenia: Diseases and People, Jane E. Philips, David P. Ketelsen, (Enslow Publishers, 2003); Me, Myself, and Them: A firsthand Account of One Young Person’s Experience with Schizophrenia, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews, (Oxford University Press, 2007); The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, Richard Noll, PhD, (Facts on File Inc., 2007)
However, it is a debatable issue: Ibid (Noll)
The symptoms that characterize schizophrenia: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
A French researcher named Jean Pierre Falret: Schizophrenia, Jane E. Philips, David P. Ketelsen
In 1874 Hecker’s teacher: Understanding and Treating Schizophrenia: Contemporary Research, Theory, and Practice, Glenn D. Shean, PhD, (The Haworth Clinical Practice Press, 2004); Ibid
One was hebetic paraphrenia: Ibid
Although many different people: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926): Understanding and Treating Schizophrenia, Glenn D. Shean, PhD; Schizophrenia, Jane E. Philips, David P. Ketelsen
In 1896 he published the fifth edition: Ibid
Kraepelin was the first to recognize: Emil Kraepelin,; Emil Kraepelin,
Then in 1911 the term was changed: Understanding and Treating Schizophrenia, Glenn D. Shean, PhD; The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
Unlike Kraepelin, he thought: Ibid
In the DSM-IV symptoms occur in two broad categories: DSM-IV-TR
Categories A1 through A4 contain: Ibid
Positive symptoms (also known as psychotic symptoms): National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
One narrow meaning of the word: DSM-IV-TR
Delusions are a very common symptom: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, Richard Noll, PhD
The two basic categories of delusions include: DSM-IV-TR
The most common type is the persecutory: The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, Richard Noll, PhD; The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Delusions, FAQ,
A variation of the persecutory delusion: Ibid
there is a government plot to destroy them: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews; Ibid
Referential delusions are also common: DSM-IV-TR; Ibid (Noll; Mueser, Gingerich)
Those suffering such delusions: Ibid
Examples of delusions of control: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007; Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; National Institute of Mental Health, US Department of Health and Human Services, Schizophrenia, January, 2007; Ibid (DSM-IV-TR)
Hallucinations are false sensory: Ibid
The auditory hallucinations are experienced: Ibid
Although they are less prominent: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews; Ibid (NAMI 2008; DSM-IV-TR)
These additions include: Ibid (Snyder, Gur, Andrews)
Problems with emotional expression: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; DSM-IV-TR
Affective flattening: Ibid
Alogia is a poverty: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007; Ibid
Avolition is lack: Ibid
Grossly disorganized behavior: Ibid (DSM-IV-TR)
Catatonic motor behaviors: Ibid
Schizophrenia also involves a dysfunction: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Ibid
According to the DSM-IV, disorganized: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews: Ibid (DSM-IV-TR)
A person may jump from one: Ibid (DSM-IV-TR)
a symptom called anosognosia: I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, Xavier Amador, Anna-Lisa Johanson, (Vida Press, 2000); Ibid
In addition to the positive, negative: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007
When mood instability is the primary: Ibid
Schizophrenia is expressed differently: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008
Schizophrenia is not caused by a lesion: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008
The most widely accepted is the dopamine: Ibid
The imbalance is thought: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; DSM-IV-TR
They include the Criterion A symptoms: DSM-IV-TR
Furthermore, other underlying causes: Ibid
Criterion C requires that some signs: Ibid
Also, if delusions are judged bizarre: Ibid
Other exclusions that do not belong: Ibid
Delusions that occur while falling asleep: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; Ibid
Linguistic differences may account: Ibid (NAMI)
Some conditions which can cause these symptoms: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews; Schizophrenia Symptoms, Diagnosis FAQ,; Ibid
There is no physical or laboratory test: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Ibid (NAMI)
The most accurate way to detect schizophrenia: Ibid (Mueser, Gingerich)
The diagnosis is made by asking questions: Schizophrenia Revealed: From Neurons to Social Interactions, Michael Foster Green, PhD, (W.W. Norton & Company, 2001); Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
Because a person who: Ibid
The clinician evaluates the person: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
The two most widely used: Ibid
subtypes are used for a more accurate description: DSM-IV-TR
The progression of the illness can vary: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd., Schizophrenia Handbook, 2004
The prodromal phase includes: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; Schizophrenia, Jane E. Philips, David P. Ketelsen; The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
This phase may develop over: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd., Schizophrenia Handbook, 2004; Ibid (CMHA; Mueser, Gingerich)
The residual phase includes: Schizophrenia, Jane E. Philips, David P. Ketelsen; Ibid (Bristol-Myers)
Residual symptoms include lack of energy: Ibid
After the hospital discharge: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason
They may also have a therapist: Ibid
The course of the illness for people: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007; DSM-IV-TR
The drugs used to treat schizophrenia: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
Medication is also associated with a reduction: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
Medication does not completely: Ibid
Scientists think: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery, August 2008; Ibid
Some theories suggest: Ibid
Others are available in long-lasting injections: Ibid
The two basic types of antipsychotics: Ibid
Typical antipsychotics were: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007; Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason
Side effects of typical antipsychotics: Ibid
Atypical antipsychotics appeared: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
Atypical antipsychotics cause less: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007; Ibid
In addition to taking medications for psychotic: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Ibid (CMHA; Mueser, Gingerich)
Although it is not usually used anymore: Ibid (Mueser, Gingerich)
There are a variety of reasons: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
Family members and doctors can work together: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Ibid
Relatives of those diagnosed with schizophrenia: Ibid (Mueser, Gingerich)
A variety of therapeutic approaches: Ibid
The types of programs offered: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
Another is behavior therapy: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
Family education (psychoeducation): Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
However, psychotherapy is usually reserved: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
Peer groups exist: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
In a situation where someone who is thought: Surviving Schizophrenia, E. Fuller Torrey, MD
An involuntary commitment process: I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, Xavier Amador, Anna-Lisa Johanson
Some common signs which constitute: Ibid
Most hospitals have mobile crisis teams: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; Ibid
Commitments can be long: Ibid
A person may then be released: Getting Treatment for People When They Lack Insight into Their Illness,
they can be force medicated at any time: I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, Xavier Amador, Anna-Lisa Johanson
With assertive case management: Surviving Schizophrenia, E. Fuller Torrey, MD; Ibid
With a guardianship a court appoints: Getting Treatment for People When They Lack Insight into Their Illness,
Pharmaceutical companies basically run Washington: Selling Sickness: How the World’s Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies are Turning us All Into Patients, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels, (National Books, 2005); Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs, Melody Petersen, (Sarah Crichton Books, 2008); The Center for Public Integrity, Drug Lobby Second to None: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Gets Its Way in Washington, July 7, 2005, M. Asif Ismail
Between 1998 and 2004: Ibid (Petersen)
In addition to each member of congress: New York Times, F.D.A. Reveals it Fell to a Push by Lawmakers, September 25, 2009, Gardiner Harris, David M. Halbfinger; USA TODAY, Senators Who Weakened Drug Bill Got Millions from Industry, May 10, 2008, Ken Dilanian
The industry’s influence in Washington: Commonsense Rebellion: Debunking Psychiatry, Confronting Society, Bruce E. Levine, (Continuum Publishing, 2001); Medication Madness: A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood-Altering Medications, Peter R. Breggin, MD, (St. Martin’s Press, 2008)
Dan Quayle’s campaign: Ibid
Washington is the axis: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
Drug corporations have a tremendous: The Center for Public Integrity, Drug Lobby Second to None: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Gets Its Way in Washington, July 7, 2005, M. Asif Ismail
(NIH) consist of about 27 federal research centers: Los Angeles Times, Stealth Merger: Drug Companies and Government Medical Research, December 7, 2003, David Willman
The NIH is partially funded by drug: On The Take: How America’s Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD, (Oxford University Press, 2005)
These officials have made hundreds of thousands: Los Angeles Times, Stealth Merger: Drug Companies and Government Medical Research, December 7, 2003, David Willman
Records obtained by the Times: Ibid
Dr. Stephen Katz: Ibid
Beginning in 1997 up to about 2003: Ibid
Dr. Ronald N. Germain: Ibid
Over a 10 year period, Dr. Jeffrey Schlom: Ibid
Jeffrey M. Trent received: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen; Ibid
These and other NIH connections: Ibid (LA Times)
A component of the NIH, the National Institute: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD, (Perseus books, 1999)
Dr. Peter R. Breggin, author of the book: Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry, Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Peter R. Breggin, (Springer Publishing, 2008)
The NIMH conducts highly expensive: Ibid
Both the FDA and NIMH: Ibid
The FDA does not perform its: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
The FDA relies almost entirely: Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry, Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Peter R. Breggin; Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
The division of the FDA that approves: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels; Health Affairs, Approval Times for New Drugs, December 17, 2003, Daniel Carpenter, Michael Chernew, Dean G. Smith, Mark Fendrick; Ibid (Breggin)
Front groups have the appearance: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
Drug corporations not only sponsor: Ibid
Many medical professional groups: Ibid
A few of the societies under the industry’s: Ibid
In addition, they form panels: Ibid
The American Psychiatric Association (APA): Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine; Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
Operating through these professional: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
In addition to the societies themselves: Ibid
From the many complex arrangements: Ibid
At least two-thirds of consumer advocacy groups: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD; Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
These corporate-funded groups produce: Ibid
In addition, they provide a network: Ibid
CHADD receives about $700,000: Ibid (Moynihan, Cassels)
NAMI is the largest patient advocacy group: Bloomberg, Grassley Probes Financing of Advocacy Group for Mental Health, April 6, 2009, Nicole Gaouette; New York Times, Drug Makers are Advocacy Group’s Biggest Donors, October 22, 2009, Gardiner Harris
In addition to being financed heavily: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,; Ibid (NYT)
I have come to understand that money: Bloomberg, Grassley Probes Financing of Advocacy Group for Mental Health, April 6, 2009, Nicole Gaouette
The American Medical Association (AMA): Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
Before 1951 it was a truly independent: Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill, Robert Whitaker, (Perseus Publishing, 2002)
Then in 1950 it received about $2.5 million: Ibid
Mental Health America (MHA), formerly the National: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
In 1993 Eli Lilly contributed about $3 million to MHA: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
MHA has since received millions in financing: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
The majority of the industry’s marketing: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
The recruitment of physicians begins: Ibid
According to the New England Journal of Medicine: New England Journal of Medicine, Is Academic Medicine for Sale?, Volume 342, May 18, 2000, Marcia Angell, MD; On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
Drug company representatives appreciate: Ibid (Kassirer)
Dr. Kassirer witnessed a typical: Ibid
describe the recruitment process this way: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
After graduation, physicians are usually: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
There is a silent progression: Ibid
With no restrictions: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
Those not recruited during med school: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels; On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
Some gifts have included: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen; Ibid (Kassirer)
Petersen cites a manual: Ibid (Petersen)
Some of these gifts are offered under the guise: Ibid
Some receive phone calls from representatives: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
pay physicians or pharmacies: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
They reportedly make tens of thousands: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
In the area of psychiatric drug testing: Psychology Today, Are Psychiatrists Betraying Their Patients?, Volume 32, Number 5, September/October 1999, Loren R. Mosher, MD
University psychiatry departments: Ibid
Most physicians with ties to: New England Journal of Medicine, Is Academic Medicine for Sale?, Volume 342, May 18, 2000, Marcia Angell, MD
this posture ignores what we know: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
Professor Cialdini discovered: Ibid
In fact, reciprocation is the first: The 6 Weapons of Influence, Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, David Palmer, Ph.D, CPA,
almost all American doctors: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
For the last 50 years, what’s developed: National Public Radio, Interview with Dr. Robert Cialdini, Ira Flatow (Host), August 22, 2008,
Most states require physicians to take: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD; Ibid
Almost half of the refresher courses themselves: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
Furthermore, many medical: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
For instance, the Massachusetts General Hospital: The Boston Globe, Psychiatry Funding Questioned, May 14, 2005, Liz Kowalczyk
The lectures were to be offered at hospitals: Ibid
As much as they prescribe these drugs: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
Dr. Jerry Avorn and his colleagues at Harvard Medical: Disease-Mongers: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers are Making You Feel Sick, Lynn Payer, (Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992)
Only very few become experts: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
Many of our doctors, no matter how committed: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
You can trust your doctors: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
There are more than 300,000: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
During these meetings: Ibid
In addition to the presentation material: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
For instance, at the 2005 APA: Ibid
At some of these meetings, clusters of doctors: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
The halls themselves are filled: Ibid
Attendees receive free items: Ibid
People outside of medicine: Ibid
Peterson recognized the same behavior: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
At some booths doctors can simply: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
Journalist Ray Moynihan and policy researcher: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
Hundreds of doctors: Ibid
At this conference, companies paid about: Ibid
The senior physicians who significantly: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
They also “educate” their colleagues: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD; Ibid
Some Madison Avenue PR Firms have divisions: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
Thought leaders are a critical part: New England Journal of Medicine, Is Academic Medicine for Sale?, Volume 342, May 18, 2000, Marcia Angell, MD; On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD; Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
These leaders may be on the advisory: Ibid
Up to three-quarters of the scientific research: Public Library of Science (PLoS) Medicine, Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies, May 17, 2005, Richard Smith; Ibid (NEJM; Kassirer)
These researchers receive not: Ibid (NEJM)
Some medical schools receive research: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
The industry reportedly has: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
The results of these studies: Los Angeles Times, Stealth Merger: Drug Companies and Government Medical Research, December 7, 2003, David Willman; Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels; New England Journal of Medicine, Is Academic Medicine for Sale?, Volume 342, May 18, 2000, Marcia Angell, MD
In their May 2005 article, Medical Journals: Public Library of Science (PLoS) Medicine, Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies, May 17, 2005, Richard Smith
Dr. Richard Horton: Ibid
Dr. Kassirer notes a study conducted: On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD
Even the peer review process: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen; Ibid
ghostwriters in the pay of drug companies: UK Guardian, Revealed: How Drug Firms 'Hoodwink' Medical Journals, December 7, 2003, Antony Barnett
They, and the involvement of the pharmaceutical firms: Ibid
The ghostwriters are medical writing experts: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
The new controversy: New York Times, The Doctor's World; Some Authors in Medical Journals May be Paid by Spin Doctors, October 4, 1994, Lawrence K. Altman, MD
Although there are reportedly dozens of medical writing: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
Some of the evidence linking: Ibid
The Guardian interviewed former ghostwriters: UK Guardian, Revealed: How Drug Firms 'Hoodwink' Medical Journals, December 7, 2003, Antony Barnett
When Dr. David Healy: Ibid
Dr. Troyen Brennan of the Harvard School: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
that a significant number of articles that appeared: New York Times, Ghostwriting is Called Rife in Medical Journals, September 10, 2009, Duff Wilson, Natasha Singer
these ghostwritten articles are routinely circulated: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen; On The Take, Jerome P. Kassirer, MD; UK Guardian, Revealed: How Drug Firms 'Hoodwink' Medical Journals, December 7, 2003, Antony Barnett; Ibid
Professional societies are intricately involved: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD; Ibid (Kassirer)
The senior experts on these panels: Ibid
they revealed that 87% were in regular contact: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Relationships Between Authors of Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Volume 287, February 6, 2002, Niteesh K. Choudhry, MD, Henry Thomas Stelfox, MD, Allan S. Detsky, MD
A diagnostic tool called Prime-MD: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
A questionnaire created by Pfizer: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
The Diagnostic Statistical Manual: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
In addition to influencing the creation of CPGs: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
a high degree of interaction between authors: The Journal of the American Medical Association, Relationships Between Authors of Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Volume 287, February 6, 2002, Niteesh K. Choudhry, MD, Henry Thomas Stelfox, MD, Allan S. Detsky, MD
According to multiple researchers, drug companies: Disease-Mongers, Lynn Payer; Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
The famous Madison Avenue: Ibid (Moynihan, Cassels)
Parry described it this way: Medical Marketing and Media, The Art of Branding a Condition, May 1 2003, Vince Parry
the explosion of mental disorders: Ibid
Condition branding, says Parry: Ibid
Warner-Lambert found its answer: Ibid
A frequent excuse used: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
This is done by the pharmaceutical industry: Disease-Mongers, Lynn Payer
Although there are many, many: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
GSK, the manufacturer of the antidepressant: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
Dr. Stein has allegedly worked: Ibid
a 2003 Reuters Business Insight report: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
We now have clinical names: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
The ups and downs of life: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
According to Petersen’s sources: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
increasing emphasis on marketing psychiatric drugs: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
However, rather than focusing on parents: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
Their promotional campaigns include: Ibid
Toys bearing the labels: Ibid
Toy needles have even been: Ibid
Chief of the Program in Pediatric: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
Dr. Biederman and his colleagues: New York Times, Researchers Fail to Reveal Full Drug Pay, June 8, 2008, Benedict Carey, Gardiner Harris; New York Times, Psychiatric Group Faces Scrutiny Over Drug Industry Ties, July 12, 2008, Benedict Carey, Gardiner Harris
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
Co-author of Study 329: Ibid
The Boston Globe reported that a complaint filed: The Boston Globe, US Cites Boston Psychiatrist in Case vs. Drug Firm, March 6, 2009, Liz Kowalczyk
Between 2000 and 2006 Dr. Bostic gave 350: Shall We Add Dr Jeffrey Bostic to the Psych Crew Honour Roll?, Friday, March 06, 2009,; Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
Head of the Department of Psychiatry: Ibid (CCHR)
increasing payments to doctors have coincided: New York Times, Psychiatrists, Children and Drug Industry’s Role, May 10, 2007, Gardiner Harris, Benedict Carey, Janet Roberts
Dr. DelBello led a research team: Ibid
Three of the four panel experts: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,; Ibid
Both Dr. DelBello and Dr. Kowatch: Ibid
The scenario unfolding: Disease-Mongers, Lynn Payer
Because as Wall Street knows: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
In 2006 it was a $643 billion dollar industry: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen; Kaiser Family Foundation, Prescription Drug Trends, May 2007; Pharmaceutical Industry,
A basic goal of the pharmaceutical marketers: Our Daily Meds, Melody Petersen
Few if any people realize: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
the seeds must be sown: Medical Marketing and Media, The Art of Branding a Condition, May 1 2003, Vince Parry
the discovery of schizophrenia: Schizophrenia: Medical Diagnosis or Moral Verdict, Theodore R. Sarbin, James C. Mancuso, (Pergamon Press, 1980)
they were unaware that probably a large: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin, Professor of Psychology, University of California, Santa Cruz
Encephalitis was identified by an Austrian: Brain and Cognition, Parallels Between Neuroleptic Effects and Lethargic Encephalitis: The Production of Dyskinesias and Cognitive Disorders, September 23, 1993, Dr. Peter R. Breggin; Ibid
the symptoms of the disease included: Ibid
Kraepelin, Bleuler, and von Economo: Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Is Schizophrenia What it Was?, A Re-Analysis of Kraepelin’s and Bleuler’s Population, Volume 26, October 1990, Mary Boyle; Ibid
Not only is there a significant overlap: Ibid
Considerable confusion followed von Economo’s: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker; Ibid (Breggin; Boyle)
It was even referred to as epidemic: Ibid (Whitaker)
von Economo acknowledged the confusion: Brain and Cognition, Parallels Between Neuroleptic Effects and Lethargic Encephalitis: The Production of Dyskinesias and Cognitive Disorders, September 23, 1993, Dr. Peter R. Breggin
Thus the social construction of schizophrenia: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
The original symptoms of schizophrenia: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
The original signs and symptoms associated: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin; Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Is Schizophrenia What it Was?, A Re-Analysis of Kraepelin’s and Bleuler’s Population, Volume 26, October 1990, Mary Boyle
What remained were the mental symptoms: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker; Ibid (Boyle)
The secondary symptoms which remained: Ibid (Boyle)
No detailed explanation: Ibid
this constitutes medical fraud: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
In addition to the confusion surrounding: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
The current hypothesis for the cause: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
Standard neuroleptics work: Ibid
He published his findings: Ibid
Then, in 1975 Robert Post at the NIMH: Ibid
Because the researchers could not determine: Ibid
However, all of these patients: Ibid
The tests that showed an excessive: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
pure guesswork: Ibid
UCLA neuroscientist John Haracz: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
This was evidence of a normal brain’s: Ibid
An article published by German researchers: Ibid
No increase in dopamine levels: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
No chemical imbalance has been found: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD; Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
most of what we know: Ibid (Breggin, Cohen)
There is little or no chance: Ibid
they also cause a pathological increase: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
The only known biochemical imbalances: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
claims that CT and MRI scans prove conclusively: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine; Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
An MRI or CT scan cannot: Ibid
The claims that genetic studies: Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Is Schizophrenia What it Was?, A Re-Analysis of Kraepelin’s and Bleuler’s Population, Volume 26, October 1990, Mary Boyle
The statistical and methodological practices: Ibid
Dr. Franz Kallman, conducted: International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine, Psychiatry’s Role in the Holocaust, Issue 4, 1993, Dr. Peter R. Breggin
From 1929 to 1935 Dr. Kallmann: Franz Josef Kallmann,; Franz Josef Kallmann, Eugenics Society Member,; Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine; Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Science, The Historical Context of France Kallmann and Psychiatric Genetics, 1981, Elliot S. Gershon; Ibid
Dr. Kallmann demanded more sterilization: Ibid (Levine)
While in the US, Dr. Kallman became: Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Science, The Historical Context of France Kallmann and Psychiatric Genetics, 1981, Elliot S. Gershon; Ibid
It was even included in the American Handbook: Franz Josef Kallmann, Eugenics Society Member,; Ibid (Levine)
The Danish adoption study is probably: Ibid (Levine)
According to Dr. Levine, the studies reported: Ibid
Also, as reported by Boyle: Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Is Schizophrenia What it Was?, A Re-Analysis of Kraepelin’s and Bleuler’s Population, Volume 26, October 1990, Mary Boyle
No gene for schizophrenia: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
Professor Sarbin wondered why research: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
In fact, the BBC reported: BBC News, Schizophrenia Term Use ‘Invalid’, October 9, 2006
We do not doubt there are people: Ibid
No existing blood test: Schizophrenia Revealed, Michael Foster Green, PhD
Even the DSM-IV admits: DSM-IV-TR
Professor Sarbin, along with another University: Schizophrenia, Theodore R. Sarbin, James C. Mancuso
Our scrutiny of the conclusions: Ibid
A critical review of the scientific: The Biopsychiatric Model of "Mental Illness": A Critical Bibliography, Loren R. Mosher MD,
there is no cross-cultural, epidemiological: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
schizophrenia should be abolished as a psychiatric illness: The University of Manchester, UK, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Does Schizophrenia Really Exist?, October 2006
schizophrenia are based on false assumptions: Medical News Today, Schizophrenia May Not Exist, September 6, 2005
It was created during a period of confusion: The University of Manchester, UK, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, Does Schizophrenia Really Exist?, October 2006; The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
Sarbin and Mancuso tell us that proponents: Schizophrenia, Theodore R. Sarbin, James C. Mancuso
One reason for this, says author and lecturer: Ethical Human Science and Services, A Critique of Psychiatry and an Invitation to Dialogue, December 27, 2000, Ron Leifer, MD
It is no coincidence that most people: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
As we’ve seen, upon closer: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD; Ibid
genetic predisposition to schizophrenia: Schizophrenia, Jane E. Philips, David P. Ketelsen
a biological illness: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason
chronic, severe, and disabling brain disease: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
helping to correct an imbalance: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Schizophrenia, Ken Duckworth, MD, February 2007
false and misleading: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
schizophrenia is linked to biological illnesses: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery: What You Need to Know About this Medical Illness, August 2008
Schizophrenia is a biologically based brain disease: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
Dr. Charles Nemeroff, Professor and Chairman: New York Times, Radio Host Has Drug Company Ties, November 22, 2008, Gardiner Harris; New York Times, Top Psychiatrist Didn’t Report Drug Makers’ Pay, October 4, 2008, Gardiner Harris; Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
Dr. Alan Schatzberg at one time: Ibid (CCHR; NYT Top Psychiatrist)
The industry gave at least $1 million to Dr. Thomas Spencer: Ibid (CCHR)
Dr. Timothy Wilens: Ibid
Dr. Augustus John Rush: Ibid
Dr. Frederick K. Goodwin: New York Times, Radio Host Has Drug Company Ties, November 22, 2008, Gardiner Harris; Frederick K. Goodwin,; Ibid
He has also been paid hundreds: Ibid
Interestingly, the current president: Ibid (CCHR)
Two people who have direct experience: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
In the late 1970s he conducted: Psychology Today, Are Psychiatrists Betraying Their Patients?, Volume 32, Number 5, September/October 1999, Loren R. Mosher, MD
As a result, Dr. Mosher: Ibid
In 2006 drug corporations funded: New York Times, Psychiatric Group Faces Scrutiny Over Drug Industry Ties, July 12, 2008, Benedict Carey, Gardiner Harris
The APA’s annual conference is funded: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
The DSM is the most used: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD; Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
According to multiple researchers: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels; Disease-Mongers, Lynn Payer
Most of the experts who write the drug: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
Tufts University revealed that more than half: Ibid
Dr. David Kupfer: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
Dr. Kupfer’s wife, Dr. Ellen Frank: Psychiatry and Pharma: The Unholy Alliance, Heavy Pharma Funding Increasing Antipsychotic Prescriptions to Kids,
DSM-IV Task Force member: Citizen Commission on Human Rights International, The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry,
Former DSM-IV Task Force member, Dr. David Shaffer: Psychiatry and Pharma: The Unholy Alliance, Heavy Pharma Funding Increasing Antipsychotic Prescriptions to Kids,
According to another study done by Dr. Cosgrove: Psychiatric Times, Toward Credible Conflict of Interest Policies in Clinical Psychiatry, Volume 26 Number 1, January 1, 2009, Lisa Cosgrove, PhD, Harold J. Bursztajn, MD
have a vested interest in the structure and content of DSM: Ibid
When it was first released in 1952: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
In the mid 1980s social phobia: Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan, Alan Cassels
In the 1970s panic disorder fell: Medical Marketing and Media, The Art of Branding a Condition, May 1 2003, Vince Parry
Bipolar disorder entered the DSM: Public Library of Science (PLoS) Medicine, The Latest Mania: Selling Bipolar Disorder, April 11, 2006, Dr David Healy
Dr. David Healy of North Wales: Ibid
new initiatives were launched to promote awareness: Ibid
Watching the Diagnostic and Statistical: Medical Marketing and Media, The Art of Branding a Condition, May 1 2003, Vince Parry
The neuroleptics used to treat: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD; Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
to a class called the phenothiazines: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker; Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
By the 1980s the results: Ibid (Whitaker)
Many of the traits that people associate: Ibid
Dr. Breggin has researched: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
Dr. Breggin says that psychiatric drugs: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
Psychiatric drugs, one and all, always: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
Antidepressants cause suicide: Ibid
When patients complain: Ibid
The medical and psychiatric textbooks: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD; Ibid
But in addition to being literally toxic: Ibid (Breggin)
A part of the brain called the prefrontal lobes: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine; Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
Dopamine is manufactured: Substantia Nigra,; Ventral Tegmental,; Mesocortical Pathway,
The dopamine created in this area: Tegmentum,; Substantia Nigra,; Ibid
In a lobotomy, the frontal lobes: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine
In both instances: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
Neuroleptics facilitate a chemical: Schizophrenia, Theodore R. Sarbin, James C. Mancuso
Once that mechanism of action is understood: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
Organized psychiatry, drug corporations: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD
it is no exaggeration to call this effect: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
The Rockefeller Foundation has had: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
Despite the fact that the disease: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
Dr. Leifer says that labeling some thoughts: Ethical Human Science and Services, A Critique of Psychiatry and an Invitation to Dialogue, December 27, 2000, Ron Leifer, MD
Prior to our transition: Ibid
The disease model appeared in the 1800s: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
It was during this time that medical practitioners: Ibid
The creation of the asylum: Ibid
Labeling someone mentally ill allowed: Ibid
Because a society could not be considered: Ethical Human Science and Services, A Critique of Psychiatry and an Invitation to Dialogue, December 27, 2000, Ron Leifer, MD
Besides the rule of law, our society: Schizophrenia, Theodore R. Sarbin, James C. Mancuso
The medical model of schizophrenia: Ibid
At the bottom of the spectrum: Ibid
There are those in our society who: Ibid
A vast powerful bureaucratic network: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin; Ibid
behavior regulation services: Ibid (Sarbin, Mancuso)
However, because the term nonperson: Ethical Human Science and Services, A Critique of Psychiatry and an Invitation to Dialogue, December 27, 2000, Ron Leifer, MD; Ibid
Like all other status labels: Ibid (Sarbin, Mancuso)
The policy of identifying and segregating: Ibid
The individual that has been identified: Ibid
Obtaining an official diagnosis: Your Drugs May Be Your Problem, Peter R. Breggin, MD, David Cohen, PhD
Although for some, being diagnosed: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine; Ibid
Depression, guilt, anxiety, shame: Medication Madness, Peter R. Breggin, MD; Ibid (Breggin, Cohen)
However, a majority of those: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
The people who resist hospitalization: The Reign of Error: Psychiatry, Authority, and Law, Lee Coleman, MD, (Beacon Press, 1984)
concealed involuntary commitment: Ibid
During the hospitalization a psychiatric dossier: Ibid
Even with the use of diagnostic manuals: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice; Disease-Mongers, Lynn Payer
These researchers conclude that political: Commonsense Rebellion, Bruce E. Levine; Schizophrenia, Theodore R. Sarbin, James C. Mancuso
To deny that involuntary hospitalization: Ethical Human Science and Services, A Critique of Psychiatry and an Invitation to Dialogue, December 27, 2000, Ron Leifer, MD
After they are released from the hospital: The Reign of Error, Lee Coleman, MD
Because there is no scientific measurement: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice; Disease-Mongers, Lynn Payer
a false personal belief: The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, Richard Noll, PhD
Whether or not a particular belief: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
The judgment is based on the ideology: Ibid
The word hallucination belongs: Ibid
Examples of these include: Ibid
hallucinations belong to a negative class of behaviors: Ibid
He says that because the types: Ibid
no more than an individual making a comment on their imaginings: Ibid
Other researchers have arrived: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
The conclusion to my efforts: The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Toward the Obsolescence of the Schizophrenia Hypothesis, Volume 11, Summer/Autumn 1990, Dr. Theodore R. Sarbin
a public mandate for a covert form of social control: Ethical Human Science and Services, A Critique of Psychiatry and an Invitation to Dialogue, December 27, 2000, Ron Leifer, MD
In Communist Russia: Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe; Punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union,
Punitive psychiatry had been used: Psychiatric Terror: How Soviet Psychiatry is Used to Suppress Dissent, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway, (Basic Books Inc., 1977); Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, September 20, 1983
In the late 1960s people: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker; Implementation of the Helsinki Accords, Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Soviet Psychiatric Practices, July 12, 1989
It was discovered that psychiatrists: Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway
The Moscow Serbsky Institute: US News and World Report, Mad Russians, December 8, 1996, Victoria Pope
This was accomplished by Dr. Andrei Snezhnevsky: New York Times, The World Of Soviet Psychiatry, January 30, 1983, Walter Reich
There were three basic forms of schizophrenia: Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway
Its course included: Ibid
Its developmental pattern: Ibid
Delusional symptoms associated: US News and World Report, Mad Russians, December 8, 1996, Victoria Pope; Washington Post, In Russia, Psychiatry is Again a Tool Against Dissent, September 30, 2006, Peter Finn; Punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union,; A Manual on Psychiatry for Dissidents, Vladimir Bukovsky, Dr. Semyon Gluzman; Ibid
People in Russia that have been: The Other Russia, Activist Freed from Mental Hospital, February 28th, 2008; Implementation of the Helsinki Accords, Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Dr. Anatoly Koryagin and Alexander Shatravka on the Abuse of Psychiatry in the USSR, May 15, 1987; Ibid (Washington Post; Bukovsky, Gluzman; Bloch, Reddaway)
The KGB would often not directly have people forcefully committed: Ibid (Bukovsky, Gluzman; Bloch, Reddaway)
There were two types of hospitals: Institute of Fools: A Dissident’s Memoir of his Detention in the Most Notorious Soviet Psychiatric Institution, Victor Nekipelov, (Farrar, Staus and Giroux, Inc., 1980); Ibid (Bloch, Reddaway)
The chief doctor in an SPH: Punitive Medicine, Alexander Podrabinek, (Karoma Publishers, Inc., 1980); New York Times, Reports of Psychiatry Abuse Counter Talk of a Soviet Shift, October 21, 1987, Felcity Barringer; Ibid (Nekipelov)
Each SPH had a number of doctors: Ibid
the environment was arranged so as to lower moral: Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe
The noted Russian dissident: Times Online, The Sunday Times, Putin Brings Back Mental Ward Torment, August 26, 2007, Mark Franchetti
In addition to nonconformists: Mad in America, Robert Whitaker
a multitude of resources which were used to degrade: Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, September 20, 1983
Most former patients report: US News and World Report, Mad Russians, December 8, 1996, Victoria Pope; Punitive Medicine, Alexander Podrabinek
Even after a person gave up their beliefs: Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway; Implementation of the Helsinki Accords, Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Soviet Psychiatric Practices, July 12, 1989
the horrors he witnessed: Time Magazine, The Psukhushka Horror, February 16, 1976, Soviet Scientist Leonid
After being released from the hospital: The Other Russia, Activist Freed from Mental Hospital, February 28th, 2008; Implementation of the Helsinki Accords, Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Dr. Anatoly Koryagin and Alexander Shatravka on the Abuse of Psychiatry in the USSR, May 15, 1987; Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway; A Manual on Psychiatry for Dissidents, Vladimir Bukovsky, Dr. Semyon Gluzman; Washington Post, In Russia, Psychiatry is Again a Tool Against Dissent, September 30, 2006, Peter Finn
The typical profile of those selected: Punitive Medicine, Alexander Podrabinek; New York Times, Soviet Study of Abuse of Psychiatry is Urged, March 17, 1987, Bill Keller; Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union, Hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, September 20, 1983; Ibid (Bloch, Reddaway)
Psychiatrists who exposed: Ibid
Some of these people complained: Los Angeles Times, Speak Out? Are You Crazy?, May 30, 2006, Kim Murphy; The UK Independent, Russian Dissident Forcibly Detained in Mental Hospital, July 30, 2007, Alastair Gee; Ibid (Podrabinek)
In addition to it being used: London Telegraph, Student Sectioned for Anti-Putin Activities, February 10, 2008 Nick Holdsworth; Times Online, The Sunday Times, Putin Brings Back Mental Ward Torment, August 26, 2007, Mark Franchetti; Washington Post, In Russia, Psychiatry is Again a Tool Against Dissent, September 30, 2006, Peter Finn; Ibid (Podrabinek)
Business partners or relatives: Ibid
The entire legal procedure: Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe; A Manual on Psychiatry for Dissidents, Vladimir Bukovsky, Dr. Semyon Gluzman; Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway; Ibid (Podrabinek)
In court, the doctors added: Ibid
The judges and jury members: Ibid
The state, mental health system, police: Soviet PsychoPrisons, Harvey Fireside, (W.W. Norton Company, 1979); Ibid (Bloch, Reddaway)
It also included the Ministry of Health: Ibid
Ideological factors played: Ibid
Because the psychiatrist was: Ibid (Bloch, Reddaway)
There was a leading group of prominent: Soviet PsychoPrisons, Harvey Fireside
Some included Professor Andrei Snezhnevsky: Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway
Some of the most useful information: Institute of Fools, Victor Nekipelov; Defense Intelligence Agency, Controlled Offensive Behavior—USSR, Prepared by the US Army Office of the Surgeon General (ST-CS-01-169-72), July 1972, Captain John D. Lamothe
A few of these individuals kept notes: Ibid
Petro Grigorenko: Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway
Another was Dr. Anatoly Koryagin: New York Times, Psychiatric Abuse in Soviet Assailed, May 14, 1987, Daniel Goleman
In 1982 Amnesty International: Anatoly Koryagin,
Dr. Semyon Gluzman and Vladimir Bukovsky mentioned: A Manual on Psychiatry for Dissidents, Vladimir Bukovsky, Dr. Semyon Gluzman
Most psychiatrists were civilians: Soviet PsychoPrisons, Harvey Fireside
Because if the statements: Ibid
Punitive psychiatry was a mechanism: Psychiatric Terror, Sidney Bloch, Peter Reddaway
The use of punitive psychiatry against: New York Times, Soviet Study of Abuse of Psychiatry is Urged, March 17, 1987, Bill Keller; London Telegraph, Student Sectioned for Anti-Putin Activities, February 10, 2008 Nick Holdsworth
it has increased since it became public: New York Times, Reports of Psychiatry Abuse Counter Talk of a Soviet Shift, October 21, 1987, Felcity Barringer; Los Angeles Times, Dissidents Still Sent to Asylums, Russia Activists Say, August 12, 2007, Alex Rodriguez
it has also occurred in South Africa, Romania, Bulgari: Institute of Fools, Victor Nekipelov; Abuse of Psychiatry in the Soviet Union, Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations, September 20, 1983
Of particular interest is China: The Guardian, In the Grip of the Ankang, December 20, 2005; UK Independent, China Accused of Locking Sane Dissidents in Asylums, March 18, 2006, Clifford Coonan
allows the Chinese government to neutralize certain people: The International Herald Tribune, Chinese Dissident's Asylum Stay Called Unjustified, March 16, 2006, Joseph Kahn; Los Angeles Times, Chinese Dissident Tells of Abuse in Asylum, November 09, 2005, Mark Magnier; AsiaNews, Wang Lianxi, a Tiananmen Square Dissident, in Psychiatric Hospital, January 24, 2009
Whenever a society falls under the rule: Political Ponerology, Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Therefore, an exceptionally malicious: Ibid
In a society run by psychopaths, every single: Ibid
Scientifically and morally degenerate: Ibid
Even mental health specialists: Ibid
includes a method developed by him to convince: I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, Xavier Amador, Anna-Lisa Johanson
Listen for beliefs about the self and the illness: Ibid
In order to learn about someone’s delusions: Ibid
In the Empathize phase: Ibid
avoid trying to convince them: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
If your relative is willing to talk: Ibid
The book refers to this manipulative: Ibid
By temporarily agreeing: How To Manage 5 Common Symptoms Of Schizophrenia,
suggests frequent daily reminders: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
A common feature of the disorder: Ibid
having someone forcefully medicated: Surviving Schizophrenia, E. Fuller Torrey, MD
Dr. Torrey is a former consultant: E. Fuller Torrey,
must act to ensure that medication is taken according: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd., Schizophrenia Handbook, 2004
Talk therapy has limited value: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
NAMI explains that a person’s refusal: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Understanding Schizophrenia and Recovery: What You Need to Know About this Medical Illness, August 2008
Similarly, tells us that: Getting Treatment for People When They Lack Insight Into Their Illness,
If the patient refuses, Dr. Amador and Mrs. Johanson: I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, Xavier Amador, Anna-Lisa Johanson
An examination of the industry’s publications: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
One important part of the “healing” process: Ibid (Snyder, Gur, Andrews)
The statements below: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Schizophrenia Revealed, Michael Foster Green, PhD; Ibid (Snyder, Gur, Andrews)
Statements below made by people: Ibid (Miller, Mason)
false personal beliefs that have: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
In his book, Mr. Snyder claims: Ibid
The nature of delusion: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich
thoughts that people are stalking you or trying to harm you: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd., Schizophrenia Handbook, 2004
Similarly, the Canadian Mental Health: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517
suffering from a misinterpretation of events: Delusions,
an over-sensitivity to noises: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews; Ibid (Delusions)
They even have delusions that aircraft: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Surviving Schizophrenia, E. Fuller Torrey, MD
But entertaining the possibility that the noises: Delusions,
stories of people whose delusional systems: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Schizophrenia Revealed, Michael Foster Green, PhD
Many have delusions that government agencies: Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; Hallucinations,; Delusions,; Ibid (Miller, Mason)
Often it is the FBI or the CIA: Surviving Schizophrenia, E. Fuller Torrey, MD
agonizing radiation weapons: I Am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help, Xavier Amador, Anna-Lisa Johanson
Below are more examples: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews; Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; BC Partners for Mental Health and Addiction Information, What are Mental Disorders?, Bipolar Disorder
Most suffer from delusions of reference: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd., Schizophrenia Handbook, 2004; The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, Richard Noll, PhD; Ibid (Miller, Mason)
They believe these messages are symbolically conveyed: Ibid
According to Dr. Torrey, the internet: Surviving Schizophrenia, E. Fuller Torrey, MD
Some reported PC and internet delusions: Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrews
Other common delusions experienced: The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia, Kim T. Mueser, PhD, Susan Gingerich; Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; British Columbia Schizophrenia Society (BCSS), Basic Facts About Schizophrenia, 2008; Ibid
Obsessive religious beliefs: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Europe Ltd., Schizophrenia Handbook, 2004
Auditory hallucinations are quite common: Hallucinations,; Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Schizophrenia, NIH Publication Number 99-3517; Ibid (Mueser, Gingerich; Snyder, Gur, Andrews)
The hallucinations are usually consistent: Ibid
We are advised by that: Ibid (Hallucinations)
Below are some descriptions of hallucinations: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia, Rachel Miller, Susan E. Mason; Me, Myself, and Them, Kurt Snyder, Raquel E. Gur, MD, PhD, Linda Wasmer Andrew
The delusions continue inside mental hospitals: Ibid
One girl, who has since been convinced: Ibid (Miller, Mason)
She felt as though the treatment was really an attack: Ibid
Psychiatric experts have identified: NewsWeek, When Life is Like a TV Show, August 02, 2008; New York Times, Culture of Surveillance May Contribute to Delusional Condition, August 29, 2008, Sarah Kershaw
The idea for the disorder originates: San Francisco Chronicle, Truman Syndrome Identified in Delusional People, November 30, 2008, Jennifer Peltz
The illness was first discovered: WebMD, The Truman Show Delusion: Real or Imagined?, August 06, 2008, Suzanne Wright; Ibid
Truman Show Delusion is a combination: National Post, Reality Bites, July 21, 2008,
Although for years mental health specialists: The Telegraph, UK, Truman Show Syndrome Delusion: Sufferers Convinced They Are on Reality TV, November 25, 2008, Tom Leonard
The new delusion encompasses: WebMD, The Truman Show Delusion: Real or Imagined?, August 06, 2008, Suzanne Wright; New York Times, Culture of Surveillance May Contribute to Delusional Condition, August 29, 2008, Sarah Kershaw
Since presenting their findings: NineMSN, Truman Show Syndrome is a Real Nightmare, November 26 2008, Ninemsn Staff
Psychiatrists in the US and Britain: New York Times, Culture of Surveillance May Contribute to Delusional Condition, August 29, 2008, Sarah Kershaw
The new illness is considered: Ibid
WebMD informs us: WebMD, The Truman Show Delusion: Real or Imagined?, August 06, 2008, Suzanne Wright
The Gold brothers are working: San Francisco Chronicle, Truman Syndrome Identified in Delusional People, November 30, 2008, Jennifer Peltz
Over the last several years clinicians: Journal of Mental Health (Informa Healthcare), Online Information, Extreme Communities and Internet Therapy: Is the Internet Good for our Mental Health?, Volume 16, Issue 4, August 2007, Vaughan Bell; New York times, Sharing Their Demons on the Web: Health Professionals Fear Web Sites that Support Theories on Mind Control, November 13, 2008, Sarah Kershaw; Psychology Today, Psychotic Websites, Does the Internet Encourage Psychotic Thinking?, July 20, 2009
In the past, people who complained: Ibid (NYT)
The Times mentioned that although: Ibid
Therefore, such sites have drawn: Journal of Mental Health (Informa Healthcare), Online Information, Extreme Communities and Internet Therapy: Is the Internet Good for our Mental Health?, Volume 16, Issue 4, August 2007, Vaughan Bell; Ibid
Dr. Vaughan Bell, a visiting research: Dr Vaughan Bell,; Ibid (NYT)
He evaluated the content: Psychopathology, ‘Mind Control’ Experiences On The Internet: Implications for the Psychiatric Diagnosis of Delusions, February 2006, Volume 39, Issue 2, Vaughan Bell, Cara Maiden, Antonio Muñoz-Solomando, Venu Reddy
He described this organization: Ibid
It is also beyond the influence: Ibid
The members of this community: Journal of Mental Health (Informa Healthcare), Online Information, Extreme Communities and Internet Therapy: Is the Internet Good for our Mental Health?, Volume 16, Issue 4, August 2007, Vaughan Bell
These sites have postings of people: New York times, Sharing Their Demons on the Web: Health Professionals Fear Web Sites that Support Theories on Mind Control, November 13, 2008, Sarah Kershaw
In July of 2009, Psychology Today: Psychology Today, Psychotic Websites, Does the Internet Encourage Psychotic Thinking?, July 20, 2009
The fact that people can form: Psychopathology, ‘Mind Control’ Experiences On The Internet: Implications for the Psychiatric Diagnosis of Delusions, February 2006, Volume 39, Issue 2, Vaughan Bell, Cara Maiden, Antonio Muñoz-Solomando, Venu Reddy
If this trend continues: Journal of Mental Health (Informa Healthcare), Online Information, Extreme Communities and Internet Therapy: Is the Internet Good for our Mental Health?, Volume 16, Issue 4, August 2007, Vaughan Bell
An earlier report released: Psychopathology, “Internet delusions”: A Case Series and Theoretical Integration, Volume 38, May-June 2005, Vaughan Bell, Ethan Grech, Cara Maiden, Peter W. Halligan, Hadyn D. Ellis
Much of the social science research: Science of Coercion, Christopher Simpson
After WWI US PsyOp projects: Ibid
Lasswell authored the 1926 publication: Ibid
Lasswell wrote an article: The University of Chicago Press, The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 46, No. 4 (January 1941), The Garrison State, (Abstract), Harold D. Lasswell
Walter Lippmann, based his writings: Science of Coercion, Christopher Simpson
would use manipulation to rule society: Walter Lippmann,; Council on Foreign Relations,; Ibid
During the late 1930s the Rockefeller Foundation: Ibid (Simpson)
manipulation and deceit: Ibid
Shortly after WWII and into the 1950s: Ibid
This small informal network: Ibid
The DOD and a group of influential academic: Ibid
Of particular interest is the Panel on Human: Ibid
Advisors to the panel included members: Ibid
During the 1940s/WWII period: Ibid
Wilbur Schramm, for instance, was a social: Ibid
Devereux Josephs of Harvard University: Ibid
The Office of War Information (OWI): United States Office of War Information,; Ibid
Psychological Warfare Division of the US Army (PWD): Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, Lt Col, David J. Dean, USAF, Editor, (Air University Press, June, 1986); Ibid
new psychological weapons: Ibid (Simpson)
Beginning in 1951 Chitra M. Smith: War on the Mind, Peter Watson; Ibid
During the 1950s the Rockefeller and Russell Sage: Ibid (Simpson)
Cantril was the primary author: Hadley Cantril,; New York Times, Radio Listeners in Panic, Taking War Drama as Fact, October 31, 1938
caused a nation-wide panic: War of the Worlds,
Leonard Cottrell, an enthusiastic promoter of PsyOp: Science of Coercion, Christopher Simpson
The Center for International Studies (CENIS) at MIT: Ibid
McCloy is yet one more example: John J. McCloy,; Ibid
McCloy was chairman of the Ford Foundation: Ibid
William Donovan, another Wall Street lawyer: William Joseph, Donovan,; Ibid (Simpson)
engineering of consent: Ibid (Simpson)
The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC): Office of Policy Coordination,; Ibid
The Center for Research in Social Systems: War on the Mind, Peter Watson
continued into the 1960s and 1970s: Science of Coercion, Christopher Simpson; Ibid
A very substantial fraction of the funding: Ibid (Simpson)
Reece Committee investigated parts of this network: Foundations, Rene Wormser
are US military concepts that began: Effects-Based Operations,
Operations conceived and planned: Effects-Based Effects-Based Operations Operations: A Grand Challenge for the Analytical Community, Paul K. Davis, (RAND, 2001)
Coordinated sets of actions directed: Department of Defense, Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War, November 2002, Edward A. Smith
These operations are used against asymmetric political: Ibid
a linking of people, weapons platforms: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
an information superiority-enabled concept: Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, Frederick P. Stein, (Department of Defense C4SI Cooperative Research Program, 2000)
It uses a network-based approach: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
Also connected to the C4ISR: Department of Defense, Office of Force Transformation, The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare, January 5, 2005; Ibid
Netwar also employs PsyOp: Ibid
It includes the various dispersed nodes: Ibid (RAND)
Assisting these forces are PVOs, NGOs: Ibid
The nation where MOOTW: MOOTW,; Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Operations Other Than War, Joint Doctrine, J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate
Because of this, the operations: Ibid
legitimacy is a condition based: Ibid (J-7)
The joint interagency and international operation: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008; Federation of American Scientists, Air Force Doctrine Document, Military Operations Other Than War, October 5, 1996; Department of the Army, Decisive Force: The Army In Theater Operations (FM 100-7)
quickly and efficiently identify, isolate, and neutralize threats: Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts, June 15, 1998, Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr., Steven Metz
Some of these activities are conducted: Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military Operations Other Than War, Joint Doctrine, J-7 Operational Plans and Interoperability Directorate
The C2 faction uses the term: Ibid
A MOOTW campaign is planned: Ibid
show of force operations (SOFO): Ibid
All of these forces are used to compel: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council; Naval War College, Newport R.I., Logistics in Support of Operations Other than War, David A. Larson, May 19, 1997; Association of the United States Army, The Land Warfare Papers, Defining Asymmetric Warfare, September 2006, David L. Buffaloe
The term MOOTW is being: Ibid
Peace operations (PO), also called peacekeeping operations: Peacekeeping Operations,; Department of the Army , Peace Operations, FM 100-23, December 30, 1994; Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007
The US Army Peace Operations manual: Ibid (FM 100-23)
PO are crisis response and limited contingency: Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007
unique and dynamic instrument: Peacekeeping Operations,
The UN Charter gives the UN Security Council: Peacekeeping,; Ibid
These interagency, international operations: Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007; Peacekeeping Operations,; Peacekeeping Operations,; Department of the Army, Peace Operations, FM 100-23, December 30, 1994; Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008; United Nations, Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, January 2008
To help coordinate their activities: Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener
Over the years, UN peacekeeping: Peacekeeping Operations,; Peacekeeping Operations,
The UN has a direct impact on the political: Ibid
while maintaining the peace, other adversaries: Department of the Army, Peace Operations, FM 100-23, December 30, 1994
In addition to regular military force: Council on Foreign Relations, Report of an Independent Task Force, Non-Lethal Technologies: Military Options and Implications, 1995, Malcolm H. Wiener; Science and Global Security, Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, 2001, Volume 9, Jürgen Altmann
PO includes three basic areas: Department of the Army, Peace Operations, FM 100-23, December 30, 1994; Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007; Peace Enforcement,
All PO require perceived legitimacy: Ibid
Support to diplomacy includes: Ibid (FM 100-23)
Peace building (PB) are post-conflict: United Nations, Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, January 2008; Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007; Ibid
It is a complex, long-term process: Peace Enforcement,; Ibid (FM 100-23; JP 3-07.3)
PM includes meetings with leaders: Ibid
Conflict prevention, also called preventative: Ibid (FM 100-23, JP 3-07.3)
Peacekeeping (PK) are military or paramilitary: United Nations, Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, January 2008; Peacekeeping,
Most PK operations originate: Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007; Department of the Army, Peace Operations, FM 100-23, December 30, 1994
Peace enforcement (PE) is the practice: United Nations, Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, January 2008; Peace Enforcement,; Ibid (JP 3-07.3)
The application, with the authorization: Ibid (UN)
the application of military force: Department of the Army, Peace Operations, FM 100-23, December 30, 1994
It may include combat actions: Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007; Ibid
PE is authorized by the UN Security: United Nations, Peacekeeping Operations: Principles and Guidelines, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, January 2008; Peacekeeping,; Ibid (JP 3-07.3)
Low-Intensity Conflict (LIC) is a political-military: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, Lt Col, David J. Dean, USAF, Editor
The term LIC is being phased: Association of the United States Army, The Land Warfare Papers, Defining Asymmetric Warfare, September 2006, David L. Buffaloe
Irregular Warfare (IW) consists of violent: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Joint Warfighting Center, Irregular Warfare Special Study, August 4, 2006
Some of these clandestine conflicts: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
These are global, inter-agency, political: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
IW is a political struggle: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
One of IW’s primary uses: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Ibid
Low visibility, covert operations: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
Although IW is a violent struggle: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Ibid
undermining an enemy’s popular support: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
Potential enemies are those who: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007
The enemies are state and nonstate actors: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
if you are trying to influence the population: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
IW, says the US Army, requires that the government: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
These global operations are composed: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006; US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007
It uses a C4ISR: Ibid (US Air Force)
To recruit a HN’s indigenous: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007
In their Irregular Warfare document: Ibid
These operations are being used increasingly: Ibid
Waging protracted IW depends: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
IW is also used to conceal US: US Marine Corps Combat Development Command and US Special Operations Command Center, Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, August 2006
Specific attrition-based tactics: US Air Force Doctrine Document 2-3, Irregular Warfare, August 1, 2007; Joint Warfighting Center, Irregular Warfare Special Study, August 4, 2006; Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Ibid
Terrorism will be used: Ibid (DOD/JOC)
Operations conducted by, with: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
UW includes a wide spectrum: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Department of the Army, Decisive Force: The Army In Theater Operations (FM 100-7)
These are interagency, international operations: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
The interagency uses multiple interrelated intelligence: Ibid
Based on these evaluations and the resulting: Ibid
The US Army says that in order to accomplish: Ibid
The primary value of the mass base: Ibid
One example of this: Federation of American Scientists, Air Force Doctrine Document, Military Operations Other Than War, October 5, 1996
The interagency force: Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces, Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
Without recognized legitimacy: Ibid
A combination of offensive and defensive: Ibid
The Defining Asymmetric Warfare report: Association of the United States Army, The Land Warfare Papers, Defining Asymmetric Warfare, September 2006, David L. Buffaloe
AW is an interagency, international operation: Asymmetry and US Military strategy: Definition, Background, And Strategic Concepts, January 2001, Steven Metz, Douglas V. Johnson; US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Information Operations and Asymmetric Warfare…Are We Ready?, April 09, 2002, LTC LaWarren V. Patterson; Ibid
The US Army refers: Ibid (US Army, Defining Asymmetric Warfare)
The enemy wages information warfare: Ibid
One solution to these threats: US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, Information Operations and Asymmetric Warfare…Are We Ready?, April 09, 2002, LTC LaWarren V. Patterson
The NLW and PsyOp attacks against: Asymmetry and US Military strategy: Definition, Background, And Strategic Concepts, January 2001, Steven Metz, Douglas V. Johnson; Association of the United States Army, The Land Warfare Papers, Defining Asymmetric Warfare, September 2006, David L. Buffaloe
Those military operations conducted: Joint Publication 3-07.3, Peace Operations, October 17, 2007
The purpose of CMO is to consolidate: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008
It is used across the full spectrum: Department of Defense, Irregular Warfare (IW), Joint Operating Concept (JOC), September 11, 2007; Ibid
CMO are interagency and global: Joint Warfighting Center, Irregular Warfare Special Study, August 4, 2006; Department of the Army, Civil Affairs Operations, FM 3-05.40 (FM 41-10), September 2006; Ibid (JP 3-57)
The HN provides civil and military: NATO, Civil-Military Co-Operation (CIMIC), Doctrine (AJP-9), June 2003; Ibid (JP 3-57)
CMO is coordinated with the United Nations: Ibid (JP 3-57)
A CMOC is established: NATO, Civil-Military Co-Operation (CIMIC), Doctrine (AJP-9), June 2003; Ibid (JP 3-57)
At the strategic, operational: Ibid (JP 3-57)
the “comprehensive use” of intergovernmental: Ibid
These takeovers may be performed in the absence: Joint Warfighting Center, Irregular Warfare Special Study, August 4, 2006
After dealing with irregular threats: NATO, Civil-Military Co-Operation (CIMIC), Doctrine (AJP-9), June 2003
During the occupation, the tactics: Joint Warfighting Center, Irregular Warfare Special Study, August 4, 2006; Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008
The theory suggests that states: The Sling and The Stone: On War in the 21st Century, Colonel Thomas X. Hammes, USMC, (Zenith Press, 2004)
The first generation began in 1648: Defense and National Interest, Fourth-Generation Warfare is Here, October 15, 2001, Harold A. Gould and Franklin C. Spinney; Understanding Fourth Generation War, January 15, 2004, William S. Lind; Institute for Defense Analyses for Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Learning to Adapt to Asymmetric Threats, August 2005, John Tillson, MG. Waldo D. Freeman, US Army (Ret), Capt. William R. Burns, US Navy (Ret), Lt Col. John Michel, US Air Force, Col. Jack A. LeCuyer, US Army (Ret), MG. Robert H. Scales, US Army (Ret), Dr. D. Robert Worley
It consisted of mass armies: Marine Corps Gazette, The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation, October 1989, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale (USA), Captain John F. Schmitt (USMC), Colonel Joseph W. Sutton (USA), Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson (USMCR); Military Response to Fourth Generation Warfare in Afghanistan, May 5, 2002, Greg Wilcox, Gary I. Wilson; Ibid (Gould, Spinney)
Second Generation Warfare emerged: Understanding Fourth Generation War, January 15, 2004, William S. Lind; Institute for Defense Analyses for Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Learning to Adapt to Asymmetric Threats, August 2005, John Tillson, MG. Waldo D. Freeman, US Army (Ret), Capt. William R. Burns, US Navy (Ret), Lt Col. John Michel, US Air Force, Col. Jack A. LeCuyer, US Army (Ret), MG. Robert H. Scales, US Army (Ret), Dr. D. Robert Worley; Ibid (Wilcox, Wilson)
It peaked during WWI: Ibid
Third Generation Warfare was developed: Defense and National Interest, Fourth-Generation Warfare is Here, October 15, 2001, Harold A. Gould and Franklin C. Spinney; Ibid (Lind)
It was nonlinear and did not: Ibid
Fourth Generation Warfare (4GW): Fourth Generation Warfare,; Ibid (Lind)
It consists of violent and non-violent: Retrospective, April 21, 2009, William S. Lind
Violent examples: Fourth Generation Warfare,
a contest for legitimacy between: Retrospective, April 21, 2009, William S. Lind
4GW has also been portrayed as: Institute for Defense Analyses for Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Learning to Adapt to Asymmetric Threats, August 2005, John Tillson, MG. Waldo D. Freeman, US Army (Ret), Capt. William R. Burns, US Navy (Ret), Lt Col. John Michel, US Air Force, Col. Jack A. LeCuyer, US Army (Ret), MG. Robert H. Scales, US Army (Ret), Dr. D. Robert Worley; Military Response to Fourth Generation Warfare in Afghanistan, May 5, 2002, Greg Wilcox, Gary I. Wilson; Small Wars Journal, 4th Generation Warfare, February 2006, Captain John W. Bellflower, USAF; Understanding Fourth Generation War, January 15, 2004, William S. Lind; Royal Austro-Hungarian Marine Corps, Fourth Generation War (FMFM 1-A)
The Fourth Generation War manual published: Ibid (FMFM 1-A)
Forces on the battlefield become more dispersed: Marine Corps Gazette, The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation, October 1989, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale (USA), Captain John F. Schmitt (USMC), Colonel Joseph W. Sutton (USA), Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson (USMCR); Military Response to Fourth Generation Warfare in Afghanistan, May 5, 2002, Greg Wilcox, Gary I. Wilson; Understanding Fourth Generation War, January 15, 2004, William S. Lind
According to the theory, 4GW Forces: Ibid (Gazette; Wilcox, Wilson)
Because 4GW uses the indigenous population: Defense and National Interest, Fourth-Generation Warfare is Here, October 15, 2001, Harold A. Gould and Franklin C. Spinney
According to Lind and his symposium: Modern Warfare Symposium, August 4, 2005, William S. Lind
their most important 4GW function: Modern Warfare Symposium, On War, August 10, 2005, William S. Lind; The 9/11 Commission Report: Reorganization, Not Reform, July 29, 2004, William S. Lind
4GW will have no definable battlefields: Marine Corps Gazette, The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation, October 1989, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale (USA), Captain John F. Schmitt (USMC), Colonel Joseph W. Sutton (USA), Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson (USMCR); Fourth Generation Warfare,
RAND refers to this: In Athena’s Camp, RAND Corporation
PsyOp and directed-energy weapons: Small Wars Journal, 4th Generation Warfare, February 2006, Captain John W. Bellflower, USAF; Marine Corps Gazette, The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation, October 1989, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale (USA), Captain John F. Schmitt (USMC), Colonel Joseph W. Sutton (USA), Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson (USMCR)
build their plans around a strategic: Military Review, Fourth Generation Warfare Evolves, Fifth Emerges, May-June 2007, Col T.X. Hammes, USMC retired
drastic measures must be taken: Defense and National Interest, Fourth-Generation Warfare is Here, October 15, 2001, Harold A. Gould and Franklin C. Spinney
A state’s 4GW targets will be primarily: Marine Corps Gazette, The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation, October 1989, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale (USA), Captain John F. Schmitt (USMC), Colonel Joseph W. Sutton (USA), Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson (USMCR)
Other state enemies are those who value: Defense and National Interest, Fourth-Generation Warfare is Here, October 15, 2001, Harold A. Gould and Franklin C. Spinney
New and in some instances very unpleasant: Ibid
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008; Non-governmental Organization,
NGOs address issues pertaining: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008; Ibid (FM 3-05.130)
There are a variety of ways: Ibid
The term NGO has no legal status: Non-governmental Organization,
However, some contend: Ibid
Despite the term “non-governmental,” many: Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare (FM 3-05.130), September 2008
They significantly influence: Joint Publication 3-57, Civil-Military Operations, July 08, 2008; Non-governmental Organizations; Ibid
A related group is an intergovernmental: Ibid (JP 3-57)
Augmented Cognition (AugCog) is the result: Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney, (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2008)
AugCog is a type of human-computer interface: Augmented Cognition Grand Challenge, Cognition-Driven Data Analyst: Augmenting Analysts, Engineers and Scientists Capacity to Interpret Diverse Data,
It uses a network of sensors: Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings; The Economist, Computers That Read Your Mind, September 21, 2006
It then makes changes: Ibid
The goal of Augmented Cognition: Ibid (Schmorrow, Reeves)
Because it reads minds and bodies: Augmented Cognition Grand Challenge, Cognition-Driven Data Analyst: Augmenting Analysts, Engineers and Scientists Capacity to Interpret Diverse Data,; Augmented Cognition International Society, AC-TG,; Augmented Cognition International Society, Overview,; Daily Tech, US Army, DARPA Working on Mind-Reading System, January 17, 2006, Michael Hoffman
It then uses adaptive strategies: Ibid
AugCog development has included: Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings; Signal Magazine, Human-Computer Interface Gets Personal, July 2006, Maryann Lawlor; DARPA Augmented Cognition, Engineering a Transformation of Human-Machine Interaction to an Augmented Cognitive Relationship,
The Department of Defense has studied: Ibid (Schmorrow, Reeves)
The uses for AugCog: Signal Magazine, Army Uses Advanced Systems to Understand What Soldiers Know, March 2008, Rita Boland; DARPA Augmented Cognition Program,; Daily Tech, Honeywell Details Augmented Cognition Research Programs, November 13, 2007, Jason Mick; Avionics Magazine, Empathetic Avionics: The Pilot as an Avionics System, December 1, 2005, Charlotte Adams
AugCog will allegedly: Ibid
The main components of these systems: US Army Soldier Systems Center-Natick, SSC-Natick Press Release, Augmented Cognition, January 17, 2006; Signal Magazine, Human-Computer Interface Gets Personal, July 2006, Maryann Lawlor; Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney
The automated sensor network: Ibid (Schmorrow, Stanney)
Data obtained: Signal Magazine, Human-Computer Interface Gets Personal, July 2006, Maryann Lawlor; Ibid (Schmorrow, Stanney)
Portable wireless systems exist: Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings; Aviation Week, DARPA Pursues Neuroscience to Enhance Analyst, Soldier Performance, January 28, 2008, David Hughes; US Army Soldier Systems Center-Natick, SSC-Natick Press Release, Augmented Cognition, January 17, 2006
DARPA is working on wireless: Daily Tech, US Army, DARPA Working on Mind-Reading System, January 17, 2006, Michael Hoffman; Signal Magazine, Army Uses Advanced Systems to Understand What Soldiers Know, March 2008, Rita Boland
Eye tracking is another AugCog: Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney; Avionics Magazine, Empathetic Avionics: The Pilot as an Avionics System, December 1, 2005, Charlotte Adams; Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings
In addition to the movement of the eyes: Ibid
Neuroimaging devices: Ibid (Schmorrow, Stanney)
Small portable mind reading devices: CNET News, MIT Group Develops Mind-Reading Device, April 4, 2006, Candace Lombardi; University of Cambridge (UK), Mind-Reading Machines, Peter Robinson
Other sensors that provide: Signal Magazine, Human-Computer Interface Gets Personal, July 2006, Maryann Lawlor; Daily Tech, Honeywell Details Augmented Cognition Research Programs, November 13, 2007, Jason Mick; Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings; Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney
The next part of the system: Ibid (Schmorrow, Stanney)
A modality is a sensing channel: Modality,
AugCog determines which channel: Wired News, Pentagon's Mind-Reading Computers Replicate, March 19, 2008
AugCog adjusts the information: US Army Soldier Systems Center-Natick, SSC-Natick Press Release, Augmented Cognition, January 17, 2006
Sensory channels are monitored: Augmented Cognition: A Practitioner’s Guide, Edited by Dylan D. Schmorrow, Kay M. Stanney; Wired News, Pentagon's Mind-Reading Computers Replicate, March 19, 2008
A mitigation strategy is a series: Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings; Augmented Cognition Grand Challenge, Cognition-Driven Data Analyst: Augmenting Analysts, Engineers and Scientists Capacity to Interpret Diverse Data,
To accomplish this, the system: US Army Soldier Systems Center-Natick, SSC-Natick Press Release, Augmented Cognition, January 17, 2006; Ibid (Schmorrow, Reeves)
This reading is then compared: Augmented Cognition Grand Challenge, Cognition-Driven Data Analyst: Augmenting Analysts, Engineers and Scientists Capacity to Interpret Diverse Data,; Signal Magazine, Human-Computer Interface Gets Personal, July 2006, Maryann Lawlor; Ibid (SSC-Natick)
As the techniques are applied: Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Dylan D. Schmorrow, Leah M. Reeves, (Springer, 2007), Third International Conference, FAC 2007 Held as Part of Human Computer Interaction International 2007 Beijing, China, July 2007, Proceedings
AugCog can be integrated: US Army Soldier Systems Center-Natick, SSC-Natick Press Release, Augmented Cognition, January 17, 2006
The idea of linking a directed-energy: Controlling the Human Mind, Nick Begich
In February of 1995 a similar system: Ibid
Further evidence for the existence: Ibid
surveillance systems connected to directed-energy weapons: An assessment of Non-lethal Weapons Science and Technology, National Research Council
Wired reported in December of 2007 that Raytheon: Wired, US Eyes Pain Beam for Home Security, Law Enforcement, December 10, 2007, David Hambling
an automated remote surveillance system: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
What is emerging: Omega Research Foundation, Report for the European Parliament, An Appraisal Of The Technologies Of Political Control, September 1998
In 1977 the BSSR predicted that such a system: The Technology of Political Control, Carol Ackroyd, Karen Margolis, Jonathan Rosenhead, Tim Shallice
According to the Department of Defense’s June 2007 report: Department of Defense, Global Information Grid Architectural Vision, Version 1.0, June 2007
Metz and Kievit mentioned that a small device: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit
The DOD mentioned a method of linking people: Department of Defense, Global Information Grid Architectural Vision, Version 1.0, June 2007
In their 1994 US Army War College article: US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War, July 25, 1994, Steven Metz, James Kievit