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Available Books
New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control
Dedication & Thanks
Volume I: Current Political Situation
- Overview
- Introduction
- Revolution in Warfare
- The Other World
- Dictatorship Creation
- The Groups Facilitating the Revolution
- Their Goal is Neo-Feudalism
- Problem-Reaction-Solution
- Volume I Commentary
Volume II: The New War
- The New War
- The New Enemy
- Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties
- The Investigation
- Surveillance Technology and Methods
- Mind-Reading
- Volume II Commentary
Volume III: Weapons of The New War
- Introduction to Nonlethal Weapons
- Psychological Operations
- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons
- High-Powered Microwaves
- High-Powered Lasers
- Sonic Weapons
- Computer Network Operations
- Microwave Hearing
- Silent Subliminals
- Use of Citizen Informants
- Chemical and Biological
- Weather Warfare
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
- Volume III Commentary
Volume IV: The Coverup
- Volume IV Introduction
- Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- Control of the Medical Industry
- Another Look at Schizophrenia
- Political Considerations
- Punitive Psychiatry in Communist Russia
- Coverup Initiatives
- Volume IV Commentary
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of PsyOp
- Small-Scale Wars
- Nongovernmental Organizations
- Human-Computer Intelligence Network
- Electronic Tyranny
- Other Devices Connected to the GIG
- My Experience
- Sources
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Microwave hearing is a scientific fact. Existing radar units can be modified to transmit a beam of pulsed microwave energy into a person’s skull which causes sounds such as ticks, buzzes, hisses, knocks, chirps, and words. The sounds, which originate from within, above, or behind the head, are transmitted to the inner ear via bone conduction.
There is no external noise. It can be applied at a distance of at least hundreds of meters. Man-portable transmitters allegedly exist.
Despite some of the relatively recent announcements that this is possible, according to other mainstream reports, it has been around in some form since at least the early 1960s. Two notable contributors to the early development of microwave hearing include Drs. Allan Frey and Joseph Sharp.
In his 1962 report, Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy, which appeared in the Journal of Applied Psychology, Dr. Frey described how microwave hearing was demonstrated using a microwave transmitter that projected sound several hundred feet.
The transmitter used pulse-modulated waves at extremely low average power levels. The transmission was immediate. The system was wireless and receiverless, and the sounds were even heard by the deaf. Then in the mid 1970s, Dr. Sharp helped to develop microwave hearing technology for DARPA by conducting research at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR). In 1973 Dr. Sharp proved that the correct modulation of microwave energy could result in the wireless and receiverless transmission of audible speech.
In 1976 it was reported by the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner that the Soviets were also conducting extensive research into microwave hearing that was brought to the attention of the US Defense Intelligence Agency. Words which appeared to be originating within a person’s skull, they reported, could be induced by microwaves. The technology was to be used for antipersonnel purposes.
The October 1998 US Patent 4877027—Hearing System, mentioned that sound could be induced in the head of an individual using microwaves in the range of about 100 MHz to 10 GHz. The waves consist of frequency modulated bursts lasting from about 500 nanoseconds to 100 microseconds that create a sense of hearing in the individual whose head is targeted. It is effective regardless of a person’s hearing ability.
Others patents pertaining to microwave hearing, such as the August 1989, US Patent 4858612—Hearing Device, and the July of 2003, US Patent 6587729—Apparatus for Audibly Communicating Speech Using the Radio Frequency Hearing Effect, are based on similar scientific principles.
In July of 2008 New Scientist announced that Sierra Nevada Corporation planned to build a microwave gun able to project beams of sounds directly into people’s heads. The weapon, which is based on the microwave audio effect, will be used by the military. Wired’s February 2008 story, Pentagon Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia, described how microwave weapons which create voices in people’s heads are not only possible, but have already been demonstrated.
Most researchers from the mid 1960s into the early 1990s have concluded that bone conduction (thermal expansion) is the physical mechanism that allows for microwave hearing. The detection of microwave hearing is the same in humans as it is in other mammals. Bone conduction is just a secondary pathway for sound transmission in humans and most other mammals.
Bone conduction works basically in the following way: Upon hitting the skull and interacting with the soft tissue in the head, a microwave signal in the range of about 2.4 MHz to 10 GHz is down-converted to an acoustic frequency of about 5 kHz.1
This acoustic energy launches a thermal acoustic wave which is sent to the inner-ear by conduits of soft tissue that extend from the skull to the bony portion of the inner ear. Once it reaches the inner ear, it activates the cochlear where the regular process of hearing occurs.
Although the increase in tissue temperature which causes the acoustic wave is rapid, it is small because the pulse only lasts milliseconds. Therefore, there are no known harmful biophysical effects. The sound produced by the transmission is immediate. It is noticed from within, behind, or above the head.
According to some researchers, an individual’s ability to hear this type of sound depends on them being able to hear above 5 kHz.2 People with hearing loss above 5 kHz may not perceive these types of sounds as well as those with regular hearing up into the 15 kHz range. Also, because these are low-intensity sounds, a quiet environment is required in order for them to be heard.
Microwave hearing is a well-established phenomenon, the basis for which extends back to at least the early 1960s. According to the US military, some uses for microwave hearing include establishing a private message transfer, and disrupting people who are not aware that the technology exists. NATO and the US Army consider microwave hearing to be a NLW.3
Dr. Robert Becker, author of multiple books and a nominee for the Nobel Peach Prize, mentioned that microwave hearing could be used to drive a person insane. “It would be pure terror,” agreed Dr. Nick Begich. The use of this technology, says the US Army in its Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons document, could be “psychologically devastating.”
1 An abstract from the 2007 Health Physics, The Radiation Safety Journal article, Hearing of Microwave Pulses by Humans and Animals, written by James C. Lin, says that the frequency range for the microwave transmission can be from hundreds of MHz to tens of GHz. The transmission frequency could be in the range of about 100 MHz to 10 GHz according to the October 1998 US Patent 4877027―Hearing System.
2 According to some sources, people with hearing loss above 5 kHz either can't hear these sounds or have difficulty hearing them. See the 2003 Motorola Florida Research Laboratories article, Auditory Response to Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy, by J.A. Elder and C.K. Chou, as well as the 2001 article Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment, by Jurgen Altmann from Volume 9 of Science and Global Security. However, Dr. Frey's tests concluded that the deaf could hear them. Also, the October 1998 US Patent 4877027―Hearing System mentioned that microwave hearing could be perceived by individuals regardless of their hearing ability.
3 For the most part, the DOD is now transmitting microwave hearing attacks from the second I awake until I go to sleep. These computer-generated attacks consist of basically the same phrases. They are synchronized with thought patterns, other DEW attacks, and environmental stimuli. Periodically, new phrases are used, seemingly to promote recent themes. See the Human-Computer Intelligence Network and My Experience chapters in the Appendix for more on this.