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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Other Ways That "It" Uses AI-Controlled Society
August 11, 2024

Over the years I arrived at this conclusion: Most citizen have a dual role in society. Besides their jobs, they are witting sensors & weapons of AI.

This is the biggest unwritten rule that I've encountered. Society is thoroughly infected, according to my observations.

I wrote about this in my book, Life Among AI-Controlled Citizens: Testimony of an Outsider, & elsewhere.

Sadistically badgering people at this thing's direction is considered "normal" at this point.

While terror is their prominent task, the AI has other uses for the citizens. In my case, I've noticed they are also used for the following:

Because the citizens are at the total mercy of this electronic monster, it makes sense to me that It would use them for these other objectives.

Many times I've expressed that the AI recruitment of the mass base has already happened. Therefore, I surmise It is directing society at large to do this.

My observation & communication channels are regulated. However, it appears the suppression is happening mainly in the collective cognitive realm — they are all getting the same instructions.

For years I've seen this in the macro, as well as with people around me, including relatives.

The suffocation has been relentless. I get the impression that It could keep this up indefinitely.
