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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Financial Shutdown In The Collective Cognitive Domain
May 20, 2024

My copyediting venture is not going well. It appears my efforts are being suffocated.

I noticed the same thing with other recent business endeavors.

Some individuals have offered encouragement & given me a hand; for that I'm grateful.

My attempts to showcase my service & obtain clients, by interacting with individuals & platforms, have resulted in a lack of responses, rejections, delays, & even deceit.

There have been exceptions, yet no major advances.

The message that my efforts are being thwarted is vigorously transmitted via subliminals & PsyOp (often during vicious computer agitation). Combined with these messages are recruitment gambits that are synchronized to arrive when I'm awaiting responses from prospects.

Although I'm certain that my communications are filtered & substituted, I figure this obstruction is happening primarily in what I call the collective cognitive domain. This pertains to my theory that most citizens are consciously taking orders from AI. In my case, it appears they are all receiving the same broadcast — ignore & decline.

This muffling effect is not restricted to business ventures. For years I've seen it in other life areas, especially activism & dance.

I suspect this thing has been blocking financial donations for much of a decade, as part of the strict regulation of my finances.

In the activism realm it has used resistance factions to ignore & diminish my contributions. They don't have "Its" permission to properly cite or even mention my work.

I've noticed the same effect in the micro & macro; especially the people around me, including relatives.

This thing is using the population at large to nullify, hide, or even erase my contributions & achievements.

Even the bare minimum reaction is typically absent.

The metaphor I think of is tossing a pebble into a pond & seeing no ripples. It's bizarre!

Allegedly, this disruption of the feedback cycle is intended to subvert my motivation & limit the impact of my work.

It has shown the ability to efficiently uphold this suppression campaign for many years.

In summary, the society that AI is using in an attempt to execute me is also being instructed to refuse business deals that would result in my financial betterment.

For the most part, this is the protocol.

I like copyediting, so I have not dismissed it, even though it will probably not be a steady source of capital.

Despite significant interference, I'm still exploring ways to generate revenue.
