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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Area Denial in Somerville
May 20, 2017

The Multinational Force (MNF) used an area denial tactic on 05/19/17, to prevent me from accessing a secluded spot near Cambridge Street in Somerville, along the MBTA tracks.

I arrived at about 715AM to find a tent positioned in the exact area I have been using since September of 2016, when I was kicked out of the previous area, by the MBTA police.

Since that time I used this area to work, recuperate, & exercise. It was somewhat of a recess from the disease (civilization).

The last time, I used this place was on May 17th. So, this tactic was employed either the evening of the 17th after I left, or sometime on the 18th.

It's possible that it was a retaliation for the announcement I made the day before.

Over an hour later I traveled through the same area. About 1/2 mile from the spot, I found this PsyOp product in the middle of the thin path leading up to Cambridge Street.

This product was part of the homeless theme that has been described in other reports. (See: 12/27/13 & 12/02/14).

The MNF decisionmakers use this theme to mock you for being homeless. Because of the location & timing, it was also a reference to the area denial tactic that occurred earlier.

After being stalked all the way to the Somerville Public Library, I arrived to be blocked by a man with a cart exiting the entrance door.

Then I noticed this sign on the library door.

That was about 9AM. So, both places I intended to visit for the day were temporarily & permanently denied.

[Note: This is the information from yesterday's tweet.]
The Department of Defense used an area denial tactic this morning to block me from using a spot in Somerville along the MBTA tracks, that is about 1.5 miles from my sleeping area, near the BHCC station.

Here, I've been staying occasionally during the day, since September 10, 2016, when they used the MBTA police to kick me out of another place, that is along the tracks, about 1 mile away. See the 09/14/16 report @

This morning at about 715AM I arrived to find this tent in the exact area I've been staying.

I'm not sure if this is an effort to permanently kick me out. To read about other area denial tactics, please see the Area & Resource Denial list, @

For months they tried the typical acoustics with their uproarious fleet of civilian & commercial vehicles that surrounded the spot.

The recurrent noise consisted of a rotation of engine revving, horns, sirens, & vehicles with booming exhausts that were obviously modified.

The ground-based nodes were supported by commotion from low-flying aircraft & the commuter rail train that would sometimes beep when it was aligned with my location.

Despite the acoustic violence, the area was still a rest from the brain-linked circus animals that attack me in public.