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Available Books

New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Intrusion & Sabotage At New Living Quarters
December 04, 2024

On Sunday I finished moving most of my items to the new spot, that's about 1/4 mile from the one I was recently evicted from.

Unfortunately, the intrusions & sabotage have followed me.

Last night (the first night I slept at the new spot) at about 10PM I heard something that sounded like a person hooting like an owl near my tent.

I woke up to find the tent zipper partially undone; I made sure it was zipped to the bottom before I went to sleep.

At about 745AM while making coffee I noticed the panel to the twig stove was dislodged. This is not something that I would have inadvertently done; it requires precision manipulation to remove a panel.

This is a blatant eviction message.

Most of Tuesday was devoted to building a new winter sleeping platform, that required lugging rocks & logs.

I'm glad this eviction happened sooner than later, because that's less time & energy that I would have wasted getting established.

Because the infringements have followed me a quarter of a mile, I'll have to find another place, far away from this zone.

Finding a new spot is exhausting. It may take a month; I hope not much longer.

While scouting potential areas I anticipate being hounded by citizens wearing black; some will have dogs to amplify the terror. This occurred elsewhere — they stare at me while holding their cell phones to their heads; allegedly to deter me from accessing certain zones. Their dogs have barked, lunged, jumped on, & encircled me. This morning after leaving camp, there were several instances of citizens with dogs converging on me; the animals lunged toward me while barking. There were two helicopter visitations; one at camp & another on the trail. Besides that, while on my way to my mother's apartment noise erupted from construction & landscaping projects. Citizens dressed in black showed up at corners. They were slamming vehicle doors while I was aligned with them.

I can stay at my mother's apartment for a few days, intermittently. However, there are restrictions on the number of days that guests can stay.

I'll have to return to the current spot & put up with the intrusions until I find a new place.

Updates will be posted as the situation progresses.
