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Update: December 09, 2024
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Available Books
New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control
Dedication & Thanks
Volume I: Current Political Situation
- Overview
- Introduction
- Revolution in Warfare
- The Other World
- Dictatorship Creation
- The Groups Facilitating the Revolution
- Their Goal is Neo-Feudalism
- Problem-Reaction-Solution
- Volume I Commentary
Volume II: The New War
- The New War
- The New Enemy
- Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties
- The Investigation
- Surveillance Technology and Methods
- Mind-Reading
- Volume II Commentary
Volume III: Weapons of The New War
- Introduction to Nonlethal Weapons
- Psychological Operations
- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons
- High-Powered Microwaves
- High-Powered Lasers
- Sonic Weapons
- Computer Network Operations
- Microwave Hearing
- Silent Subliminals
- Use of Citizen Informants
- Chemical and Biological
- Weather Warfare
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
- Volume III Commentary
Volume IV: The Coverup
- Volume IV Introduction
- Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- Control of the Medical Industry
- Another Look at Schizophrenia
- Political Considerations
- Punitive Psychiatry in Communist Russia
- Coverup Initiatives
- Volume IV Commentary
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of PsyOp
- Small-Scale Wars
- Nongovernmental Organizations
- Human-Computer Intelligence Network
- Electronic Tyranny
- Other Devices Connected to the GIG
- My Experience
- Sources
Other Sites
I abandoned the Global Information Grid project. Although I will still post street-level documentaries, I will report on the current Holocene Extinction, that was deliberately caused with staged environmental catastrophes & geoengineering.
If you Google "Fukushima Inside Job" or "BP Oil Spill Inside Job" you will get independent reports that these events are staged for political & financial motives.
I think there is another reason.
My premise is that the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, & their allies, are terraforming Earth at the direction of negative aliens.
They are ruining the planet to make it uninhabitable for its native lifeforms.
I'm not the first one to recognize this.
These crimes against Earth & humanity are only the more obvious examples, with signs of calculated sabotage. As I continue to uncover this, I'll probably find evidence that verifies what I already know—They have been polluting Earth's natural resources for decades.
They use human institutions to carry out the attacks, that are attributed to accidents. Their scientists & environmental groups are covering-up the damage, & blaming it on regular human activity.
The media is not sufficiently covering the extinction. When it does, we are told that it is anthropogenic-induced. Although humans are recklessly polluting this planet, the damage they cause pales compared to the
Humans are not the central cause of this extinction, in my opinion.
Although I omitted the ET factor in my 2014 book, Geoengineering: Planetary Sabotage & Human Extermination, I provided evidence that Earth was under attack by the ruling psychopaths, who prompted The 6th Great Mass Extinction.
This alien/satanic/freemasonic/psychopathic entity uses front groups to further its genocidal/ecocidal agenda, including: The Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, & big tax-exempt foundations, that are interlocked at the top with high-level satanic cults, such as Bohemian Grove & The Order of Skull & Bones. Their control reaches down to local civic organizations.
The mostly unwitting people forming the outer-spheres of these groups perform virtuous deeds that are designedly high-profile for public show. They are used by the steering crew as an organizational mask to obscure the group's true purpose. Always the lie; the mask hiding the disease.
The inner-core members of these groups are psychopaths with
They hate the human race & absolutely despise this planet, that is a living sentient creature.
Here are some of their crimes against humanity that are obvious to anyone who sees through the facade:
- They infiltrated the public schools & installed brainwashing programs under a variety of innocent labels. The psychological poison & antipsychotics are causing the school shootings. See, Invisible Eugenics: How the Medical System and Public Schools are Killing Your Children.
- For a half a century they've been dumping toxic waste (fluoride) into the public water supply, that is proven to lower intelligence.
- They have taken a compound approach to cut off our food supply. With geoengineering & HAARP they inflict drought. The toxic chemical & biological particulates from the fallout contaminate the air, water, & soil. The GMOs are biological weapons.
- Their poisoning of the food supply is meticulous, right down to the baby formula that is tainted with fluoride, as well as lead & arsenic.
- They are using weather warfare to destabilize resistant nations.
- They are staging environmental catastrophes to ruin Earth's natural resources. These include the never-ending oil spills, chemical explosions, & nuclear incidents.
- Geoengineering was never about "saving" Earth from global warming; it was always about destroying it. See, Geoengineering: Planetary Sabotage & Human Extermination.
- Vaccines are definitely softkill chemical & biological weapons. The psychopaths consider them a critical part of their eugenic armory, because the onset of severe disease is usually delayed, giving them plausible deniability during global vaccination (extermination) campaigns. See, Invisible Eugenics: How the Medical System and Public Schools are Killing Your Children.
- They relentlessly attack the offspring of their primary enemy—human children. They accomplish this using their "humanitarian" front groups, such as the freemasonic Rotary Club, that is a eugenic organization disguised as a civic group. The directing faction of the Rotary Club is knowingly murdering children by the millions with vaccines.
- They commissioned the psychiatrists to create fake brain disorders to profit from slowly killing people with softkill chemical weapons (antipsychotics).
This is major medical fraud! Their "patient advocacy" groups, & organized psychiatry are on the front-line in their war against humanity, sickening countless numbers of children. See, Invisible Eugenics: How the Medical System and Public Schools are Killing Your Children. - They orchestrate major terrorist attacks all over the world using Mossad & the CIA.
- They started most wars for at least the last century.
- They seized Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, then dragged the Russian people through decades of famine & terror.
- They created the New World War to neutralize high-vibrational people who can effectively resist the invasion.
All of these issues are part of the same negative alien scheme. They use human institutions to suppress & murder the human race.