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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Bowels Are Functioning Normally
August 14, 2023

My bowels have been functioning normally since late February of this year. Since then I've been able to make natural bowel movements routinely.

I implemented the suggestions of the MGH. Around the same time I noticed a decrease in directed-energy attack to my intestine. So I don't know for sure how this happened.

Yet, currently I do not need to take enemas or laxatives.

Even though there are reddish swirls (presumably blood) in some of my stool I have no trouble making movements. There is usually little or no bloating.

After nearly 14 years of enemas I can finally go to the bathroom normally on a regular basis.

Taking enemas during this period was often brutal. Some examples of this appear below:

Having an enema dependency also slowed me down & complicated my living situation. I would need to account for this injury when selecting places to live. It was also time-consuming. On some days it would take nearly 2 hours (determined by environment & number of enemas required). For instance, taking enemas outdoors during the winter took a long time because of the preparations; I'd have to heat the water & de-freeze the enema bag.

Although this one element of a multi-pronged torture campaign has been suspended, there are still instances of chronic dull pain to my mid torso, & all of the other attacks persist.

I now have more time & I've been released form a burdensome medical condition.
