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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Emergency Room Visit to Massachusetts General Hospital
February 28, 2023

On February 24, 2023 I visited the emergency room at the Massachusetts General Hospital from 6AM to 11AM for a medical injury that had recently worsened.

Interagency communication regarding this event started early in the morning at my mother's apartment. There, another relative staying with my mother was used by AI to transmit messages to me about this medical condition.

The name of the Lyft driver who brought me to the ER was Collin (interpreted, "colon"). This PsyOp continued into the emergency room at the hospital, & then back at the apartment among relatives.

PsyOp audio, visual, & audiovisual products were continually dispensed into the environment at the MGH. Dispersal channels included: medical staff, patients wearing black in the waiting rooms, & TV. Explosions of noise followed me all around the ER. I was crouched over in pain much of the time due to directed-energy attack to my mid torso.

They did some bloodwork & ran a CT. I was told they found no lesions or foreign matter in my colon. My bloodwork is fine.

I canceled the appointment with a gastro specialist that the MGH made because I figure it would have been a rerun of what happened in 2009. Even though I don't think there's much else they can do I may consult with a specialist in the future.

My colon has been hit with directed-energy for over a decade. While I'm under constant attack, the default target is my intestine area. There is a sore region across my abdomen that I suspect is where the blockage is. Maybe it's inflamed, & that's the cause. I think nano/biotech is a factor because they have shown the ability to shut down my colon at will.

The MGH gave me a pamphlet with suggestions that reduced the severity of the condition. I've been taking two different laxatives & have been able to move some waste out my system. About a day after taking them I noticed some bowel movement. While my colon is still bloated I don't think the situation is life-threatening anymore.

From the moment I walked in until I left the medical staff at the MGH were absolutely terrific. Every person I interacted with was kind, from the receptionist at the desk, to the nurse who guided me out of the emergency room.

They were totally professional & caring.
