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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Release of Documentary on Ecological Warfare
June 04, 2022

The title of the documentary is, Clandestine Ecological Warfare & the Government/Corporate Agenda To Crash the Biosphere: A Catalog of Evidence.

There are 22 chapters (videos).

I will start posting chapters within a month; all should be up by the end of August.

I call it a 'catalog' because I saved the references (over 2,500 of them) in directories contained in a zip file. The zip file, that will be available for download, is almost 4.5 gigabytes.

The zip file will also have a bibliography & table of contents. In the future I may create an ebook from the transcript.

My premise is that most of the big industrial disasters were ecological attacks, & that industrial infrastructure has been converted into compound weapons systems.

Countless people are now being hit with these weapons that are located in civilian settings.

The BP & Fukushima disasters were only the tip of a colossal iceberg.

This is an incredibly important issue!

I'll explain in detail the attack patterns that I've noticed.

A sketch of the invasion protocol will also be included.

I'll mention the people who control the extractive/energy corporations (war machines) & financial institutions that fund them.

There will be a chapter on some of the primary industrial corporations that are being used as instruments of war for global A2/AD & softkill.

I'll hypothesize why they are destroying the biosphere.

Two chapters will be devoted to explaining how regulators & politicians serve the ecocidal criminals.

They are using the host nation's police & military to help them install the weapons systems.

The leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) & Department of Justice (DOJ) know about this program, & are protecting the affluent mass murderers.

Other government factions that are suspected of allowing & concealing these offenses will be mentioned.

After all chapters are posted on YouTube (& possibly Vimeo) I will send group messages to those who presumably have an interest in this subject, including:

I realize that some of the people who receive my message have been allowing & covering up the attacks.

Group messages will be sent to some individual activists & small media outlets that I hope will mention this exact issue.

thank you,
