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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


Computer Disruption
April 25, 2022

The documentary on the planned takedown of Earth's biosphere with industrial pollution is taking longer than expected.

The project required more work than I thought.

For months I've been focusing on it & have reduced the amount of time devoted to other activities.

I'm hoping to complete it by August.

There has been aggressive targeting of both my laptop PC & Android.

These devices are plagued with chronic peripheral interference, & malfunction on the internet, operating system, & application levels.

Here's a summary of what's happening:

Every time I use one of these computers it's a battle.

In addition to unceasing OS & application disruption, project video, audio, & text files are being routinely sabotaged. It takes time to redo corrupted clips & repair the damage.

An AI program appears to be orchestrating this chaos. I surmise it has either been placed on these devices or there is a persistent wireless link to a non-local program.

Some of the workarounds that I establish for the features that have been temporarily disabled are eventually blocked. This thing is adjusting its attacks based on my behavior.

The AI that is running the computer disruption has the personality of a demented child. This psychopathic mind frequently communicates with me by way of misspellings & online PsyOp visual products. I'm regularly mocked & threatened through these channels. It's the same mind that is in direct control of the citizens who attack me.

This is the worst computer sabotage that I've seen.
