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New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


December 29, 2018

I started visiting the Malden Public Library on December 27, 2018. While leaving the building on that day at about 1PM I was physically attacked in the hallway. A child about 5 years old wearing a black coat collided with me while running. After exiting, I turned around to see that all 7 people lingering in front of the library were wearing &/or carrying black.

Two commercial vans in front of the building dispensed PsyOp visual products. There were no construction projects in or around the library. The route that I take from Oakdale Park to the library is also clear of construction/maintenance projects, even though I'm swarmed the entire way.
