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Available Books

New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control

Dedication & Thanks

Volume I: Current Political Situation

Volume II: The New War

Volume III: Weapons of The New War

Volume IV: The Coverup


December 09, 2016

Hello All,

I've been recording documentaries on the street-level attacks for about one week. Since that time, they've used the police twice to deter me. One on December 7th, & the other a day later on December 8th.

On the afternoon of December 7th I was filming the brain-linked swarmers in Charlestown. Their attacks included: NLP techniques to induce negative emotions; hostile comments & insults; audible noise; synchronized pulses of nodes (people on foot & vehicles) to crowd me; & fear-potentiated startles (FPS) by citizens on foot, bikes, & vehicles, who threatened to collide with me.

Two officers in a Boston Police car questioned me on Main Street. They asked if I was OK, implying that I might be mentally ill. They said they received a complaint that I was video recording children. Basically, they told me to stop. They were professional in their approach.

The next occurred yesterday afternoon on Cambridge Street, somewhere around Berkshire Street. I started recording the attacks near First Street.

While walking down Cambridge Street, through the area of operation (AO), I noted: people on foot & bikes, as well as vehicles, that quickly converged on me, to generate a fear-potentiated startle (FPS); blitzes (citizens on foot who literally threatened to run into me) intending to cause an FPS; acoustic warfare (audible noise that was synchronize with swarm pulses); NLP triggers that the swarmers exhibited, which served as their uniform, & were intended to evoke negative emotions.

When I reached the Berkshire area of Cambridge Street, 2 SUV-type Cambridge Police vehicles appeared in front of me. I was questioned for about 25 minutes or so. There was one officer who did most of the questioning. None of them were disrespectful. He told me that it was not illegal to record. However, he said that the people who I recorded on one corner complained that I was recording children. They took my license, ran a check, & eventually said I was OK to leave. Even though he said it was not illegal to record in public, it was basically communicated to me that I should stop.

The NLP anchor at the time before the officers arrived, (that functioned as a unification symbol for the warfighters/stalkers & was intended to incite negative emotions), was black. I recorded these attacks for about 10 minutes before the officers pulled me aside. When they said I could go, I removed the android device from the camcorder stand, & made no further recordings. I walked back down Cambridge street, toward First Street. During that time, I was surrounded by brain-linked citizens dressed in black crowding me, making noise, & nearly hitting me. This occurred from the moment I left that part of Cambridge Street, until I arrived in Charlestown.

Basically, the decision-makers directing the obedient electronically-leashed citizens who called the police, are trying to link my efforts to expose this part of the system, with harming children.

That is a desperate tactic!

Obviously it is done to prevent me from revealing the civil-military force, that has been attacking people on the neighborhood level, with nearly complete impunity, for 100 years.
