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Update: December 09, 2024
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Available Books
New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control
Dedication & Thanks
Volume I: Current Political Situation
- Overview
- Introduction
- Revolution in Warfare
- The Other World
- Dictatorship Creation
- The Groups Facilitating the Revolution
- Their Goal is Neo-Feudalism
- Problem-Reaction-Solution
- Volume I Commentary
Volume II: The New War
- The New War
- The New Enemy
- Initiatives to Remove Civil Liberties
- The Investigation
- Surveillance Technology and Methods
- Mind-Reading
- Volume II Commentary
Volume III: Weapons of The New War
- Introduction to Nonlethal Weapons
- Psychological Operations
- Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons
- High-Powered Microwaves
- High-Powered Lasers
- Sonic Weapons
- Computer Network Operations
- Microwave Hearing
- Silent Subliminals
- Use of Citizen Informants
- Chemical and Biological
- Weather Warfare
- Miscellaneous Weapons and Tactics
- Volume III Commentary
Volume IV: The Coverup
- Volume IV Introduction
- Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
- Control of the Medical Industry
- Another Look at Schizophrenia
- Political Considerations
- Punitive Psychiatry in Communist Russia
- Coverup Initiatives
- Volume IV Commentary
- Conclusion
- A Brief History of PsyOp
- Small-Scale Wars
- Nongovernmental Organizations
- Human-Computer Intelligence Network
- Electronic Tyranny
- Other Devices Connected to the GIG
- My Experience
- Sources
Other Sites
The book New World War is complete. When I am financially able to I'll have it edited & published for distribution in hardcopy form. This may be a while. For now I'll begin the next one.
I've factored in the interagency's computer network operations (CNO), blocking/denial tactics, & other difficulties they'll be creating regarding my living situation, which places the completion time for the next book in early 2014. Already, files containing about 8 months worth of research are missing.
It looks as though I'll be leaving here within a month. I'm grateful to have been able to stay. I'm currently looking for an arrangement where I can give about 20 hours of work per week in exchange for living space so I can continue my studies. I'm also looking into some farming opportunities in New England.
All of the regular directed-energy & PsyOp attacks continue. I'm viciously stalked & harassed every place I go. My entire environment--from my personal livingspace that is constantly psychologically prepared to attack me with PsyOp products, to the neighborhood outside--is a warzone.
Thank You,